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  1. Some extra flare message suggestions (based on experience): Look where I just suicided my entire army because it's now your problem. The army you warned me about via the chat really came to where you said it's coming. I noticed some enemy cavalry, but I only make women, so if you don't come deal with it all by yourself now, I'm going to quit and it's your fault. I am just flaring again to help you answer your questions as to what my previous flare was supposed to mean.
    3 points
  2. I believe this disables the foundation actor, however I'm without the pc to test. <VisualActor> <Actor>structures/western/stone_low_curtain_wall_long.xml</Actor> <FoundationActor disable=""/> </VisualActor>
    2 points
  3. Possible references from https://twitter.com/AdMedieval/media
    2 points
  4. This gonna be a long topic, because i have implemented a lot of ideas. And it was not so straight forward, as i assumed a few month ago. So what's the hassle... I always have been jealous of the Starcraft-maps, with their levels and ramps, which are always good chokepoints. Therefore, my maps should not just have elevation, they should have elevations that funnel movements and can become part of an environmental strategy. But unlike the Starcraft-maps, i wanted it to be as random as it could get, with the option for more than just two players, and for different map-sizes. Just for the anticipation, my idea is not one map-design for all, i still have to adapt to the different sizes. If someone chooses to have three or more players on a tiny map, i have to scrap all elevations to make this work. Next indispensable requirement, all players must have in their immediate surrounding the same conditions. That implies, random is only for the areas, that have a certain distance from the bases of the player. The bases themselves have only things randomized, that would not put someone in a big advantage. So that are the basic ideas... Every player gets a slice of the map, like in a pie-chart. On this slice there is a coordination system, that starts from the edge of the slice in the center. So (0,0) is some point outside the playable area, and with ascending ''y'' you get closer to the center. With (0,2) you are sligthly on the edge of the playable area. The ''x'' value can be negative or positive. At certain coordinates, there are random hills. Random means, they are shifted to a certain distance around the exact coordinates. The coordinates for the hills are all the same for all players, but the random shifting varies. This pictures shows a medium map for three players, the pyramids indicate the places for centerpoints for elevations/plateaus. The green encircled pyramids are the (0,2) coordinate for every player. By the way, the coordinate-system is some mixture of cartesian and polar, but unlike polar, the angle of the coordinates are not constant, but getting smaller with the distance. I have implemented four other coordinate systems, including two hexagon-systems. The next step is to place the basics, like the city-center. I have made a somewhat simple map-description language - simple strings in an array, that influence the basic map. The following command replaces one hill with a city-center, including some citizens, some food-sources, and 4 mines. This was meant to be used in cramped maps. There are also letters for just the city center. setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "A"]); The result should look like that. And that does should look similar to every map size and any number of players (given, that there is enough area) The next step is make the topographics. The image below are simplefied topographics, with no random displacement. But you can see already the effect of the barriers and the ramps. Also you can see, that for all players the topography is identical.
    1 point
  5. Hello 0.A.D community, I think currently siege engines in general are not interesting to play as they are handled as simple as any unit. I was thinking of introducing following changes to make them more interesting to play. Top level idea: A siege engine shouldn't take popluation to produce but it will not move or attack untill units are garriosned. The attack and movement will depend on unit garriosned. Siege engine popupulation utlization: A siege engine shouldn't take any population or train, that means from current population of 3 to 0. Movement, attack & armor: Movement & attack will varies with respect to the number of units garriosned in the siege engine. While other statics will remian the same. The current and expected values can be seen in following table. