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wowgetoffyourcellphone last won the day on December 29

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  1. The Seleucid militia cavalry still uses the Achaemenid Median Cavalry icon. Minor edit, or for the next alpha?
    Not wanting to necropost the thread of improving the hero portraits just yet: what of Chandragupta the last to have yet a portrait... either @m7600 or @kul could put the last jigsaw piece, and maybe add one for Maharbal to replace LordGood's watercolor.
    Finally, suggesting that the lacey border of the Han minister's icon be removed as it's a remnant of your mod and none of the hero icons in the main game has one.

    1. wowgetoffyourcellphone


      I have several fixes locally, including the Seleucid militia cav one. 

      The Han minister, I kept it because he's not a hero or a standard unit, but special. I might end up removing the lace border regardless.

      Unfortunately, I think a lot of my local art fixes will have to wait for A27. I'll commit them the moment after A26 goes live though.


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