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Everything posted by WhiteTreePaladin

  1. Hi Tyler! I've listened to some of your pieces and they are quite good.
  2. Is there anyway to automate that? Perhaps some script that reminds about updating workspaces when I try to compile? Or do I just need to change my desktop wallpaper with update workspaces in big letters? [edit] I suppose I should add here that I got it to compile on vc2005 after updating workspaces. Also, it runs alright.
  3. fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'js/jspubtd.h': No such file or directory c:\0ad\source\scriptinterface\ScriptTypes.h I'm getting a bunch of these errors.
  4. We mainly need experienced C++ programmers. JavaScript scripters are also needed. We can always use some more artists, sound designers, etc, but some previous experience / skill would be needed. The game is open source and some of the basic art has been released with it, so you don't need to join the team to get access to it. However, it is not as easy as simply downloading and installing it. It would take some SVN experience to get a copy. We are working on an Alpha version that should be easier to use than the current version. It should come out later this year. In the mean time, I'd recommend learning Blender. Maybe by the time the Alpha comes out you'll be able to make some characters, props, buildings, etc.
  5. With Sketchup (or any 3D program) you can get practice visualizing things in 3D, and learning the basic 3D manipulations (moving, rotating scaling, etc). That will prove helpful in Blender. However, there will still be a lot left to learn when you start Blender. If you do want to try Blender, get the latest stable version - 2.49b. Do NOT get the alpha version (2.5); it is not ready to use yet and because it is so new, none of the tutorials will match it. Don't try to make anything serious at first, just follow the tutorials that show how the interface works. For example, things like using the number pad to change the view, panning around to get different views, and switching in and out of object mode and edit mode are goods things to begin practicing. Blender takes a little getting used to at first, but once you understand it (this can take some time), you can model things quite fast. Here is a link to the lastest stable version of Blender: Blender Here is a link to the site that I used to learn Blender: Blender 3D: Noob to Pro - you'll need to scroll down the page to get to the tutorial links; start with "Unit 1." [edit] If you like video tutorials, there are some really good ones on the Blender Underground site. I've watched them before, though I already knew how to use Blender before I watched them. Here's link to the video tutorial section: http://blenderunderground.com/video-tutorials/
  6. Blender is very different than Sketchup. Blender is much more powerful, but more complicated. With Sketchup you can get to modeling nearly right away. With Blender, it will take some time to learn how it works before you can make anything. In order for a model to be used in the game engine, it must first be converted to triangles. In Blender everything is already in triangle form or quads, but quads are easily converted to triangles. I've found that Sketchup (the free version) is not very good for game models because it often results in a bad topology (messy geometry) when everything is forcibly converted to triangles. While Sketchup is very good for making non-game architecture models, an inexperienced person would get into bad habits when attempting to use Sketchup for game models. (I know this from personal experience.) An experienced person could probably use either program for game models. Blender is a great program, I recommend you try it. You really must find some good tutorials about how to use the interface and how to get started; I don't recommend trying to figure it out on your own as you will quickly get discouraged. If you find Blender too difficult, you can always try other free 3D programs and try Blender again later. I originally tried Blender (2.42 I think), gave up, then tried again a year later. At that point, I finally understood it, but it took some determination and working through some good tutorials before I could really make anything substantial.
  7. The engine does not currently support specular or normal maps. [edit] alpha maps already supported Seabound units is something we will have in our game, so that should be doable. (That part isn't finished though.) Airborne units might be a problem. I wanted those as well, but currently coordinates are 2D... Not sure about how hard it would be to change. Ammunition states lowering as units rearm should be possible. Resources (food/fuel/ammo/recovery) should be possible. I think our day and night was intended to only be used in custom scenarios and not change, but I do think I heard it would be possible to use it in a cycle without too much effort. Ykkrosh, janwas or another one of the more experienced programmers could give you a more accurate picture of what is really possible. [edit] see following post by Ykkrosh.
  8. Actually, it's open source now (which is even better than freeware).
  9. Indeed, you have made absolutely wonderful progress. I only wish I knew enough to be of help. Maybe when the focus shifts to JS I can contribute.
