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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Lion maybe you should move it to the Com research so that people don't have to go to Aristea to help you Which of those do you prefer ?
  2. Maybe you could help hephaestion with his coding tasks until triggers are implemented
  3. So what are your interest here mapping coding modelling ?
  4. Hi Tanksy welcome to the council of modders looking forward to working with you
  5. I meant the transversal bars and the number of ropes
  6. I will take that axe If you are okay with it. I was wondering if I should make two variations, one standard, like the basic soldier, and one ornate like this
  7. Those drawings are nice, but do you want it to be as complex ? There are a lot of wood planks everywhere.
  8. Are war hammers like they were in AOM historically accurate ?
  9. I don't think there are any concepts for now. We still need the triggers that are planned for A17. That will make a lot of things possible, and we will be able to invite mappers
  10. Standard Tutorials to learn BLENDER and 3DSMAX "I am an honest small artist and trainer of the Council of Modders - Any questions are welcome" _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MODELING _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UVMAPPING _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TEXTURING _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RIGGING _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3DSMAX _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANIMATION _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IN GAME IMPORTATION _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLUGINS AND ADDITIONNAL SOFTWARE _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  11. Can a water tile system be implemented ? Like 5x5 tiles with a water texture ?
  12. We'll I guess If you keep the historic accuracy of the game, it should be an aura not a power-up
  13. Nice work. Bon courage pour la suite @Enrique, do you need me to prop it ?
  14. Do you remember how it was done in the Settlers V ? You had a weather machine (not accurate here), that could change the course of the battle with limited range when raining etc. Also another feature was that some types of water placed as a square map, could be frozen. For the texture thing, a bump, and a snowy version is what you need.
  15. Some have started to appear, like the testudo. The rotary mill is nearly finished, just need someone to do the rotary thing prop, and we're done.
  16. Bringing joy is never a bad thing Churchill said : Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.
  17. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    In the end you will be the one who changed stuff
  18. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Well I believe using empties is the same. I've done it in max for all that time.
  19. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Yeah I know. But we are to improve the game we are modders I knew you would come up with something.
  20. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    I was wondering if it was from the game It's nice. Maybe change that box texture... I don't like it. Now maybe we should make pavements. like this Note : This is from the Settlers 5 BBa demo archives. I do not own it though I have it on 3dsmax.
  21. I guess all war ship should have the third... Now maybe the drekkar should have both 1,2
  22. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    What about....Making four buildings the same and giving a bonus to the player if the big fort is complete ?
  23. I included the file without baking... in my last post.
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