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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. It works "ok" on the HD 2000, but you'll probably want to turn shadows and reflective water off for performance. Also, there is a graphical glitch in the reflective water on the Intel drivers (a wavy black vertical line in the the middle of the screen).
  2. Those civs are not playable, which is why you are getting errors. They should be removed from those lists by the time Alpha 5 is finished.
  3. Maybe their spread out GUI isn't the way to go, but I'm not happy with our current GUI being all clumped up either. (What else is new? )
  4. Changed to 64. (It doesn't have to be a power of two, just looked nice to me.)
  5. Um, actually I did do it for performance reasons. We've had selection groups for a good while, so it's not a GUI issue. At one time, selecting even 40 units was too much for my computer, but since even AoK allowed 40 units at a time, I made it a full 40 units anyway. Perhaps pathfinder performance has improved enough to increase it.
  6. Water: ship wake, splashes, waterfalls, fountains Fire: campfires, torches, fiery projectiles, building destruction Dust: building construction / destruction, cavalry hordes Smoke: (basically dust, but a darker color - but should rise rather than spread) Sparkle: ore mines, some treasures Leaves: when a tree falls?
  7. The pink one looks more fairy-tale and the green more elvish. Both are very nice.
  8. I would probably do a green or blue roof since most of the "elven" stuff in LOTR seems Asian inspired... (although the pink is ok)
  9. Passability classes are defined in C:\0ad\binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\data\pathfinder.xml. There is also a vertical offset xml tag that lets you adjust the unit's vertical position (only aesthetic though). It is based on the water plane if ship passability, or land otherwise. Fish use it, so you can find it there. Also, farms don't have collision like other objects, so check out some of its attributes. I'm not sure that you will be able to get it to work "acceptably" without some significant changes, but those tags are a place to start.
  10. A training bonus is a interesting idea, especially since they cannot convert and relics may not even be used.
  11. As Michael said, being able to prop things directly on the terrain would be very useful for farms where individual plants would need to conform to the terrain. I imagine that there are other cases as well. Personally, I would like terrain flattening to either be used sparingly or less intrusively / obviously if possible. My main point is this: building location constraints should remove the need for excessive flattening. AoK didn't even let players build on shorelines, so the issue Philip mentioned with water becoming walkable shouldn't happen. I know there are times when it really is needed, but I don't want to see it over used. Farms not only do not need it, but shouldn't even have terrain flattening.
  12. Do they change the terrain under the buildings like they did in AoK? That would let players know that a building had been there once (had it been destroyed) and might make anomalies like that more understandable.
  13. 1) Display obscured units 2) Terrain decals (simple unit shadows would also be nice as a lower graphics setting) 3) Particles 4) Billboard sprites 5) Weather effects - wouldn't this be particles? Fixes are always nice: Foundations seen through FOW Nicer FoWed-unit rendering Fix broken shadow/reflection culling Nicer shadows
  14. Very interesting discussion. It could certainly change the feel of the game. Right now, a single unit attacking ten enemies of the same type would accomplish basically nothing. This system would give that unit a theoretical chance? Would units have health bars? Perhaps just a number of stars or just a numeral above their heads? Or even texture states (different levels of weariness, fatigue, or injury)? These might all be possible since there wouldn't be that many points total (apparently 5). I know that texture states has been mentioned before, but that was just as a general state of the HP level, not an actual measurement of health. Also, units probably wouldn't use that system against buildings, or else it might need some modifications.
  15. I got a crash after playing for a short while on r9001. The crash happened after I exited the game through the menu. error_message.txt commands.txt [edit]It turns out that I do have some of the crash logs related to this. I made a copy of them to avoid overwriting them.
  16. Median Oasis map - played until all computer players were defeated. commands.txt
  17. Just wanted to say I agree with the others; the gradual approach looks great.
  18. Seems that if you try to place a foundation in FoW, it will be highlighted in red. It stays red even when some units arrive in the area. Any movement of the foundation placeholder once the FoW is cleared by arriving units will remove the red. However, you can still build it even while it is red colored as long as it is not covered by the FoW. I think it should turn back to the normal color as soon as the FoW is cleared though.
  19. It appears to build some farmsteads too. Played through Egypt without any errors, so that seems fixed.
  20. Welcome (Aww, you were almost the 12,000th member.)
  21. (Posted in the right forum at least - that's more than most bots do)
  22. AoE3 style is probably best, but that version is much better than what we have currently. So, I would say change it (as long as it's not too much work).
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