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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-11-02 in all areas

  1. It would be really helpful if Wall snapping was extended to include shorelines and cliffs, and Gaia objects such as mines and trees. Snapping new walls/hubs to the ends of a segment so that you can repair the end of a wall would be helpful too. Also, walls snappable to Fortresses and also the ability to upgrade wall hubs to ballista towers, etc. to make them more interesting and defensive.
    8 points
  2. if @Gurken Khan is right, this was the fix: https://gitlab.com/0ad/0ad-community-mod-a26/-/merge_requests/6
    2 points
  3. I think it's bad for gameplay if palisades are built for the sole purpose of hindering pathfinding. To mitigate that, I could suggest to make it so when one section of palisade is broken then nearby sections are destroyed as well so it doesn't make a super tiny opening. Could consider making them weaker to pierce damage as well. On the other hand, they could be quicker to build so it doesn't take too much economy to build them early game.
    2 points
  4. Hi, I'm wondering if the wildfire games developers would be interested in a joined stand on FOSDEM 2024 with DDNet. DDNet, like 0ad, is a complete free and open-source game with a decently sized community. The game mechanic differ from 0ad: DDNet is a 2D cooperative precision platformer. 2023 was my first in person FOSDEM, I met 2 other DDNet developers and we had a great time. I didn't get a stand in 2023 (and I didn't see a 0ad stand). All the approved stands were from really big open-source projects, so I though maybe a joined submission might have higher changes of success. Any thoughts?
    1 point
  5. Installing community_mod fixed the problem.
    1 point
  6. Balance? Rauls Akazid and Sniper all on the same team?
    1 point
  7. would it just be possible to "garrison" bolt throwers or other ranged siege engine into wall towers? with off course a small range benefit
    1 point
  8. 0ad-Team West w Rauls vs Team East Akazids
    1 point
  9. I can't read shoot on that screenshot. Generally it's a good idea when reporting a bug/problem to include the logs; here's how to find them: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths I did a forums search for you (hint, hint); other people with that problem were fine when they downloaded the community mod or disabled regicide. HTH
    1 point
  10. I do understand the point that, implementing walls reducing damage onto troops on the respective other side, is difficult to achieve. (Only wall/tower-garrisoned troops should have a range and protection bonus,; most likely they already do) When looking at the ballistics this should be the same issue if firing across a hill or ridge or another obstacle (building). Not sure the current engine takes this fully into account. I believe there is already a height bonus/malus for shooting from above/from below, but firing across an elevated obstacle could indeed generally reduce damage, possibly depending on the height of that obstruction. Hmm, I smell added complexity here... I'd be interested in getting your opinions here. Thanks!
    1 point
  11. The damage dampening across walls would be really challenging to balance considering not all civs have a full siege capability. We already sort of have a version of this regarding the units atop stone walls, only its level of exploitation is much more controllable. About palisade walls I agree they should be used not for slowing down pathfinding, but by blocking it altogether (closing off sections) like walls are supposed to do. palisades are very bad at stopping melee cavalry (in particular axe and sword), so I think melee cav (not sword/axe inf) should have a 0.3x multiplier against palisades. If they are too effective at stopping all aggression, then we could consider a cost increase or some other action. nerfing melee cav vs walls would also give some advantages to using infantry rushes which we rarely see in MP anymore. Ease of placement improvements would also work wonders for palisades and stone walls. It may look ugly, but increasing the allowable overlap would help a lot especially for straggler trees, small mines, and other res and terrain.
    1 point
  12. actually, I just remembered I built a pretty long wall during a 1v1 against seeh in the last tournament. It was a classic wall case where I wanted to avoid being hit in the side after coming out bad from an attempted t2 infantry rush. Wasn't necessary in the end and it felt too slow to build. Mostly I think either prevent non-siege from attacking wall, or nerf wall and make it faster to build. also please balance the cost of walls segment vs stumps.
    1 point
  13. Hakunamata a little bold I would say, but brave.
    1 point
  14. nice, lively commentary, it reminds me of NoobRush. you should really use BoonGUI mod, it's good for playing and even more for spectating/watching replays.
    1 point
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