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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. I wish mythos could explain why its design doc was that way. He may disagree on the balancing but his knowledge would be useful. maybe he is still around
  2. Yeah, but this is your first map on atlas ? That's always nice to be encouraged to go further Now get back to it and make it a must have for the game
  3. Well actually it's removing units that annoys me. I like being able to have variety. It was the same discussion for the han mod on wether crossbowmen should be an upgrade to archers. I am against that, because, different costs means different strategies, it also allows you when you are low on ressources to have weaker but still useful units. And I like diversity in general, maybe armies were mostly made of spearmen, but I don't see this as a reason to remove less predictable units. It's also a challenge to balance them I understand that, but realism is not supposed to be balanced. So if they were not used, it was maybe because they were weak in interns conflicts. Now you challenge them against the whole world. So some strategies might now work. If they need to be nerfed I'm all for it, but never remove them. (I maybe also saying that cause I know the time it takes to make them ) That's why tonight matches are a good place to be
  4. I believe not using traders is a common agreement between players and so is not building walls (But they build mass watchtowers which is basically the same). They say it destroys the rush for ressources cause you nearly have infinite of it. I'd need a historical proof they weren't part of armies, cause IIRC they had some nice swords. Even though the damascus ones came way after that. Also, I think a good way to check if a unit is OP or not is too test in Atlas with the same amount of enemies (That can be of different types) I was worried that spearman would not be efficient anymore against cavalry but apparently ptol spearman are really efficient against ptol cavalry.
  5. I get an awful performance moving 165 mauryan archers. more than when there was formations... plus some of them cancel movement cause the mass is preventing them to move...
  6. A lot of things. Be patient a new version will be out soon
  7. @ickylevel Can you check if this commit makes it better ? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/15836
  8. Maybe share it on facebook and Twitter, just to be sure everyone you can reach get the info
  9. If you are interested we currently have A Norse Mod called millenium AD you can find in the mod sections
  10. Same as the Got sentence. What do we say to the release ? Not today For more practical reasons see the release blockers here : http://trac.wildfiregames.com/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&group=status&milestone=Alpha+17 //OFFTOPIC
  11. Ι'm not sure but I think hetarois and alexander used swords
  12. http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/topic/27480-pictures-of-han-cavalry-spearscrossbows/ ? Also In japanese culture long curved katanas were used by cavalry.
  13. Mmmmh Can you open a ticket on trac ? http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors This shouldn't happen.
  14. I think Enrique doesn't like the current state of it not the idea of it.
  15. Here is the file you can tweak it if you have a special idea. Uffington Horse Final.7z
  16. I'm waiting for Enrique's approval to upload the files but thanks for the kind words
  17. Another try, with trees. (Oak,beech,carob) As you see there aren't much on this picture
  18. It can be 1024x1024 like the chinese bixies Enrique made (For the Han Mod) however since it doesn't seem to have a lot of details I'll suggest 512x512
  19. I had it too, but he says he is using latest svn...
  20. Well you could submit patches to wraiti's pathfinder branch on github. https://github.com/wraitii/0ad/commits/pathfinding I'm interested of the slowdown you have when using the interface, could you be more specific ? And maybe create a ticket patch for it ?
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