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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @user1 Be careful, each time you edit the first post it sends notifications to every one tagged in the first post Congrats on the processing, and I wish you a happy new year.
  2. Could be for textures, but the point is that we are no longer forced to apply a bunch of fixes of our own on top of it for it to work, because they finally releases a new version;
  3. Nvtt updates only occur once every ten years maybe more in specific section about common problems and fixes! (But then again not common at all)
  4. Yeah all the cache is broken and must be regenerated.
  5. Great work @LordGood. Would you like to work on a map overhaul for A24? (Moving the less beautiful maps to @coworotel's map pack) I believe some maps are doing deservice to the game. Only thing missing from the map above are colorful birds And taking the improved ones from @wowgetoffyourcellphone's mod?
  6. Sure it is possible. If you are more familiar with git you can clone the repository https://github.com/0ad/0ad (It is slightly less up to date (lagging one day behind) and you'll need to compile the game if you want to play) Else you need to clone the SVN repository https://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk/ If you need to build you'll find more detailed information here. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions
  7. To access the assets in a usable format for blender you need the development version. The dae are also cached in the release version. If you need me to explain it in French let me know
  8. Hello, As implied by the name I only wrote the importer. To export you need to use the standard workflow with XML and collada. Do you need help?
  9. Please pardon my Kushite, it is a bit rusty... kushite_voices.pyromod
  10. You can find tips and quotes here https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/gui/text For the images look at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/loading/tips
  11. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16473-vote-for-eihrul-in-gift-a-rift-contest/&tab=comments#comment-249501
  12. @eihrul doesn't even have an account on these forums. So I guess not anymore. This was before my time.
  13. It will be easy to do after the autobuild patch gets in (https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2492). Currently foundation component (the one where you'd define that value) are added to buildings at runtime under the form of filters (defined in templates/special/filters) and it's buggy to set values there. Once the buildable component has been set, it will be a few lines of code
  14. Only @Alexandermb can fix it.
  15. I reduced much of my lag by plugging my laptop XD
  16. @Vido Don't worry about the texture. It can be redone if the new animations and the new armature are worth it. The current armature needs some changes. It need to be renamed to ursidae_bone instead of horse_bone. Else it might conflict and break with the existing armatures in the game. If you still prefer the first bear I made go for it, I hadn't noticed @Alexandermb broke the whole UV map.
  17. Yes it is. @Bigtiger is currently redoing some stuff.
  18. There is PeerTube (Which is libre and open source)
  19. Hey @serg Do you have an external mouse? It won't work well with the pad as you need right/left click...
  20. You can edit the config file manually and add Gui.scale=1.3 or something analoguous
  21. tape le lien %appdata%\0ad\config dans ta barre d'addresse.
  22. Une chose que tu peux essayer c'est reset ton fichier de configuration. Fais une copie de %appdata%\0ad\config\user.cfg Et ensuite supprime le fichier. Sinon tu peux tenter de réinstaller le jeu (Supprime le fichier de configuration dans ce cas là aujourd'hui. N'oublie pas de redésactiver GLSL.
  23. Est-ce que c'est plus simple pour toi si je te parle en français ?
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