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  1. Unfortunately, borg- didn't connect for more than a week. I had multiple players tell me they thought they were / would be eliminated from the tournament if they lost one game. It is not true as we are playing a Swiss system. All 5 rounds are played by every players, and there will be a ranking in the end. I didn't properly explain the system and I am sorry about that. This may be the reason for borg's inactivity, in any case, I hope there won't be more players getting confused by this. I decided to forfeit borg- from the tournament. I could have tried to replace him but either it would induce even more delay to the tournament or could lead to some big unfairness. But forfeiting borg is still quite unfair to @MarcusAureliu#s, as it hurts his Bucholz (first tiebreaker) quite a bit while it should have been pretty good after he got a win against a favorite. That may cost him a few spots when we get to final standings. I still salute his win which I think also showed improvement of his level. __________________________________________________ Round 3 matches: @ValihrAnt vs @Feldfeld @Dakara vs @Edwarf @rm -rf vs @chocapoca @Player of 0AD vs @BeTe @Philip the Swaggerless vs @alre @LetswaveaBook vs @MarcusAureliu#s Bye (no game for this round, +1 point): @seeh The deadline for this round is Wednesday 30, 23:59 UTC. Please try to organize your match as soon as possible using forum private messaging! Beware of timezone differences. Please message me personally if your opponent doesn't answer you after 2-3 days.
    4 points
  2. Hi everyone, Today I want to show you, what will be in the a19 release about atlas. The main idea is to give to all map makers more space to work over map. I hope you like, I will try to keep updating this post about my work. Here is the video New map: Object List filter(Include inside template content) Display Template, Entity Settings (with variations) This videos show terrain tab, Display settings, environment settings and Actor Viewer tool
    2 points
  3. I believe range queries used by fighitng routines and auras could be optimized wildly by implementing a matrix of moving units such as that used by the pushing component - in fact, no reason to use another one, that one would do just right. I don't know c++ enough to try this change myself though, and it sounds absurd to remake it in javascript (although that would probably be an improvement already).
    2 points
  4. Hi @Stan` Thank you for your kind response. I submitted an issue on the related GitHub project (I got it from the 0AD FlatHub page). Here: https://github.com/flathub/com.play0ad.zeroad/issues/65 Anything else? Thanks!
    2 points
  5. Hyperion, my concer is for people whom is only building map and place object. I mean, there is a button to switch to actor viewer, so my suggestion is only create the actor viewer canvan until you click on. That button, if you click is becuase you want to use actor viewer, makes senses what im trying to say?
    1 point
  6. But I mean if you wanna do video support be my guest
    1 point
  7. I'll throw out a mantra: Perfect is the enemy of the good. We can't have progress without a little risk.
    1 point
  8. I believe terrain is supposed to have city texture under civ centre or some stone texture
    1 point
  9. https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/binaries/data/mods/public/art/textures/ui/session/portraits/emblems/emblem_macedonians.png
    1 point
  10. Some other ideas are here (a bit old page, but being a wiki you can update it): https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GamePerformance
    1 point
  11. History is very "tricky" science. There is always a bit of propaganda involved in, I believe every in nation history. But despite that, the biggest problem for such far history are Sources. Many books/libraries are destroyed, sometimes scientists don't agree if they should take national "poetry" as valid source, some nations even didn't have book at all until quite recently, etc. Also another problem is "selectivity". Some "scientists" (intentionally or not) ignored sources that doesn't fit their government ideology or goals. Some scientist have valid sources and write what they read indeed, but they miss Context. To understand entire context across different epochs, you need big bran and big knowledge. Etc. So we should not believe there is "central authority" for History. There is no simple truth. There are many layers of truth. So yeah, I agree it's poor when someone is ironic and believe his perspective or his sources are the only valid.
    1 point
  12. Don't say that. I had perfect corral only strategy in a25. Now in a26; it's very slow and hard to pull off all becasue cows are not availble in p1. Besides if they are not affordable in P1 then we can add them back in p1, so, people can decide if they want to train or not. Becasue other animal food is collect so fast then you need too many corral to sustain food eco with corral but cows you can suatain with less corrals hence more useful. Honestly I didn't understand the logic behind removing cows from p1.
    1 point
  13. Hello @trompetin17, Is it possible to implement a feature to copy selected section of one map onto another map? It may even have an option to copy terrain, objects, or both.
    1 point
  14. VLC said we could ask them for a special integration when I asked them last week but there seemed to be money involved. An advantage is they apparently don't require codecs. @The Undying Nephalim currently uses buttons that open youtube. He said he has a friend who added video support for another engine. But hasn't convinced him yet. But basically we just need to support one video format.
    1 point
  15. This is the Crossing why I altered the name to "Rome with crossing". In Battle of Tiber, the river can only be crossed over a bridge close to Rome. To be seen in the background. So Rome is inflicted in lot of fighting. I altered the terrain, so that the Tiber can be crossed in the center of the map, although no rams- But ships can also travel the whole river, some of the feeders, and also areas of the swamp when deforested.
    1 point
  16. It's planned, would be nice though, to make it for terrain, with an option like Copy Checkbox terrain Checkbox Entities Checkbox terrain texture. Same for paste.
    1 point
  17. that is the idea you can dock too The idea is give you the same behavior like visual studio or another programs that allow you to do your own "workspace" as you wish.In my channel there is another video that show about dock enjoy
    1 point
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