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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. italiancastlerender.bmp lol
  2. Well he asked me if he could use mine to mass his own
  3. lol catbarf's set is phenomenal, he used my Italian castle mod for AoK to make his Byzantine castle
  4. that shield would be badass for norman knights, but the carolingian franks seem to favor the round shield
  5. That's the basic idea, but community feedback makes it clear this hacky way of doing this won't settle well. More coding is likely needed for this to be a viable siege weapon for vanilla. Fine as is for experimental mod use though
  6. I can't tonight, I'll see if I can do it tomorrow
  7. *Distant american screeching*
  8. This is done verbatim in ponies ascendant lol
  9. they need to keep pace with the current walk and jog animations, we cant have injured units slowing down, as interesting of a mechanic as that would be
  10. inherited rotation would lead to issues if it's angled like in the screenshots
  11. There's no need imo, what if we randomized the crests as props?
  12. we ought to have baked-in AO textures on head texture variants for different types of helmets, these in particular, don't you think? shouldn't be too hard for a texture artist to edit the bronze textures to match, dont worry too much about that
  13. I still have the last few workshops to commit, which includes the greek workshop
  14. The tower wasn't for use against foot soldiers, it was for matching the archers advantage on the walls they'd be attacking in order to prevent crew harassment not tanks, a glorified chisel with a tower at most
  15. The hair can't be animated on the screen. I'm curious as to where you got the references for the stone. Also the background rocks and leaf patches look a tad bit disconnected from the rest of the environment. I would strongly recommend strict adherence to reference material for solving these issues. I think you may need to double check the anatomy/pose of your foreground figure as well, keep in mind detail and polish is very important for these main menu backgrounds in particular since they'll be scaled full-screen. This detail orientation is something I need to work on too, its a difficult process, and one that doesn't seem to end. This is likely the reason why we see so few in rotation currently.
  16. way to fix that is with wow's grove suggestion
  17. Where did this leg armor come from? I don't think it works too well with the contours of the elephant's legs as is
  18. meshmap 0 should be your UVMap for base texture, specular texture, and normal textures. meshmap 1 should be for AO. I'm pretty sure you have the wrong texture, try the Celtic textures in the structural skins folder, you'll likely have better luck there
  19. Its a bit slower than the current one, given it does away with the spreadsheet, but i can see how it can be more intuitive for newer artists. Had a bit of a problem with actually saving my changes, though i may have set up my config file wrong. Definitely takes a bit of getting used to navigation-wise, maybe some windows can be labeled better for someone not familiar with how these things work?
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