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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Now looks better Good Job, We need to fix those doors though.
  2. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    There you go. The building is starting to look damaged though, not sure if it's intended.
  3. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Nice. I made the AO according to Enrique's tutorial, since the result is way better in max with Vray but I don't if I can import two UVS in blender, So I don't know what's wrong X) Want me to make a screenshot with your new Texture ?
  4. Even painting on stuff can be tricky... But we are here to learn =)
  5. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Sorry sent via Pm Texture in zip file A0 +TEX.7z
  6. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Okay what do you think now ? I will fix the roof and the uvs as soon as possible.
  7. It seems to be fixed.
  8. If you want to make some textures I can give you some UVMAPS I made to paint on. =)
  9. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Here is the tile roof. Gotta go. Good luck for your work =)
  10. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    I was using this, so i didn't think about a tile texture but if you want one, will be easy to fix.
  11. Oh okay. Goths seems more attractive to me to represent a Germanic faction=)
  12. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Maybe use my texture then =) I'll show you the result
  13. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Darkened the texture like lion suggested. It should look better now.
  14. You have a lot of experience X)
  15. Were they exported with max ?
  16. Can files be broken on the server ?
  17. Collada Version ?
  18. See on the second image the foundations don't go through the floor when the model is elevated. It just flies. but not in my version.
  19. It's funny it's the same story for the game. People have changed but the leaders kept the project alive =)
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