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  1. 400 would be easy to add. I'll do it just for you. Lol
    3 points
  2. Made the small cooper shield. Edit: also another spear.
    2 points
  3. The game is almost unplayable at 500 pop with so many players but quite not enough with 300 even using .5x speed. Thanks!
    2 points
  4. Btw i always liked to have each variation of units have different animations, "ready - relax" so every cavalry have at least 2 variations each one so the game itself looks more like humans and less like robots.
    2 points
  5. So, here is my idea about geographical random maps, such as Mediterranean or Red Sea. I've wrote this quickly so if it's not understandable, please tell me, I will rephrase and perhaps add some mockups. The idea is to add a feature that allows to choose the user starting position on geographical random maps. Here is the situation : Let's say that five players want to play a match on Mediterranean, Normal size. They start by choosing their factions : Player 1 chooses Gauls, Player 2 chooses Athenians, Player 3 chooses Persians, Player 4 chooses Egyptians, Player 5 chooses Carthaginians. Player 4 (ptol) starts in Gaul/France, player 3 (pers) starts in Illyria/Yugoslavia, player 2 (athe) startss in Syria, player 5 (cart) starts in Egypt, player 1 (gaul) starts in Maghreb. The players CC placements are determined randomly (it's not a fixed placement) and the starting posisitons are attributed randomly to the players. Case 1: choosing a faction and choosing a starting point But let's say that those 4 players want to play a "realistic" match, where player 1 (gaul) gets the Gaul starting position, player 2 (athe) gets the Illyrian one, player 3 (pers) gets the Syrian one, player 4 (ptol) gets the Egyptian one, player 5 get Maghrebian starting position. They would like to define those starting positions in the match setup screen, when they choose their civ. In order to do that I think we should be able to divide a random map of a certain size into zones, each of them containing one or several potential player CC placements. For example, on Mediterranean, normal size, we would have one "Gaul" zone, one "Germany/Poland" zone, one "Eastern Europe/Russia" zone, one "Yugoslavia" zone, one "Turkey/Near-East" zone, one "Egypt" zone, one "Lybia" zone and one "Maghreb" zone. The players would be able to choose a starting zone in the match setup screen in a list, or to set it on random to get the current default behavior. In our case, player 1 would choose the zone "Gaul", player 2 would choose "Yugoslavia", player 3 would choose "Turkey/Near-East", player 4 would choose "Egypt", player 5 would choose "Maghreb". Now what about Britain ? Iberia ? Greece ? Well those places are too small for a CC placement in Mediterranean Normal, no player can start here. But I guess it's possible on Mediterranean Large, Very Large or Giant. This is why the zones should be defined differently depending on the size of the map. On "Very Large" there should be one or several "Britain" zones, one or several "Iberia" zones and one or several "Greece" zone (perhaps even a "Macedon" zone and a "Laconia" zone, I don't know how big this map is). Of course in the case of users choosing both their faction and their starting position, the GUI shouldn't assume that the player choosing Britain will play the britons, or that the user choosing the britons will start in Britain. The point is to allow the users to choose a starting position, for example to have realistic positioning, but not to force them to choose a realistic positioning. The player choosing to start in Britain should still be able to choose the egyptians in the list. Case 2: choosing a starting point but no faction Now let's assume that all players want to play with realistic positioning, but would like their civ to be chosen in a semi-random way. Let's say that we're playing Mediterranean on a size that is big enough for "Greece" to be a zone with one CC placement. A player should be able to choose "Greece", check a "realistic civ placement" checkbox and set the faction on "random", and have the game choose between athenians, macedonians and spartans. That would mean that each zone would be associated with a list of possible factions you get when you set the faction on "random" and check the "realistic civ placement" checkbox. An other possibility would be to implement the "semi-random faction choice" in the GUI. Instead of having one choice in a list of factions we would have several boxes to check, and let the game choose randomly into that sublist. For example if I want to play any civ but the celts, the greek and the successors, I would check "romans", "iberians", "carthaginians", "persians" and "maurya" and the game would choose randomly between those five. I am in favor of the second option since it does not depend on the particular case I'm talking about here, and could be applied to any map. But I also think that each zone should have a list of realistic factions to play on, for the next case below. Case 3: no starting point choice, no faction choice Now let's assume that all players still want to play with realistic positioning, but don't want to know their faction or starting position, like in a classic random map match. The players all choose "random" for the civ and the starting zone, and check the "realistic positioning" checkbox. Then we would have, for example, the Player 4 starting in Gaul with the gauls, player 3 starting in Illyria with the athenians, player 2 starting in Syria with the persians, player 5 starting in Egypt with the ptolemies, player 1 starting in Maghreb with the carthaginians. What do you think ?
