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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Oh didn't knew that. Any way to tweak the code ?
  2. People were so confused about colors that they forgot to thank you so → THANK YOU. BTW I meant use the same interface as the game (The new Pureon Style).
  3. Thanks a lot for this. I'm not sure but I think we could replace the existing viking ship in 0.a.d by one I made
  4. In the end, I think it is planned that only siege weapons can destroy walls.
  5. Stan`

    Map error!

    @Sanderd Is that normal to have "gaia", instead of "Gaia" ?
  6. Yeah I can make that big tent.
  7. They don't want that here because moderating ten forums in ten different languages is too complicated, while we all can make an effort and speak english.
  8. But having horns could do the same too, Music is considered as a boosting stuff, that's why no athlete can use it while competing, so having a unit with a horn could add a bonus, but it shouldn't be cumulable.
  9. According to the PDF 100 and 78 rows.
  10. Some WIP with the Knarr. Just a little question the drekkar is gonna be huge are you okay with it ? (This is the biggest ship on the image I posted previously)
  11. That's great MuteLoveStone, can you just fix the background ? Red is not exactly good looking, maybe the same tone as the mod manager would be better.
  12. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    Maybe we could have that shieldwall formation
  13. There is no state "being haversted" afaik you need one otherwise a well movingmoving alone will be looking creepy
  14. If an animation is made it will be looping is that okay ?
  15. Here are the files Fixed in the Snekkja folder (All of Nieks comments) Previous in the Mods folder Blend File Included. I won't touch it anymore. If you want to tweak feel free EDIT : The Skei and the long drakkar are missing rows and I won't do the animation 24hours of pain... is too much per boat. I'll add the missing rows tweak a few things and then upload them here. Only one missing is the drakkar (drekkar ?) Final.7z
  16. Nope he saved two days ago project. Blender is at war with himself, you cannot just import export DAEs it screws size, animation, and cohesion. I had not enough undos. Now I have to start over ((((((
  17. I HATE Blender... Forgot to save, and this stupid program can't import animations correctly. Everything is screwd...
  18. New video Do you want something else on the viking ship ?
  19. And I was talking about the SNEKKJA. What do you think of the three there ? All proportions are correct now. I was thinking of adding a viking unit on the front like this :
  20. Oh I know why. I was making the first while you were talking about the last X)
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