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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. I noticed this on IRC: 03:11 < bioinfornatics> Philip if i do shadows = false game works 03:14 < bioinfornatics> if a dev work on driver part, free radeon crash if i enable shadow When shadows are enabled and I close the game through the ingame button, it works fine. When I close it with shadows enabled by clicking the window control I get this error: (Using Nvidia drivers in Windows) Much to our regret we must report the program has encountered an error. Please let us know at http://trac.wildfiregames.com/ and attach the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files. Details: unhandled exception (Access violation reading 0x000046FC) Location: unknown:0 (?) Call stack: 69558704 695EAECF errno = 0 (?) OS error = 0 (no error code was set)
  2. I think it is good overall. Not having access to the originals has bothered me. (Performance is an issue, but I think the advantages are worth it. I'll have to get a new computer soon enough anyway). One thing I would like to see is all the icons split out to separate files instead of the icon sheets (they can be organized in folders).
  3. I'm pretty happy with the camera controls also. I like the idea of black around the outside though. I didn't think we could do away with the skybox and still have sky reflections. I personally like that idea best, but it's not a big deal for now considering all the other things.
  4. GUI ideas are welcome. Maybe we should have a thread just for GUI suggestions.
  5. I thought about that circle idea, but that's a good bit of work for something that is not always easy to see if the units happen to be close together. When we get some sort of floating health bars (or whatever shape), I'll revisit the grouped units in the GUI.
  6. The current ingame GUI was rebuilt mostly from scratch. It should be near or greater than the functionality of the old GUI. The lag is mainly due to the pathfinder - if you don't move very many units or have any significant battles, you might not have much lag.
  7. Ooh, imports into blender? Very nice indeed! I'm sure I will have a use for this.
  8. I'm hoping we can have trees fall over without using a physics engine. (Although if we had a physics engine, I imagine we would use it for that also.)
  9. Many things are possible. I don't think we had any other designs except the standard bar, so if you have suggestions for something different, we would be interested. I'm not familiar with settlers - can you elaborate and maybe provide a screenshot?
  10. Currently, it's based on the order that they are selected, which in a box selection doesn't make a lot of sense. They could be sorted and have builder units placed at the front the make it easier to build things.
  11. I just want something that works well; I'm very open to other designs. Some things I did like about groups were that they provided a quick unit count which was useful. Also, they allowed easy switching between unit types in the GUI. This was useful for switching to a unit that could build buildings when the primary (first) selected unit could not build buildings. There was the issue of keeping track of different ranks of a type, but with some effort, I think that could be resolved. I think the main reason I feel we need to keep the selection GUI the way it is for now, is that it provides the only way to view the health of the selected units all at once - this is important in battle to get a feel for how the battle is going. You don't want all of your units to die all of a sudden without any warning. It gives you time to retreat if necessary. However, that may not be an issue once the floating health bars are reimplemented. When that happens, we might find that grouped units work well and switch it back to that.
  12. Having actually implemented it both ways and played multiplayer both ways, I definitely prefer the current behavior. In the AoE3 style GUI, units cannot be removed from selections, and no information about individual units health is available either. I like this AoK style better personally. I had the AoE3 style groups implemented and kept it that way for a month or so, before making it work this way recently. The code is already in SVN under a previous revision. I found it to be counter-intuitive. It's open source though so you can make it work anyway you wish. I am going to leave it as is for now, but I'm open to more discussion. There may very well be better ways than either method, or maybe there are other reasons and advantages to grouped units that haven't been considered.
  13. I don't know. I'll let one of the more experienced programmers know about it.
  14. That would be the latest release then (the Alpha)
  15. Are you running the latest release or the latest SVN build?
  16. A horse charge into infantry knocking them over (but that's probably just graphical as well)
  17. Considering that is the only action on the whole map, I don't think 60 units versus 15 or so is very much. I tasked them in small groups (5-6) to get them there. That caused a moderate amount of lag because I did it in waves, not all at once. Once they got there and started picking targets, it got as "slow as molasses uphill in the winter time."
  18. Yeah, I think UV mapping is the most troublesome part also. (Not that modeling or texturing are easy either )
  19. Here are some performance details. At some points, the logic was well over 3500. The rendering was generally about half of the logic as long as the logic was 100-200. Above that, the rendering stayed about 100, and the logic spiked for several minutes. There are 60 units as you can see in the screenshots. They are all archers and javelinists which I chose because I thought they would require more graphics power. I have tested this with non-ranged infantry and cavalry and got the same basic results (although I did not check the profiler). There is no other activity on the map (the other players are defeated, there are no units gathering, only my 1 civil center - nothing in the queue.) Many of the resources have been cleared also. Apparently, this was not during the worst part (around 1000 logic I think), but I don't what to try it again right now profile.txt
  20. GIMP 2.6 DDS Settings - save using these settings with the DDS plugin
  21. To delete an object, simply select the object and press the delete key.
  22. Seems pretty good. Maybe speed up the wheel rotation a little bit? It takes a good bit of rolling just to do 180°.
  23. Hello wytse, The map editor is not finished, but it is usable. We always enjoy seeing fan-made maps.
  24. I broke autostart with my most recent commit. I don't have time to fix it now, but I will look at it later tonight to see what can be done. I think I have fixed it (not in the best way, but not too bad)
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