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Everything posted by gameboy

  1. @wraitii my friend! I used the latest SVN22214 code. Today, I tested Allow a template-defined clearance around buildings (static obstructions) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D318 These errors have occurred: ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation error: (null):0: Extra element Static in interleave ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation error: other/palisades_rocks_gate:1: Element Obstruction failed to validate content ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed for '(null)' ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'other/palisades_rocks_gate' ERROR: JavaScript error: simulation/components/GuiInterface.js line 1196 TypeError: this.placementWallEntities[tpl].templateData is null GuiInterface.prototype.SetWallPlacementPreview@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:1196:8 GuiInterface.prototype.ScriptCall@simulation/components/GuiInterface.js:1970:1 updateBuildingPlacementPreview@gui/session/input.js:195:1 handleInputAfterGui@gui/session/input.js:1076:4 ERROR: Error calling component script function ScriptCall
  2. Today, I tested the latest SVN22175, and I made these errors at compile time: Error 281 error C2039: 'uniform_real_distribution' : is not a member of 'boost' (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 134 1 test Error 282 error C2065: 'uniform_real_distribution' : undeclared identifier (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 134 1 test Error 283 error C2062: type 'double' unexpected (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 134 1 test Error 284 error C2039: 'uniform_real_distribution' : is not a member of 'boost' (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 135 1 test Error 285 error C2065: 'uniform_real_distribution' : undeclared identifier (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 135 1 test Error 286 error C2062: type 'double' unexpected (..\..\..\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.cpp) D:\trunk\source\simulation2\components\tests\test_RangeManager.h 135 1 test
  3. I think only the return of MIMO 0 A.D. team can solve this problem. Who can make MIMO return to the team? @historic_bruno ?
  4. Our AI has now stopped development and MIMO has left the 0 A.D. team. We need an AI developer. Who can do that?
  5. The most recent update was completed on January 6, 2019, but there are still issues that have not been completed.
  6. @wraitii Can you help fix this patch? Please.
  7. Today, I tested the latest SVN22143, and I had these errors in a single player game: My operating system is win10 64 bit 8G RAM ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onTick@gui/session/session.js:814:3 __eventhandler103 (tick)@session tick:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:875:2 __eventhandler105 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:875:2 __eventhandler105 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:875:2 __eventhandler105 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:875:2 __eventhandler105 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:945:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:875:2 __eventhandler105 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1
  8. Since MIMO is temporarily or never coming back, I think the development of AI will be continued by @wraitii. He has been engaged in AI development before. If he wants, AI will not be developed. There are still many problems in AI. We need an AI developer to develop AI.
  9. @historic_bruno @Itms Mimo should be back. I think historic_bruno can get him back, or maybe the department leader can get him back. Our team needs him.
  10. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Yes, I always use the game content in SVN.
  11. The development of AI requires developers. There are still many problems in AI. Is MIMO still responsible for the development of AI? Where is he? He should be back. What do you say?
  12. This is not a translation error, this is something new, thank you.
  13. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I tested the latest https://github.com/justusavramenko/delenda_est, and I found these errors in the game. I played a single-player game. My operating system is Win1064. 8G RAM. ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:967:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:897:2 __eventhandler165 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/sprintf.js line 66 Error: [sprintf] property 'hotkey' does not exist sprintf.format@globalscripts/sprintf.js:66:1 sprintf@globalscripts/sprintf.js:50:16 getRepairTimeTooltip@gui/common/tooltips.js:399:3 displaySingle@gui/session/selection_details.js:257:34 updateSelectionDetails@gui/session/selection_details.js:463:3 updateGUIObjects@gui/session/session.js:967:2 onSimulationUpdate@gui/session/session.js:897:2 __eventhandler165 (simulationupdate)@session simulationupdate:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/summary/layout.js line 252 TypeError: headerGUI is undefined updateGeneralPanelHeadings@gui/summary/layout.js:252:3 updatePanelData@gui/summary/summary.js:376:2 selectPanel@gui/summary/summary.js:212:3 __eventhandler351 (press)@resourcesPanelButton press:0:1 ERROR: JavaScript error: gui/summary/layout.js line 252 TypeError: headerGUI is undefined updateGeneralPanelHeadings@gui/summary/layout.js:252:3 updatePanelData@gui/summary/summary.js:376:2 selectPanel@gui/summary/summary.js:212:3 __eventhandler351 (press)@resourcesPanelButton press:0:1 ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:8: StartTag: invalid element name ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:9: attributes construct error ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: gui/pregame/userreport/userreport.xml:9: Couldn't find end of Start Tag object line 9
  14. @historic_bruno My friend, do you remember me? I'm waiting for your return all the time. Our team has changed. Three programmers have left the team. One of them is MIMO, the chief executive of AI development. If he can return to the team again, AI will continue to develop. Now AI has stopped developing. My God, I feel that all of this will happen. At a standstill, my old friend Ben, you came back, and I seemed to see that miracles would happen again, hoping that they would happen again.
  15. Well, now that we've got the different teams, let's not talk about it for a while. The 0 A.D. team can proceed with the normal development process now.
  16. Okay, that's funny, but we need to be united as a team, we need to keep this game going, and any bickering will make our 0 A.D. no longer work.
  17. My god, what has happened, I can't believe what has happened to this team, this team has a branch, what will they do, what will the 0 A.D. game development do, what will the WFG team do? Has the game team broken up?
  18. @stanislas69 When will this patch be applied to 0 A.D.
  19. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D53 I think this patch has fixed the problem we mentioned, you can try this patch.
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