  10. Good screenshots generally require Atlas, right? I guess most people haven't ventured that far yet.
  11. This thread is intended to clarify the application process. It is the wrong place for posting an application or asking questions about a position. If you are interested in a position but unsure if you meet the full requirements, you may still post an application here in this forum (but not in this thread). Whether or not you are the right person for the job can be determined there. Thank you for your interest and welcome to 0AD! To submit an application, post a new topic here in the applications forum using the same format as the example shown in the main post here. (Look at some of the other posted applications there for additional examples.)
  12. Actually, I think the AI pathfinding does need more work. There are many other programming (C++) related things that need work too...
  13. If you're looking for books, I'd check out amazon for whatever language you want. (Adding "beginner" or "beginning" to your search might help.) Their reviews should be most helpful. I would recommend online sources as they are free and you can see if you really like it before you spend any money. If you're really determined to program, books can be very nice (and easier on the eyes). If you want some specific advice, you can always post a link to a book here and I could take a look at some of the reviews. Gamedev.net is great for game specific programming, but sometimes it's easier to learn the basic language from a language specific website. Once you know the language a bit you can go back to the game programming sites. I'd recommend you check out w3schools.com. They have many good beginner lessons on things relating to the web. Of particular interest to you would be their lessons on HTML, Javascript, and XML. (It's probably best to learn them in that order.) There are some really good C++ websites out there: cprogramming.com (They have some good beginnner tutorials.) cplusplus.com (They have a forum and an excellent reference section.) cppreference.com (This is primarily a reference site.) I don’t recommend you start with C++ unless you know someone who can help you set up a compiler. However, if you are determined, there are tutorials out there for that too. I’m not familiar with C#, but I’m sure you can find C# specific websites with google. Another language you should consider is Python. It won’t help you with this project, but it is a fairly easy object oriented beginner language. (It’s similar in difficulty to Javascript.) If you want to try Python, I recommend you download it from the official website, because they include an easy to use IDE (integrated development environment) called IDLE. Some good tutorial sites for Python are: Non-Programmer's_Tutorial_for_Python - This is one of the easiest, so you might want to start here. diveintopython.org - A good python book (more advanced) A Byte of Python - Another good python book Python Cheat Sheet - An excellent reference sheet Python games: invent-your-own-computer-games-with-python (A free book about making simple games with Python.) Blender is free 3D modeling program with a built-in game engine. Its game engine uses python for scripting. Complete Blender Game Engine Python Reference (This might be too advanced for you right now, but I included it to show how much you have available in Blender.)
  14. We use C++ for the main part, Javascript for the scripting, and XML for data. No C# anywhere I'm afraid.
  15. pziv2, I think Mythos_Ruler understood your second question.
  16. I remember that! I like it. It's good to see it back.
  17. I'm sure they could put out quite alot of screenshots if they wanted to. I wanted more at one time too, but as I've been watching this project, I can see that it's probably wise not to release too many screenshots before even the testing release date is known. (Not to mention, screenshots do take some time away from development.)
  18. I've already read that post. (Actually, that was exactly what I tried before that post was even written.) I could get the mesh to import and export, but there were no armatures or actions present. I'll reinstall Python 2.5 and try it again when I get the time. Thanks for trying though. BTW, Scipii_Alemanus do you use Blender? You seem to know a bit about it. Have you been able to successfully import and export animations to other programs? I'm wondering if perhaps just the importer or exporter is failing. It could be it is exporting fine but loses the data on import.
  19. I believe that is the Collada script used in Blender. I don't know if it is actively being developed anymore though. It didn't seem to work too well in Blender 2.46; (I couldn't get the armature to show up). I think that website said it was best to use it with Python 2.4, but because Blender uses Python 2.5 I only tried Collada with Python 2.5. (I read that one should use the same version of Python that Blender uses.) I need to experiment more with it.
  20. Yes, Blender is quite good for characters and props. It's not bad for buildings either. I'm still trying to get the Collada inporters/exporters to work properly though. Mythos_Ruler, Collada is really only needed for animations, right? Can .Obj be used for meshs in this game or is there a better format?
  21. I know it will be possible to turn blood off with modding, but what about as an ingame setting?
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