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Everything posted by Trinketos

  1. That’s was what age of empires do with AOE3 and the mexicans dlc
  2. Es que vulkan es más moderno.
  3. Speaking of pbr this program can work in convert the textures to pbr http://www.boundingboxsoftware.com/materialize/index.php I put it in case is need for the pbr.
  4. What about a forest brush. is realy painfull to make forest in atlas.
  5. lol, i have the same idea for the incas
  6. madres son un monton y se ven bien hechos. ¿Tienen Animaciones?
  7. Wachdogs, Repetitive gameplay in some parts and a lot of icons that confuse me
  8. Now we need the other spices of parrots xd.
  9. "Aztecs",Mayans and Incas are some in mods xd. A mi se me ocurrió hace tiempo de hacer a los andaluces y a Castilla o Aragón en Milenium AD, pero no tenia tiempo de investigar sobre ellos.
  10. ¿Enserio? vrg y yo perdiendo el tiempo haciendo mods para otros juegos xd.
  11. a new dlc Italians and Maltese Tycoon Mode(A city building mod) and 30 european maps(Finally).
  12. We can use your mod as a base @wowgetoffyourcellphone
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