I recently saw a fight without community mod, where 80 bhactrian champ cavalry (persia, all upgrades, wtf, cav hero) lost to 120 CS, about 50% spears 50% archers(carth, all upgrades, wtf, hannnibal).
BUT: the ponies were slammed into the spears, while archers were untouched. This wouldnt happen in pro games...
In the end 80 cav were dead while 50 CS survived.
why did this work? Because they dont deal that much dmg. Archers do constant dmg, no walking, no getting stuck.
In new community mod, melee deals too much damage. melee cav is really fast and can kill archers first often. The com mod dmg balance made melee cav much too strong in my opinion.
Another thing that about melee chamion cav: since their speed difference to ranged is greater now, iberic champs have 0 chance against spear champ cav. that is different in non-comm-mod, where with decent micro they do have a chance.
My recommendation: make them slower, take a little damage from them, make them tankier again. (in general, make adjustments to melee dmg buff in comm mod)