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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. @stanislas69 Because reShade is open source, I think the 0 A.D. development team can incorporate its anti-aliasing SMAA code into the 0 A.D.
  2. It is this patch, it will add the path algorithm correction and calculation? pathfinder_mod.zip
  3. Will he add in the algorithm for calculating the repair path? @stanislas69 My friend?
  4. @stanislas69 Does this fix the problem effectively, and how much performance does it improve?
  5. Does this fix the lag problem caused by multiple units on a large map?
  6. Error 195 error C2065: 'GUIST_uint' : undeclared identifier D:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 154 1 gui Error 196 error C2051: case expression not constant D:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 154 1 gui Error 197 error C2065: 'GUIST_uint' : undeclared identifier D:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 461 1 gui Error 198 error C2051: case expression not constant D:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 461 1 gui Error 265 error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'glooxwrapper.lib' D:\trunk\build\workspaces\vc2013\LINK pyrogenesis Error 291 error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'glooxwrapper.lib' D:\trunk\build\workspaces\vc2013\LINK test 292 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 503 15 gui 293 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 503 42 gui 294 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 505 15 gui 295 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 505 43 gui 296 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 507 15 gui 297 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 507 49 gui 298 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 509 15 gui 299 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 509 49 gui 300 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 511 15 gui 301 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 511 49 gui 302 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 513 15 gui 303 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 513 49 gui 304 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 515 15 gui 305 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 515 47 gui 306 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 517 15 gui 307 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 517 45 gui 308 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 519 15 gui 309 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 519 45 gui 310 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 521 15 gui 311 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 521 46 gui 312 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 523 15 gui 313 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 523 42 gui 314 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 525 15 gui 315 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 525 47 gui 316 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 527 15 gui 317 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 527 49 gui 318 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 529 15 gui 319 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\Class.h 529 43 gui 320 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in a constant expression d:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\jspubtd.h 459 51 gui 321 IntelliSense: identifier "GUIST_uint" is undefined d:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 154 8 gui 322 IntelliSense: identifier "GUIST_uint" is undefined d:\trunk\source\gui\scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject.cpp 461 7 gui
  7. I updated the workspace, but these errors still occur.
  8. Today I compiled and tested the latest SVN22054, and there were some errors: The compiler I used was VS2013. Error 149 error C2065: "GUIST_uint" : undeclared identifier E: trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\ jsinterface_iguiobject.cpp 154 1 GUIError 150 error C2051: case expression is not a constant E:\trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\ jsinterface_iguiobject.cpp 154 1 GUIError 151 error C2065: "GUIST_uint" : undeclared identifier E: trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject. CPP 461 1 GUIError 152 error C2051: case expression is not a constant E:\trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\JSInterface_IGUIObject. CPP 461 1 GUI201 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 503 15 GUI202 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 503 42 GUI203 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 505 15 GUI204 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 505 43 GUIIntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 507 15 GUI206 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 507 49 GUI207 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 509 15 GUI208 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 509 49 GUI209 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 511 15 GUI210 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 511 49 GUI211 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 513 15 GUI212 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 513 49 GUI213 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 515 15 GUI214 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 515 47 GUI215 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 517 15 GUI216 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 517 45 GUI217 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 519 15 GUI218 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 519 45 GUI219 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 521 15 GUI220 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 521 46 GUI221 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 523 15 GUI222 IntelliSense: the operator e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 523 42 GUI is not allowed in the IntelliSense: constant expression223 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 525 15 GUIIntelliSense: the operator e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 525 47 GUI is not allowed in the 224 IntelliSense: constant expression225 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\ included-win32-release \js\ class.h 527 15 GUI226 IntelliSense: the operator e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 527 49 GUI is not allowed in the IntelliSense: constant expression227 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 529 15 GUI228 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e: trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\js\ class.h 529 43 GUI229 IntelliSense: this operator is not allowed in the constant expression e:\trunk\libraries\source\spidermonkey\include-win32-release\jspubtd.h 459 51 GUI230 IntelliSense: undefined identifier "GUIST_uint" e: trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\ jsinterface_iguiobject.cpp 154 8 GUI231 IntelliSense: undefined identifier "GUIST_uint" e:\trunk\source\ GUI \scripting\ jsinterface_iguiobject.cpp 461 7 GUI
  9. Changed 8 days ago by stanislas69 Remember I tested on the train back to Paris and that Fcollada doesn't work when built with Vs2015.
  10. @stanislas69 Visual Studio Community 2015. I'll use this version of the compiler. Please tell me, can it compile 0 A.D.?
  11. Can i compile 0 A.D.? 0 A.D. using VS2017. It seems that VS2017 is not supported.
  12. Beautiful Christmas, is the latest version coming?
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