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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. Two issues I'm having. I'm sure I have some deprecated file somewhere. Glory is not being looted anymore. I once had this working, but now I'm not sure why it doesn't work anymore. All units have a little Glory as loot when they die. Not working. Wonder of the Ages aura does not work to increase the pop cap anymore. When you build or capture a Wonder, it's supposed to raise your pop cap by 10%.
  2. Attempting a Technologies table as well. Not every technology, mind. Just important/unique ones. http://delendaest.wikia.com/wiki/Principate_Romans#Technologies
  3. @sphyrth, is this what you're looking for? http://delendaest.wikia.com/wiki/Principate_Romans
  4. also, whether the resource can be bartered, traded, tributed; true/false.
  5. I'd use the Zebu as a base, not the muskox, imho.
  6. Yeah, the in-world tooltips look annoying. I don't mind in-world tooltips, but only in certain circumstances. UI tooltips are good and useful though.
  7. Nice! I'd say, given that this is a relatively rare building, use more horses in the packed state.
  8. Yeah, it would be great to see your commentary about the Imperial Romans, aka Principate Romans.
  9. You should try making overviews for the new Delenda Est civs.
  10. haha No need to apologize. But I have noticed the cursor bug in very many other videos from other casters, so it isn't just you.
  11. Many videos seem to have trouble with the cursor positioning on the video capture. Is that a video capture program problem or a 0 A.D. problem?
  12. Please give a summary. Which part do you find overpowered
  13. A civ argument to be awesome for mods. Put in main game plox.
  14. A Royal Baths tech would be groovy. In DE there's a Public Baths tech which adds +5% health to all organic units. What if Royal Baths adds health for all heroes and Fortress champions. (Temple champs are boosted by fanatical techs each).
  15. These aren't finalized by any means, just showing some texture variation so far. One easy way to show ethnicity would be to give the Nubians the ochre hair and the Meroites black hair. Swordsman+Pikeman = Meroitic. Archer and Spearman = Nubian. Leave the leopard print stuff to the Nubians and go linen for the Meroites?
  16. I think gaia sheep should be visible like any other animal, but player-owned sheep shouldn't. Is that what you mean?
  17. Wasn't there a recent commit to SVN that allowed just this? Or am I misremembering?
  18. Something mixing ideas from Game of Thrones, Warcraft, and Conan would be awesome. As some have said, a lot of the Conan mythos may be in the public domain.
  19. I'll take this opp to plug another idea of mine for the core game, which is also applicable to unit management and mods and how units handle, etc.: In addition to vision range, units need "aggression range." Aggression range is dictated by the unit stance. Aggressive, Defensive, or Stand Ground, and is a percentage of vision range, so they are related. Aggressive Stance: Attacks any enemy within 90% of vision range. Stops chasing when enemy outside this range. Some berserker units, like Thracian Black Cloaks for instance, can be capped to this stance. Defensive Stance. Attacks any enemy within 50% of vision range. Stops chasing when enemy outside this range. Stand Ground: Only attacks enemies who attack him. Never chases any enemy. Useful for scouts. Defensive is DEFAULT stance. The benefits to unit management would be great, IMHO. Coupled with battalions and battalion formations, charging, etc., and now you can imagine a coherent combat mechanic that works very well. I know it's off topic. Sorry.
  20. I think a lay-person would think so about Sparta, but that's almost a 180 from the reality: Sparta was a very very conservative, agrarian society. The city of Sparta itself was average in size at best. It's hard to even call Sparta a unified city, when in actually it was a collection of smaller villages which banded together to make a polis. Think of Rome in its very early period, where a village stood on each of its hills and only later unified into one polity. Same with Sparta. Most of its diplomacy with other Greek states involved efforts in maintaining the status quo or by building defensive alliances. During most of the Peloponnesian Wars against Athens, Sparta espoused a defensive strategy, while Athens used a hybrid defensive/hit and run strategy, with wildly aggressive risky campaigns against Sparta's allies which usually ended in disaster for Athens, lol. True, Sparta would besiege the city of Athens every Summer with a force of hoplites, but this force was always too small to actually take the city itself. They never actually attacked the city's defenses and instead burnt crops and farms around Attica. At one point, Sparta built a fortress at a port in Attica. To attack Athens' shipping lanes? Nah, to suck away Athens' slave population. Sparta was very passive-aggressive whenever they went "aggressive." The largest hoplite battle of the war was a strategically defensive measure on Sparta's part and another wildly aggressive move by Athens and her allies. As hinted at previously, this ended in disaster for Athens. lol Sparta hated venturing out of the Peloponnese. During the Greco-Persian War, it took a large amount of haranguing from other city-states to get Sparta to move North and attack the Persians at Plataea. As an example, Athens had to threaten to move its entire population to Magna Grecia in Italy and found a new city if the Spartans didn't @#$%ing get off their asses and assist the Greek alliance. Yeah, Sparta should be this oddly defensive, agrarian civ. I say oddly, because it didn't have a city wall into well into its decline. I think a usurper actually built the first city wall in Sparta. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. At any rate, it was into the Macedonian Age before Sparta built its own walls and that was only because its system of defensive alliances had crumbled and its military system was in shambles. So, yeah, in the game the Spartans should have no walls and somehow have super strong soldiers but only defensively. Hard to emulate this in the game with the current mechanics. I could see Sparta getting a super-uber bonus when fighting in its native territory, maybe easiest to implement with building areas, but getting maybe a slight nerf when fighting in enemy territory. So, in a team match, the Sparta player would play defense, and then provide the extra manpower in a crucially-timed team-based push.
  21. He has an excellent commentary. Shame about the production value though. Makes the game look super ugly.
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