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  1. It can be argued either way: "A civ can only train their own units, duh." "When a civ gets access to new units, they can train them themselves." There were no elephants native to Italy, still the Romans utilized them when they had access to them. And if mercs were only sellswords I guess they'd offer their services to a new buyer if the old was out of business [historical citation needed]. If my Britons invade Africa, why shouldn't they use elephants? I believe it's more a gameplay then a logical decision.
    2 points
  2. Indeed. The alternative was generally worse due to the hardcoded placement logic and results in overlaps and whatnot.
    2 points
  3. I see these 2 as good solution to this whole smurf and new account problem. Second point I want to add is what stats to show for a player in 0ad lobby through which people can check whether or not he is smurf. At present we show following values Ranks Ratings No of rated 1v1s Win and lost games Win % I think here win and lost games are redundent if we are showing Win%. Instead of this we can show, Number of Team Games played or Total games played by the players. These stats will ensure that perticlular player has played many games and not a new account. So, we will see followinf stats. Total games played Total rated games played Rank Ratings (highest and current) Win % in rated games It will resolve following issues. Unrated old players will not be marked as smurfs New accounts can easily be identifiied. No one can be too good when he just played 2 total games and unrated, people will know. Good to know who has more exprience in TGs, even newbies with low ratings at present with good amount of TGs played can say that he has experience to play matches with high rated players. They are often removed from the matches which I feel bad about. @Stan` This should be small change, should be added in ticket in my opinion. CC: @borg-, @rossenburg, @Sevda, @Alar1k
    2 points
  4. Here is the third 'Release Candidate' of Alpha 26 - Zhuangzi Downloads - Current bundles are for SVN revision r27067/TBD Linux data and build macOS (x64) macOS (ARM) (Unavailable for now) Windows Things to note: Mind your mods -> they might introduce issues or Out Of Sync. Save your A25 config file somewhere, ideally. What changed: Alpha26 – Wildfire Games What changed since the last RC. How to port my mod PortA25ToA26 – Wildfire Games What to do if I have an error or notice something weird? Post your commands.txt (replay) and the interestinglog.html file from your folder. You can also reply to this thread. What to do if the game crashes? Upload your crashlog.dmp and crashlog.txt see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths What to do if I have an Out Of Sync? You should go in your logs folder, find the replay (commands.txt at least), the mainlog/interestinglog and find the OOS dump folder. Zip all these files and upload them here. We need the reports from two players to compare them: One OOS and one non-OOS players at least should upload their oos_dump files. Things you may want to test (non-exhaustive) Launch a random game Launch a skirmish. Connect to the lobby Play on the lobby with someone Play in LAN Launch Atlas and try things out there Open Unit tests demo (To see if there any breakage in displaying entities) (It's in scenarios) Enable feedback and see if it works (Main menu) See this video Connect to and use mod.io Test replaying new games Test Screenshots (F2) Test deleting all saved games Test Big Screenshots (Maj+F2) Test hotkeys Test Saving and loading a game. Test Quickload/Quicksave And of course playing games.
    1 point
  5. Valley of Forgotten temple 0.1 this is the reverse of the original, in the original you start in plains and not in high plateaus with a central valley.
    1 point
  6. I think the whole point of not allowing training for certain units from captured buildings is to maintain uniqueness of the civlization. For example followings doesn't make sense Romans makings eles from elephant stables mauryas making siege towers from capture siege workshop Sele making sowrd cav from gauls stables. And many more... I believe any capture building should only train units that are related to capturer. Which is the current implementation, except few bugs.
    1 point
  7. It does and maybe for a27 we will get some improvements there. But for this release this was the lesser evil and quick to do without the risk of introducing last minute bugs. edit: and yes it's worst for the Han, most other civs are ok with this change from my tests.
    1 point
  8. LOL If I may, shouldn't maybe the team figure out what they want?
    1 point
  9. Why isn't the reaction, "Neat! I can train new units from this captured thing!"?
    1 point
  10. Off-topic but I think it would be good to remove the "Trained by" & "Builds" information from the tooltip. I feel like they provide near to no value and are just visual distraction
    1 point
  11. Basically we use two wildcards <Entity>units/{civ}/infantry_spearman_a</Entity> <Entity>units/{native}/infantry_spearman_a</Entity> Assuming the civ of that building is han: Assuming your civ is pers: With {native} every civ can recruit han_infantry_spearman_a in that building. With {civ} only a civ with a template called infantry_spearman_a can recruit one. And it will be pers_infantry_spearman_a. If the civ does not have that template it won't be recruited. Now the issue here is that there are some leftovers templates that are not used anywhere, and become available through those buildings. IMHO this gives an interesting dynamic, but I can understand it may be confusing.
    1 point
  12. what else could be taken from players? I think phone numbers are too much to ask for even tho some games ask for user phone # to link to users accounts
    1 point
  13. Because the tooltip is generic and doesn't know about buildings or units etc.
    1 point
  14. Made my third game jam this weekend (Sorry no time for 0 A.D.) It's free, so feel free to like it or comment on it https://froissant.itch.io/no-time-to-dice
    1 point
  15. Say hello to the new champion crossbow: @Stan`@wowgetoffyourcellphone If you have time: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/6591
    1 point
  16. Seems like there is has been an 3 week silence on this topic. Lately I played a game against @vinme that I wanted to share. Originally I aimed to upload videos at least biweekly, but I realized that I lack the amount of interesting replays of high level strategical 1v1 games.
    1 point
  17. I suggest to add another option for team games: "auto-share" It means that every team has team resources, players dont have their own resources anymore if they are in a team. If a player gets a resource, this will be added to the team resources. If a player spends a resource, it needs to taken from the team resources, as the player doesn't have his own resources anymore. Example: 4v4 with low resources (300). So each team starts with 1200 resources of each kind. Some players might be quicker and queue up a huge batch immediately so there will be less resources for the others than usual, but this is just how it works. Could be fun. The fun would be that you dont need to send resources to teammates and you dont need to ask them for resources. Just spend and gather resources, and maybe leave some of the resources for your teammates ; ) First of all this would be problematic with diplomacy mode, so I suggest to first of all make the options incompatible (the game is either diplomacy or auto-share or none of them.) It could be also realized by a mod in order to be realized more early, but mods are very problematic for multiplayer if they change the gameplay (which leads to incompability with the main game)
    1 point
  18. Some extra flare message suggestions (based on experience): Look where I just suicided my entire army because it's now your problem. The army you warned me about via the chat really came to where you said it's coming. I noticed some enemy cavalry, but I only make women, so if you don't come deal with it all by yourself now, I'm going to quit and it's your fault. I am just flaring again to help you answer your questions as to what my previous flare was supposed to mean.
    1 point
  19. On June 3rd, 2022, around 11:35 pm UTC, Some players were apparently colluding to boost the rating of certain players. These guys, or one guy with a lot of duplicate accounts, were throwing matches rapidly, about 6 matches in 4 minutes at one point. Here are some of the names that I noticed apparently doing this. borg2 borgy2 borg2. fman4 fman3 fman2 aboss valihrant.. borg. carid2 vali2
    1 point
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