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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I would like to see some new Female Citizen textures as well.
  2. I feel like the classes "gatherer" and/or "worker" should be included by default, really. But for DE, I think I will make it cycle through idle "Support" classes. Thank you for that suggestion.
  3. I play the mod at 1.25x speed and have designed things around that speed. Maybe try that out and see what you think.
  4. Maybe adapt the Byzantines for the Eastern Romans and the Anglo-Saxons for the Germanians. fixed
  5. I think it was done for "performance" reasons, even though it's trivial to render a decal to the terrain grid, and you usually don't select more than a few buildings at a time.
  6. When I say quads, I didn't mean squares, I meant that it renders the texture to a quad, therefore does not hug the ground correctly like a decal does.
  7. I'd rotate the temple mesh so the player can see the more interesting side by default. Lol Also I haven't looked recently but is the Byz wonder still twice the size if every other wonder in the game?
  8. The only way I found to make the nice fancy aura graphic work was to use the footprint code, which only uses quads. It also creates other problems such as ungarrisoning and hit box size.
  9. I will take out all the nice looking aura graphics for next release. Core game requires really boring circles instead.
  10. There is a large demand for RTS games. But due to studio and publisher consolidation this demand just isn't large enough for the investors. They all want the next 20 million console seller and all the merchandising and licensing that goes along with that.
  11. 1. This is only an issue after you first build the dropsite. After the resources start coming in, it averages out. 2. Did this to reduce pathfinding a little bit. Also, units spend more time harvesting and less time shuttling. This, in the end, is way more efficient all-around, which is why the wheelbarrow techs are pretty useful to grab. FeldFeld addressed this pretty good: It is 110% intentional that you will start with just enough resources to have to choose between building 2 out of the 3 military buildings. Then once you start teching up your eco in Phase 2 the costs become much less of an issue. It is also 110% intentional to slow down P1. Citizens are mediocre gatherers so P1 feels a lot like an Age of Empires game. Later on, you can start training Slaves, who are excellent gatherers, so you can get a rockin eco going and start training huge armies if the match lasts past, say, 20 minutes or so. You don't need the Soldiers to build stuff, merely to place the foundations. Citizens are perfectly capable of building the building once the foundation is laid. Soldiers are just more capable than in a typical RTS. But your last part is baffling, since Vanilla 0 A.D. makes it even more distracting since your soldiers in Vanilla are a necessary component of your eco, while in DE they are not. I don't think it's dumb. It's unintuitive right now because I lack the skills to mod the game properly to make it obvious to the player. I like the idea of simply restricting the placement of farms altogether, which is already possible without modding the game code. It's simpler, if more restrictive. I'll probably just do that for the repackage. Yeah, there are ways to make them packable. I'm going to check the Siege Mod to see if he does anything interesting here. Also, I hear you about the range. I had in mind much different roles for the Catapults vs. the Bolt Shooters. Bolt Shooters are supposed to be the packable siege unit that you can garrison on walls, towers, fortresses, and warships to add a nice ranged defensive punch against attackers, while Catapults are those that you build in the field to take down enemy buildings and defenses. I haven't worked much on the concept since packing/unpacking things while VisibleGarrisoned throws errors I can't fix and I had focused on other things besides fixing the field catapult packing. Either you're misstating something here or are confused. You don't have to upgrade anything to build a 2nd Statue. You build them, right after another. I had to do this in order to make the progressive cost aura work. Foundations can't add to the cost, only completed buildings. Auras simply are (rightly) built to work that way, it's just the only way I figured out to make the progressive cost work was with auras. I suppose auto-research techs could work, but can't be undone if a Statue is destroyed. With auras its dynamic. What do?
