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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. I do think farms should essentially just be terrain. The other AoE games (including AoE3) do this.
  2. Yeah, I saw that too. I wasn't sure what to make of it.
  3. Alpha 3 will come out soon. Alpha 4 has some features listed, but we don't have anything "officially" planned for Alpha 5 yet.
  4. I don't think commands.txt will help much - it doesn't show anything. When you task fishing ships to gather from a living whale, they don't do anything, not even move. mainlog does have the errors though. I was able to get it to happen again. This time right at the beginning. Tasking them to try to gather from it didn't cause the error right away. I had to gather from some fish first, then do a move command. Once I get the error, I only get it once when I try to gather from the whales. To get the error again, I have to give a move command, then try to gather. back and forth move / gather gets errors for every gather attempt "ERROR: FinishOrder called when order queue is empty" - one per fishing ship per gather attempt commands.txt mainlog.html
  5. BFME style GUI test: Copy / paste these files to test. It should be simple to revert when finished. Does not require a rebuild. public.zip
  6. Yeah, getting a bit off-topic here. If you want to continue this language discussion, I'd suggest you start a new thread in General Chat.
  7. Yodaspirine, Your message translates reasonably well. Thanks for telling him about using simple sentences.
  8. Cheats are just for fun. They'll be disabled in multi-player.
  9. I think treasures should still be counted in statistics, but maybe just as "treasures collected = 3" or something.
  10. Yeah, it's not great, but you can still understand the main points. "I'm feeling Zen" - That strangely enough almost makes sense.
  11. Bonjour et bienvenue tigreblancroyal, Il s'agit d'un forum anglophone. S'il vous plaît parler anglais ou utiliser un service de traduction comme Google Translate. ================================================================== Hello and welcome tigreblancroyal, This is an English speaking forum. Please speak English or use a translating service like Google Translate.
  12. There is a basic unit AI that controls things like attacking nearby units, etc. but that is all. It can be found here on Windows: C:\0ad\binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\components\UnitAI.JS There is no player AI yet, nor any foundations for one. That all needs to be added.
  13. What if you want them to chop wood at a certain place (to build a building there, clear a path, etc.)? That happens to me a lot, and it's not always the "closest" spot. I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but it might be too much automation. We need to draw the line somewhere, and I'm not entirely sure where that line is.
  14. Actually, I was just discussing this with Philip. (The band-boxing code also has this issue, but we use the unit name rather than the template name to circumvent it. Since using the unit name is not the safest approach, we'll likely use a new XML tag to manage this.)
  15. Those discussions are better had in the Hall of Intellectuals forum.
  16. Double click for selecting all of a type on the screen and triple click for selecting all of a type on the map have already been implemented. They will appear in the next Alpha release.
  17. Thorfinn the Shallow Minded: I'm sorry that trajans_adviser is so unfriendly. Your question is absolutely fine. I don't know when more formations will be added, but it will probably be awhile. I hope you enjoy the game.
  18. While the game is not far along enough in development for ratings to make sense, a centralized server is a good idea. We wouldn't mind someone setting one up.
  19. Well, I'm sure many would say there was a "debate" on that, but oh well...
  20. Yes, but with everything, not just units. (It will be a gradual process though.)
  21. The traditional method is just what you had in Age of Empires. Michael's method has to do with a radius.
  22. By the time we get to beta, I hope we haven't exhausted the alphabet and need to start with "A" again...
  23. About the walls, I'm thinking your method would work well for territory mode and the traditional method would work well for playing without territories.
  24. I don't think all of this will make it, but here are my thoughts on some of the things. Reimplementing the Hotkey system ( http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/567 ) - Would be nice to have, but I hope it's not a really big project that would take all the development cycle. I would delay it in that case. Implementing a GUI config system (preferably in the style of the new in-game GUI, so it doesn't have to be re-designed later to fit the rest of the GUI) - Not sure what you mean by the style, since the the in-game GUI already has a settings dialog. I thought this would be the persistent options screen in the main menu which would mean that it should match the menu style and not the in-game style. Switch over to individual portraits for unit icons instead of portrait sheets. - This is important for future development Ownership Changing based on nearby units. - Would be nice. It would provide the basis for building/unit "fidelity" or "loyalty" and territories/settlements. It would be great for animals too. Also, it would provide a sort of trigger-like functionality for scenarios (get to location to claim something). Garrisoning for buildings. - Basically done by Evans, should be included. It just needs to be checked and applied. Gather auras for Mill / Farmstead - Would be nice Defensive arrows for fortress/scout towers - Would be nice Make in-game exit and delete dialogs consistent with rest of in-game theme. - Would be nice New Loading Screen. - Would be nice
  25. I think Michael (Mythos_Ruler) is currently working on something like that...
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