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Everything posted by Lion.Kanzen

  1. except the first in the upper left corner. And this defenitvely.
  2. @Duileoga Wacky quiere saber más sobre patrones en la ropa, especialmente rayas horizontales.
  3. This color palette (blue look more suitable. See the color player blue and building natural,color. No very accurate architecture but nice colors.
  4. Temple ruined by Isis. Hatra was one of capitals of Parthians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hatra Parthian Even some Roman influence, like those archs. The columns look like colosseum no real column , more decorative. We have this with Seleucids. Im not sure about defenses. Palmira have some features similar to Hatra.
  5. Palmyra can work for both civs. Like greek style for city states in the past. @Sundiata knows better than me the middle east.
  6. Is important use some frontier building or cities. Dura Europos.
  7. Sass-->> Domes yblue withtraditions of old Persisn and some babylonian. Parth --->>> Hellenized Iranians.
  8. The color blue. The domes. Their defensenses are more cylindrical.
  9. Basically this is Sassanid and parthian style. An evolve from Persian Achemenid art. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasanian_architecture
  10. A24 tiene ya varios cambios , pero puedo hablarlo con wacky. @wackyserious we need more texture variance. (specially shields)
  11. @Duileoga tienes algo acerca de la pintura persa en los edificios.. Se supone que el are islamico es derivado de este.
  12. @Duileoga tenemos planeado incluir más facciones para la segunda parte. 0 A.D Empires Besieged (Imperios asediados o bajo ataque). Partos y Sasanidas estarannincluidod junto con Roma imperial y tribus germanicas.
  13. Please more gameplay features this alpha. I know optimization is ptiority but... I want a new feel playing.
  14. Yes, I figured that because the helmets and aspid shield. Is complicated Polybian cavalry . Is interesting. I converted that image into text. Based in this relieve, with popanum.
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