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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I haven't played AOE much though so care to enlighten me on that ?
  2. It works fine on my end except what @Imarok mentionned. I'll have a look.
  3. Build a wall destroy a tower select a unit Select the wall icon Double click on the green slot
  4. We need to disable it from every variant though ^^
  5. I meant from a performance POV it's catastrophic ^^
  6. Yeah XD. Okay, will add it to the game and fix the rubble of the current buildings using incorrect textures. will also use it for the gaul cc Yeah I guess buildings are okay. Blood apparently,... not so much.
  7. @Alexandermb What do you think of the destroyed civic_center on the right ? I did what I mentionned in the Addons thread
  8. @gameboy That line does not exist anymore, I updated the patch since then.
  9. Sure do you get out of memory errors after that ? You can also test if the last fix (better one) works for you https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2353
  10. Well first of all it would be Open GL ES 2.0 not 3.0 as we don't use Open GL 3.0 either for the rest of the devices. I don't have a RPI 4 yet so I can't try the GL ES 2.0 build. Are you willing to try that ? Yes we do however we are severly undermanned for such a task. Also it would mean dropping a lot of old computers and some extra work to keep supporting Mac OS.
  11. Yes it's possible and would actually be quite fancy but it would requires other animations and some extra code...
  12. You mean like two units syncing until one kills the other like m2tw
  13. @gameboy I fixed the first warning the other is not caused by that code. Keep in mind you need to recompile else the placement won't work.
  14. I fixed the last warning, you need to also fix the sitting animation :/ The death anim is also broken.
  15. @Alexandermb can you try lowering the spec a bit ? It feels like the shield is wet
  16. I'm on windows, so given the number of leaks elexis is uncovering all over the game, it is quick for my game to go over 3.9GB of RAM and crash. That being said, could you provide a replay that crashes on your machine with my old patch so we could test that theory ? The code is for hardware detection, worst case it should detect badly your hardware, and lower the graphics options. If it crashes later, that should be unrelated. Now assuming we are bit paranoid (or thorough) and we assume that code is for assumptions further down the road (that would eventually crash) I guess the replay could help Thanks for keeping up with this @OptimusShepard !
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