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  1. Me, vali, feld, berhudar and vinme, the rest is just average/good.
    2 points
  2. I am going to model a more desert version, Egyptian if you want, I am going to use several ideas. The template will be this. I will Egyptianize the tower and the walls. And substitute a tent
    1 point
  3. @real_tabasco_sauce What about making the default weapon of the immortals the bow, not the spear? The spear is only advantageous against melee cav and structures.
    1 point
  4. Boom is just a way to play, I don't see it as a structural economic problem of 0a.d. I like how it's different from aoe for example. For me the biggest issue is the default population at 300 in 1v1 and 200 in tg. If "normal" in 1v1 games was population 100, then we would have to have much more accurate decisions than we have today. With population 100, you may not have enough resources to reach phase 3 with all weapons technologies before combat. The punishment for a not so good rush would also not be as great, as the snowball would be smaller, and you can still reach population 100 right after your enemy.
    1 point
  5. I am missing several details, hundreds of details to be exact. is taking shape. ______ it has the basics an egyptian house or neighborhood, where several mercenaries can stay and spend the night drinking and telling about their adventures in the south of egypt. is a neighborhood tavern, where they tell how their ancestors expelled the Persians of King Cambyses. and how they now serve under Pharaoh Ptolemy, but with a good sack of coins they could serve the noble Seleucid king Antiochus III. _____
    1 point
  6. sometimes you have to look at the details in the game and copy them.
    1 point
  7. I will leave a backup copy here. I am not finished with this but I need more time and more answers. Scythianhouses.blend
    1 point
  8. A Cretan merc archer would be apppealing
    1 point
  9. well between (y+window height) and (y- window height), two factors of window height have been subtracted. So any range bonus from the second approach would be too small (15 meters below ground). Anyway, I think the issue can be better addressed superficially: Where is the "average range bonus" calculated for the tooltip? it seems to me, a much better range overlay would just be adding this value (already calculated in real time) to the range for making the range overlay. In the placement tooltip, one could add this value (evaluated for flat conditions, 13) to basic range and subtract it from the calculated average elevation bonus. Then in the tooltip for the template, one could add 13 instead of keeping 13 in parentheses. The only issue with this approach is that the range overlay is still not the non-circular true range, but it is close and should be less computationally costly (using already calculated values).
    1 point
  10. This mod shows current income per minute for each resource (food, wood, stone, metal) in the top bar, replacing the gatherer counts. Includes gathered resources, trickle income, and trade income. I've attached the mod to this post as a .zip. I also put it on mod.io, but that's pending approval. Why do you want to see current income per minute? Well, suppose you're doing some unusual builds with hunting or fishing. The food income will directly show you how your build compares to a more typical farming build. It can help you anticipate when you're going to have too much food or too much wood soon. A good rule of thumb in some parts of the game is to keep wood income around 30% higher than food income, so you can build houses/farms/storehouses as well as citizens. You can also use this mod to see directly how researching different technologies or building closer storehouses affects net gather rates. Or to decide how many barracks you need, to produce soldiers at the same rate as your income. This mod is compatible with either standard a26 or the Community Mod. However, if you want to use it with the Community Mod you'll need to make sure this mod appears below the Community Mod in your mod list - otherwise the Community Mod will clobber some files needed for this. A smooth and responsive estimate of income is obtained by taking a rate for every income source - every citizen chopping a tree or picking berries, every fishing boat and trader. The rate is the amount of income from each gatherer divided by the time it took for the gatherer to get that much income. You might wonder, why bother with that, why not just take a rolling average of total resources harvested? The answer is that if the average is taken over too long a period - say, 30 seconds - then it won't be very responsive to short-term changes in income. If the time average is too short - say, 10 seconds - then it won't be smooth, swinging wildly up and down because of random differences in when each worker returns to the dropsite. By instead summing up rates from each income source, we get the best of both worlds. Each gatherer's average rate is nearly constant over time, providing smoothness, and we can responsively detect when a gatherer starts or stops gathering. The time for the income estimate to respond to a gatherer starting or stopping is roughly the length of one gathering cycle. showresourceincome.zip
    1 point
  11. Well, it's just where the gatherer counts would be, only the numbers are bigger. Here's a screenshot of a replay. You can see that 1337rtslegend here has a food income over 1000/min from farms and berries and a wood income of only around 500/min. Indeed, fast forwarding the replay a minute, he ends up with 900 food he can't spend. So that's an example of how it could be useful to compare food income to wood income to anticipate a problem ahead of time. The second picture is myself in a similar situation, with too many on berries giving an income over 1000, and less than half that income of wood. Sure enough, a minute later I have way too much food.
    1 point
  12. looks pretty dangerous now
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. This shiny menu mod presents a clean menu that is friendly to both new players and hardcore lobby players: I made a few modifications and would like to recommend the devs to implement this as the default menu for 0ad. Of course, the art team can place some beautiful wallpapers instead of the pure black background, this is just an idea. The advantages of this over the default menu are: Very obvious which button to press. The important ones are large and easy to see; there is no waste of space. If someone has a scaling problem it would be a lot easier to adjust on this than the default menu we currently have. All features are laid out nicely so everything is a lot easier to access, especially enabling / disabling mods. It would be even better if we can enable community mod with just one click. I changed a few labels and made the lobby accessible in one click. We don't have to obscure out a large section of the wallpaper with the stone tile. @Stan` any comments?
    1 point
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