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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Hey @slopsbucket No harm done was just making sure to answer all your questions Best regards
  2. Hey, Welcome back, and thank you for the kind words. Still there, you need to SHIFT+CLICK. As denoted by the first popup in the game formation are still WIP, although they will be better in the next alpha. I'm not sure but there are some options that are not shown on the main menu. You need to edit the config file instead. See https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/b9cd44a3e1d317921102cb6035b455413d5fbe66/binaries/data/config/default.cfg It is still called Atlas. Scenario Editor is just easier to translate. There is a lot of things that could be better, yes. You are free to contribute on that front. I think that you might be able to do what you want using JavaScript scripting and triggers though.
  3. You can discuss balancing on Phabricator (code.wildfiregames.com) @soloooy0 and with the balancing team. We need to keep the GDPR in mind though.
  4. You can enable it by changing the terrain xml files DE has special ones for terrain https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/art/materials/terrain_parallax_spec.xml Notice the big USE_PARALLAX You can also boost the specular value of a material. It's the second number. See the comment here https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/art/materials/player_trans_parallax_spec_helmet.xml
  5. @Rolf Dew is the best person to ask
  6. Okay just checking cause the game is OpenGl but happens to use DirectX normals (flipped Y channel) That specular look weak can you boost it ?
  7. How did you bake the normal map ? Did you use directx or opengl? Can you show the specmap?
  8. There is already a mod although it relied heavily on @Alexandermb's work. I can hook you up if you want to contribute.
  9. Use PNG not dds let the game convert them for you. Use terrain_norm_spec. See https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/master/binaries/data/mods/public/art/materials for a list of materials'
  10. Well considering a big part of activity is community based, I'd say being accessible matters a bit ? June 4 2020 is not that bad I'd say considering it's the holidays after that and then usually the start of the work year. Sure I'd love to have a release by now but life doesn't seem to comply.
  11. Except most people don't know what “commits” and “autobuild” are. Also, I have no idea how many people actually look at the main page. @implodedok do we have any statistics about that ?
  12. @asterix is working on another dev report @Nescio if you want to help him with that. I usually do biweekly reports for the team although it's very time consuming because if i have to browse phab day by day ( I also leave out balancing commit) I didn't do one since the beginning of august (holidays and all)
  13. You can get in touch with me I might get you in touch with Omri
  14. Unfortunately not yet. The easiest way is to disable the others or to spam the actor viewer by going back and forth on two objects
  15. I'm not really sure that would help... The goal of social media is to keep people interested. If we start claiming that, I think it will do the opposite ?
  16. Make sure it's running on the right GPU and/or you are plugged in:)
  17. That's more than 60% of our users combined. Also I did not mention that multiplayer is broken for everyone that want to use the multiplayer lobby. We know and we are very sorry about it. Unfortunately being sorry doesn't give our team members more time, nor does it make the bugs go away...
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