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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I'd rather take the trade-off from speed to capacity. Easier to recover files from a broken HDD too but thats my 'art perspective'
  2. You would LITERALLY stick your neck out in a flurry of swords when you have a perfectly good one yourself? There are more complications with how a headbutt would look without reciprocation, the total war duel-style animations would actually suit that kind of combat better.
  3. Ignesio Felechosa, he's on ArtStation?
  4. Get rid of the material, the textures are already applied in game over the UV maps. The UV maps are part of the mesh, not the material
  5. yes, make sure only the object you want to export and the prop empties are selected on export. also, remove any attached materials
  6. There are multiple exported objects, or else the object has a material attached. Be sure to only select what you want to export, and in the .dae exporter check the 'selected only' box. at least, that's what I think the problem is
  7. I would personally set it to 1 per tree. Can you imagine two guys swinging axes that close together? Scary groves do add a lot of opportunity, I'll have to admit
  8. this could balance out the speed discrepancy between infantry units, so skirmishers aren't so far ahead in gather rates from pikemen.
  9. There is a middle ground, it just takes some fine tuning to realize. Gathering cavalry is not the issue here, its the snowball effect of cavalry gathering the resources necessary to make yet more cavalry in such a way that doesn't hamper economic growth. Another easy fix would be making cavalry take up two pop slots and giving them a slight combat buff and price hike to compensate. Else make them cost a resource that skews village phase gathering. There are several ways to go about fixing the problems presented that dont involve dismantling playstyles. A good question to ask is how extreme can we make our changes before we alienate our current player base? I don't bring this up over something as remedial as pushing raiding cavalry a phase forward, but you seem to have a distaste for citizen soldiers on a whole, which is one of the standout gameplay features of 0 AD.
  10. the end result is the same, be forced into annoying micromanagement, or fall behind.
  11. it rewards micromanagement, which would mean competitive players wouldn't build slow fields and new players would be forced to do so as well to stay on par. Which would mean slow fields would be redundant outside of campaigns and casual single player games. it'd be a no from me
  12. A perfect square would be accurate but it may muddy recognition, since the standard civic center is a plaza with a rectangular building. A large square building with a courtyard and small windows could easily be interpreted as a fortress at first glance. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try it both ways.
  13. I'm getting settled into a new computer, once I have my workspace all set up I'll come back to this and kush
  14. 'Chu talkin 'bout? 0 AD does have a unit experience system that levels units up to veteran and elite ranks as they fight.
  15. Stronghold used signposts on castle builder maps to indicate where units would spawn
  16. perhaps we could make the kushites the only civ that can build several less potent and more affordable wonders? otherwise we end up with a wonder vaccuum
  17. @Sundiata @balduin I would find the most prominent Kushite-specific techs (ie. I would consider a metal mining passive bonus to emphasize their massive metalworking industry.) and one or two "special buildings". One of those special buildings could be a "cult statue" though I would think Justus would want the freedom to define that template himself in DE for example, the Carthaginians get triple wall health, and they get embassies and Cothons as special buildings Zapotecs have an infantry speed and melee attack bonus at the cost of armor, and they have a ball court special building (or they should, its modelled but doesn't have an entity behind it yet) I would ask not to be too ambitious, but to boil it down to one or two traits that can be easily balanced with vanilla civs.
  18. If they had area of effect ranged healing, that would be pretty neat, although priests acting as healers is a tad odd to begin with. I dont even think the engine can support that
  19. Cult statues require a new resource. As far as Terra Magna is concerned, it only hosts vanilla compatible mods, without changing core mechanics, incompatible with DE for sure with its glory resource, different templates, and expanded tech tree. Merging early with Terra Magna will prevent sloppy integration and ease updating between vanilla alpha versions, furthermore without the Terra Magna 'expansion' individual mods will get less traffic, and many people uninterested with the Kingdom of Kush will not be exposed through a shared interest with a Chinese or Mesoamerican mod. From a position as a creator of what are basically 4 mod civs, and as a vanilla artist, i will say unnecessary division absolutely will slow things down.
  20. you'd be right that the 'civic center' looks like a military building its the barracks lol The storehouse needs several loading doors for recognition, its barely distinguishable from the houses as it is, more so without them. it also follows the 0 AD storehouse building shape, I'll have to find a way to squeeze in a mud-brick texture into the pack mod modeling is spur the moment, so I won't be doing this Civic center is next, then the rest of the phase 1 buildings, then I will move along to phase 2, which will include the blacksmith, market, and temple, the wonder and temple are going to need texture pack extensions so I am reluctant to jump on those right now
  21. @balduin I feel like i should mention that my computer has a very hard time opening the pdf in your git repo, so I'm just using what I find on the forum topic/ my own instincts/ established building shape, for the architecture. I'd suggest opening another two topics strictly for sources on architecture and units, like we do for vanilla crowdsourcing. I have enough of a grasp on architecture, but units are going to need to be much more heavily referenced.
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