  12. I was thinking of keeping up the food cost of citizen-soldier units, but reducing their wood/stone/metal costs by about 25%, yeah. Make them a bit trashier in basic stats, but also give the Rank Upgrade techs to more civs (see DE's Kushites for an example). War Elephants +5s train time, +1 pop. I might boost the elephant upgrade effects, but move them one phase later to keep the eles competitive in extreme late-game. Siege Weapons +1 pop. Bolt Shooters +7s train time, +20w cost. Stone Throwers +5s train time. Has anyone used the new "stationary" Catapults? All soldiers +2 crush armor. All melee units vision range matched to ranged units' vision range of the same classes. Maybe help eliminate the frustration felt by some folks. Vision ranges are still 40% less than vanilla. Why do I do this? It helps make the world feel "larger" and maps bigger. Scouting is more important. Also, it helps players keep control of their units. Increased the Phase 1 Scout Cav limit from 2 to 5 to help players hunt more and get to that 1000f threshold. -------------------------------- One thing players need to keep in mind is that you need to use more pop gathering food than you did before in vanilla. Also, placement of farms is very important. You can't just plop farms around your CC and call it a day. I wanted to make food the very important resource that it was in antiquity. Probably 75% of the population was involved in food production in ancient times and I wanted to bend the pop curve in the game back toward that most important resource. That's also why Phase 2 costs 1000f, to make the player set up a good food economy early. A wish list item I have would be to allow techs to increase training/building limits. Right now, Player.xml is not flexible in this regard, at least as far as I can tell. So, for instance, in Phase 1, you can train maybe 10 mercs per camp -> Phase 2, 20 mercs -> Phase 3, 30 mercs -> Phase 4, 40 mercs. No way to do this currently as far as I know.
  13. I initially was trying to emulate AOK's siege warfare where a bunch of Siege Onagers could mow down enemy archers and skirmishers if they weren't careful. Difference is in AOK it's easy to mass cheap trash units, while in 0 A.D. it isn't. I might play with this more.
  14. This was a relic from when I had male and female citizens and slaves, where female gatherers were boosted at food gathering. I'll fix.
  15. Ima repackage the mod in a couple days. It has about 150 additions and changes, most of which no one will notice. But notably, mercenaries are a little more expensive, the actor errors are all fixed, missing textures are fixed, and some textures added. I might fix the Kiushite blacksmith techs and do a couple more other things before repackaging.
  16. Hmm. Any number of mods could use it. I might just take visible garrisoning out if not.
  17. There is a patch to make this not happen: VisibleGarrisonClasses. But I think it's currently deprecated. I hope it makes it into A24.
  18. Some of these bugs and errors are problems with the core game that DE just happens to help bring to light, unintentionally. lol Most of them aren't though. Yeah, that's an easy one. I'll add that to the list. Farm on the farmlands. This is a 100% boost on this terrain! Would you suggest a bit of a nerf? Train time, cost, or any combo? I intend for mercs to be important, but not game-breaking important. One of the issues is, I would like the ability to mod the starting resources, where the player would likely start with something like 500F, 500W, 300S, 200M, 200G, instead of 500 everything (scale it up and down from there). I'm thinking of going the Age of Mythology route and giving every civ 4 free wooden towers at the start of the skirm match. Just an idea I'm toying with. This is kind of a problem with the core game, DE just magnifies it. I would really like a "Vision" range and an "Aggression" range tied to a (reduced number of) stances for units, so I can boost up vision range a bit without units berserking everywhere like in core game. Also, other games have smaller vision range than core game 0 A.D. and what you're talking about occurs. I just think you're used to core 0 A.D.'s massive vision ranges. Consequently, you're used to the units just attacking attacking attacking without much input. I dunno, it's a different style of play, not necessarily a bug. What do you think? Yeah, that's a consequence of me using the Footprint code to make that pretty aura texture show up. Ungarrison position is dictated by the size of the footprint, rather than the size of the obstruction. Unless (ideally) the aura visualization code is extended in core game, or ungarrisoning switched to obstruction instead of footprint, I might have to drop the pretty aura textures because of the issue you highlight there. Bug in core game you uncovered. I don't think this is a DE problem.
  19. I am planning on making some fixes and re-releasing the mod for Alpha 23. It'll be version, and will fix some annoying bugs and errors everyone is experiencing.
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