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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I read up on wikipedia that ancient Iberian castros were made up of stone and thatch (ruins support the dominant stone construction), and the texture pack adds plaster which would be of phoenician influence (I had assumed from interactions with Carthaginian colonies) From the ruins of these castros it's apparent of the defensive nature of these Iberian settlements, looking similar to celtic Brochs. The previous building didn't have that closed off fortress-esque look to it which we want to be dominant for the Iberian civilization, and that is why we decided to reroute artistic development from the previous iteration
  2. Could you elaborate on this, and perhaps find some sources, if you can?
  3. The rounded corners are gone I'd have the wall buttresses extend below the ground plane with the rest of the structure You don't have to articulate the tiling in the roof so much, we have normal maps that can do that for you (the building has two tiled eaves, if that is unclear in the sketch) The crenellations on the wall look a little too even as well, make them look a little more sloppy, like the walls and fortress. Give them varying texture as well Try to randomize some of the smaller details, it gives a more believable, natural feeling to it a little bit of slope in the walls should be OK but not too much
  4. the priest's artist goes by the name Manin on DA
  5. If you found them on Deviantart then they're not 'unknown artists' every piece is attached to an account let us know so we could take a closer look at their work? I really like how that first one was painted ah, that first guy's name is Jonas Jensen
  6. It's currently an SVN mechanic, it's not in alpha 15 Romulous
  7. Didn't snow nearly as much as expected

  8. "pewpew! pew!" "We're much higher up now, Consul!" "Yeah I can see my house from here!" "I liked the old one better, more roomy" "We have to climb a ladder now?! I don't like it >:("
  9. this is coming along well Take some cues from other iberian buildings, notably the fortress for the stone and wood crenellations for texturing decisions I'm a little worried about the roof but you've already told me it's not finished yet, so I'm eager to see what more you make of it Also! make sure it extends below the ground plane, so it can sit on hills without floating
  10. generally crenels are thinner than the merlons, and the planks on the inside might be better vertical
  11. I had the same problem earlier, the fauna dont move out of the way of building foundations like units do had a gazelle sitting on my CC foundation ._.
  12. I have a celt spearman 'gaeroa' in the carthaginian icon thread, He has an interesting expression but thats about it xP but if you start at the beginning, you can see a lot of the mistakes I make, and steer clear of them from the start there are also lots of critiques from the forum members that can be helpful too, theres one really good one from another portrait artist JustinOperable, who did the Hannibal hero portrait for Carthage, among others (justin's hero portrait thread could be dug up too, he posted WIPs from time to time. They can be used for insight into his technique)
  13. I'm talking about the hardness 100 brush hardness 50 will give you variable opacity on your edges, which could be causing problems
  14. well I just got the SVN cavalry got terrifying and Carthage got a huge buff with that mercenary tech (might be a little much) I'm glad units can't just walk backwards and avoid damage. That enough on its own would make a pretty solid release imho
  15. lol I'm with you on that one Wraitii Just take a little closer look at the unit in atlas to see what plaid he wears, also at the patterning on his shield
  16. Thanks! It's been committed to SVN, if someone could get a screencap with AO so I can see if they exported alright, I'd appreciate it
  17. Here's the concept Enrique, Micheal and I have agreed on I know my sketches can be hard to read sometimes, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask (Oh, and if you're having trouble with things like scale and you have public SVN, just download existing barracks models from the art folders and make them roughly the same size)
  18. ah, mausoleum capitals, geometric pier and fill construction and interior colonnades seen in Carthaginian ruins in Kerkouane and the Byrsa But mostly this is just a branch off of the existing temple which is why I kinda regret the full peripteral colonnade of the temple, but its in line with the existing buildings... I didn't have much to go on
  19. We won't know how it looks until we see it Perhaps you could have the stone low wall lead into a fence! It looks good already at any rate, so its your call
  20. Some pen dynamics work with opacity too. Pressure opacity with a hard edge brush is pretty reliable
  21. I really liked that too, but I feel like we could have only one or the other, otherwise the stone could become over- dominant
  22. lol it looks cute :3 still needs a gate though, or all your sheeps will get out!
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