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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. I will a test again recording a video and uploading a txt recorded game. I didn't yesterday (today in your timezone) because was too late.
  2. The idea is make a resource for new members that want fill a document design faction. Like Numidians, Lusitans more civs. With 0 A.D style.
  3. Is difficult to use changing the pattern or direction. For example an square of houses or multiple buildings. Is a bug saying you can't place over a building.
  4. Why are named miracles?
  5. in Honduras we havent those. here the worst things are Floods by (Hurricanes) and Earthquakes
  6. @wackyserious are , ok? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/13/world/asia/volcano-philippines-taal.html
  7. interesting which is the tradition with that?
  8. In Spanish the same with " í" for Iberians is sorted in wrong form.
  9. @Sundiata we can make a topic or help with that about Numidians for our collaborators and you (terra Magna Forum) @Duileoga no es amonestación , pero nos gusta el orden, vamos a abrir un topico para discutir los numidas alli. tal vez movamos tus aportes alli. @Stan` we can split and merge Duileoga content from this topic to a new one abot Numidians as you suggested?
  10. Lorgood videos are a kind of "making of 0 A.D" or testing 0 A.D Devs new features. I share with my community. this. I share mods development and this was useful.
  11. yes.. "esta un poco feo" (sarcasm, means very ugly) "is a barely ugly".
  12. what about Discord and Reddit? and others YT channels. I public some videos and for Unknown reason some fans starting to write me, i can figure this happen with our Officials Youtubers like @ValihrAnt or Tom 0 AD ..etc can be nice share the best videos. specially great matches or new content. even Lorgood videos.
  13. the people of mesopotamia uses these style for example. @Sundiata we are talking make these mesh of heads with beards , recomendations. Judean priest. la cara es más ancha o el modelo. en otros más larga.
  14. @Stan` we are still making factions? __________ No estamos haciendo facciones por ahora. creo.
  15. Todavía no encontramos pruebas , hay un articulo pero, no podemos acceder a este.
  16. this is traditional origin. https://books.google.hn/books?id=ZwzADQAAQBAJ&pg=PT105&lpg=PT105&dq=hippika+gymnasia+++lusus+Troiae&source=bl&ots=EQmZY8aLG7&sig=ACfU3U1-fSpgIOyC35WRXs3LdV-mxNGU9A&hl=es&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjhkfzTwvbmAhUBwlkKHTTODt0Q6AEwAHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=hippika gymnasia lusus Troiae&f=false But here is some in portuguese. http://www.portugalweb.net/historia/viriatus/Lusitanos_02.asp.htm Nothing more than that. The only article about that is that genava said.
  17. "Práctica de caballería" is a more accurate, but "torneo de caballería" fits as well. Spanish reference about what is this. Referencias en español. @Duileoga estamos viendo si las mascaras estarán relacionadas con la hippika gymnasia. Dice I'm traslating for duiloga...
  18. Game cache I dont remember that path.
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