    1 point
  6. Hello and welcome to the community! Considering the very low level of effort put into the formatting of the application (Lion was being helpful but what he produced is probably not what you intended to do, so don't copy-paste him), I'd suggest you spend some time around first, in order to improve the way you interact with us on the forums. We are not currently looking for a new Video editor but we welcome contributions. Feel free to share your work on the forums, and don't forget to read this if you do so.
    1 point
  7. I went back quite a few revisions (originally I thought this was an issue w/ a CUDA upgrade I made) but they were missing even past -r 19500 so it would have to be an OSX issue if no one else has seen this yet. They did show up in -r 19000 so I will eventually isolate it :-)
    1 point
  8. Updated to 22.0.7 Successfully added Specialization as nicely as possible. New stoa technology, Public Health icon replace for better image quality. vox_populi_22.0.7.zip
    1 point
  9. Something went wrong in the generaton of this wild lake, there are more than 200 elephants toomanyeles.zip
    1 point
  10. I'd like to put a big why? in this topic. This game is being played by kids you know... (even my little bro plays this mod every now and then)
    1 point
  11. References ? Or Artistic license ? What is the difference between tavern an inn and lupanar in shape ? EDIT : Just saw the image above.
    1 point
  12. Good early-mid because of the 0 food cost, and good late-game because they cost 0 pop. Can train over the pop cap. Also helps early-mid to give a defense without getting housed. If we never get battalions, I may remove heroes and instead go with commanders/officers, banner carriers, etc. to take the roles of heroes. If I do that, can add mercenary captains as trainable units.
    1 point
  13. Those animations are so awesome. One last attempt to convince you about the horse head shape. I'm anal about this because everything else you're doing looks so good, it'd be a shame to not hit perfection.
    1 point
  14. I haven't played the vanilla up to the end but when I tried this new version of your mod it seems that the AI is more inteligent, retained its massive attack as in A21 and its the first time I see an AI capturing a tower then garrison it. The garrisoned units comes out of it (captured tower) to capture a nearby house then if I attack them they garrison back!
    1 point
  15. New buildings to maps as neutral Tavern. ( neautral) Tavern you can train hero bandit,mkind sub hero. train Assasins letal vs heroes. But weaker vs CS lvl elite and Champions. Good attack vs melee infantry and faster running vs infantry ranged. Can reduce LoS of enemy units but can be defeated by outpost. many alcoholic drink. This can have aura effect over tribal units. Like celts and Germanic cultures. Can reduce enemies Hero HP and movement. can hire barbarian unit chsmpion, 1 per building. produces food 0.5 per seconds. But consumes wood.
    1 point
  16. Thats a beardless variation of the bald
    1 point
  17. Stream will be starting soon! Come check it out guys, chill and watch some more, 0AD multiplayer! https://www.twitch.tv/chaffcommandercoffey
    1 point
  18. I was also thinking that playing in realistic, civ-specific biomes/climate types would be a really cool game-option. Having different biomes in the same map, arranged north to south in the logical order of course, for a nice transition/overlap, would be pretty awesome: polar → temperate → Mediterranean → arid/desert/sub-tropical → tropical, and the civ you choose automatically places you in the correct "region" of the map. Being able to choose which biome/or biomes to play specifically in a random map would be a nice option too, along with options like, hilly or flat terrain, or both. Rivers or no rivers (navigable or not?). coastline with sea, or not.
    1 point
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