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Everything posted by wowgetoffyourcellphone

  1. I've seen some updates at their github repo recently, so work making it compatible is occurring, yes.
  2. Right. A masonry/stone platform would be good underneath. The Athenian wonder needs one too (Parthenon), as it currently floats over hills.
  3. Yes, the first post is a good reference for structures @MrLux. The mod also needs new head models:
  4. Correct. Those are "Norse" buildings from Millennium AD that I have commandeered to use in Delenda Est as stand-ins for Suebian buildings. They look nice and are good for now until someone wants to make custom models for the Germans. They can definitely serve as inspiration.
  5. Currently, the Suebian buildings use these textures from Millennium AD: structural/norse_struct.png structural/norse_roof_b.png But if you want to you can make a new custom one (preferred).
  6. I don't see how extending it to all support units is a nerf, when before all you'd be able to see is the position of some trade routes and whatever the trader happened to be walking by. At least if you extend it to all support units you could see the position of his key mining operation or something to that effect (in DE, bribery is possible for all Support units and Citizen Soldiers). You can use bribery multiple times as long as you can afford it and get multiple bribed units feeding you vision. It's not supposed to be some big game changing effect. Just possibly give you some actionable intel. If the first bribe doesn't give you much, bribe again. Maybe it's currently too expensive for that, and cost needs looked at in conjunction.
  7. The current bribe method is supposed to be a bit risky. Sometimes you get actionable intel, sometimes you don't. EDIT: Right now, the downside is too likely. That's why I proposed to extend bribery to more unit classes, to increase the likelihood of actionable intel.
  8. I think this one would only happen once, when a Scouting unit has first seen the enemy after X minutes. It wouldn't happen constantly. The Wonder notification would be for Wonder victory games and/or if Wonders are made more integral to the game as discussed in the other thread. I think if Wonders become more of a big dealâ„¢, then the notification would help add some drama to the proceedings. I like these ideas. Allied notifications would be nice. These are good. Especially since they can only be trained once, this means their training and deaths are more important events. Not sure about the mine depletion notifs though, unless individual mines are made more important (as I have proposed before).
  9. Right. In my choice idea whatever you choose happens immediately so that it can have immediate effects on the match once the player acts.
  10. I agree. Similar to the hero star highlighting slightly when hovering over the hero. I think the Target Highlight could be 50% as strong as the Target Flash. Sound about right?
  11. I'd say a "standard" bonus or effect for all Wonders (because as a "class" of structure they collectively mean something special), and then a "unique" bonus or effect for each civ. Perhaps building a Wonder and clicking the special tech button launches a choice UI (similar to Delenda Est's hero choice dialogue or Age of Mythology's minor god UI) that the player can now choose their bonus. So, all Wonders = +10% to pop cap (or whatever), then if you click the special tech button in the Wonder UI you get a popup with these choices: Carthage = Choose Triple Walls bonus (all existing Stone Walls--except gates--+300% health) or unlock Xanthippus of Sparta hero that benefits mercenaries greatly. Athenians = Choose "Delian League" bonus, whatever that is, or "Iphicratean Reforms" whatever that is. et al. Point is, you get some choice and this choice is done in a special way that no other choice in the game is presented.
  12. Could a "Wonder Victory" be part of the default winning strategy? Just make it take a long time to achieve victory (10 minutes? 15 minutes?). Kind of a stalemate breaker.
  13. C: Keep as is, just expand bribable units to all support units, not just traders Only 3 "bribes" can be active at a time
  14. Indeed. The entire point of a Wonder is that it is the pinnacle of that civ's achievement.
  15. Seems pretty OP to me. Bribing individual units seems just fine to me, as long as it's expanded to more classes of units.
  16. No, bribing only affects Traders, currently. template_unit_support_trader.xml: <VisibleClasses datatype="tokens">Trader Bribable</VisibleClasses>
  17. I feel like the game could use more event notifications. Possible options: "Enemy sighted!" includes a minimap flare "{playerName} has started building a Wonder." "{playerName} has finished building a Wonder!" Any other possibilities?
  18. Honestly, Bribing units should be extended to all Support units, not just Traders. Bribing only traders seemed useless or not cost effective to me. Very limiting. There's better ways of limiting bribes, for instance maybe only 3 bribes can be active at any time. You gotta do better than that. Go into details of why you think this is true?
  19. Part of that is because maps are not properly designed, honestly. Also, trees blocking /everything/. It can be easily accomplished to make trees not block building foundations or the foundations of Wonders.
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