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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I think you just have to make sure the UV's have the same name, apart from that yes.
  2. In the tree on the right drag and drop the prop on the model icon.
  3. There is no way to do it "quicly". What you can do is split the model into pieces and texture each of them separately.
  4. We 're missing some helmets for them, and no buildings sketches/art/references have been chosen for them.
  5. Someone did that with that software http://www.ni-mate.com/download/ This guy is french and apparently succeeded too. I may PM him to see http://minecraft.fr/forum/index.php?threads/faire-bouger-steve-avec-kinect-dans-blender.86175/ You might also want to check here : http://blender.vsb.cz/index.php/en/kinect-blender/download
  6. Oh. Well As I said I have a Kinect too. And some people converted me to blender ^^.
  7. I don't think so, we are now using MoCap For that.
  8. I can make the same as the AOM Game, with 0 A.D's color if you'd like.
  9. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    They were not christian until 1200 AD I think. When priest came to force them out of their homes, to work for people like the King of England.
  10. Stan`

    Faction: Norse

    @Le Druide Gaulois Nothing prevents you from doing sketches for the corral and other buildings though. I'd be more than happy to bring them to life .
  11. Little Question : It looks a bit simple (not bad) to me. Can't you add a litlle more details ? I know Modelling isn't your stuff Lion.
  12. @Lion. This plugin is useless since all models you need are in DAE format in the SVN repository. To make the prop, you have to parent the "empty" object to the main model. and name it prop-something.
  13. I think having the micro just below you lips might fix the issue
  14. I think we should restart the game when applying Glsl settings, that seems to fix most issues.
  15. For some Reason I can't get it in the game but it is finished RoMCC.7z
  16. I think the hawk should have a unit to go with it
  17. Okay a lot of eyecandy has been done already just not implemented.
  18. I drop propped a lot of them are you sure it is missing ? If so, you ´ll have it tomorow
  19. darn that´s awesome. When we will have triggers will i be able to dispatch a band of nubian archers to build a village ? with the osp I made
  20. @Lion Garrison point is the place units goes were garrisonned not the place the flag is.
  21. I have no idea how AI's are coded here but in another game They made something really simple. They defined a target point (Generally your CC) with a range of tiles, a peacetime (so that units doesn't attack to early) a tech level (This is because the Ais had all the buildings they needed at the beginning so they would recruit only a specific age units) agressiveness (I think this one decided how many units would seek to destroy you)
  22. Well I started making the African MiniFaction, tell me what you need and I'll see If I can make it. The thread will be in the art dev of the mods section.
  23. @Lion, I think green would be better since there is a lot of Jade(Stone) in the country.
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