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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. keep in mind that. is the next level of a Stoa (architecture). and keep this as base.
  2. I'm very convincing to use phase progress to customize the tech tree and units specially to face multiple choice factions, where are several units like champions , heroes...etc. Is suggested to new rts based in history https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/aoe4-likely-to-have-been-in-production-at-least-since-sep-2016-as-suggested-by-former-relic-dev-cv/38093 instead an artificial dichotomy of course.
  3. ese es error bien genérico, que bueno que subiste los archivos. voy "tagear" a alguien que eche un vistazo. @Stan` can you give a quick look.
  4. desactivastes las opciones graficas como post proceso y glsl?
  5. I never was a fan of medieval fantasy. I never liked it, and that's a big advantage.
  6. turn off , then..option enable and disable or mp ranked disabled.
  7. Berry bushes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubus_glaucus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubus_adenotrichos is a highland fruit.
  8. Ficus : more common species in mayan world http://www.maya-archaeology.org/FLAAR_Reports_on_Mayan_archaeology_Iconography_publications_books_articles/57_Economic-potential-for-Amate-Ficus-trees-in-Guatemala-FLAAR-Reports-Nicholas-Hellmuth.pdf there is a list of speciment of Ficus tree (oaxaca in the map.) and the rrst of Mayan World. ficus goldmanii is in many places of mesoamerica. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus i give the list of mayan Ficus. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_insipida Ficus Padifolia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_pertusa Ficus petiolaris or Amate Amarillo(yellowish). https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_petiolaris Ficus pringlei S. Watson Ficus Naxima mill. this is similar that I found. Ficus Ficus Citrofolia Brosimum Alicastrum (most common in copan ruins) Ficus Segoviae same as insipida. Ficus Ficus Aurea Ficus Castilla Elastica for example from all the species of flora in Copán the top list are the following. you can see some of them inn Jurassic Park movie.
  9. I take some pics but I'm not sure which specimen is this. but is Ficus kind of tree. these are in front of my cousin's house. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ficus_benjamina boxwood or laurel from India in Costa Rica, amate in Mexico.
  10. AoE survey , marketing reach from MS. https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_23vYZpPZQSieMU5?loc=14
  11. https://forums.ageofempires.com/t/aoe4-likely-to-still-use-human-gatherers-wood-as-resource-and-own-engine-as-specified-by-new-job-ad/37998 Jobs guys Jobs (not intended pun)
  12. this interesting. yes you are right. https://books.openedition.org/efr/1624?lang=es
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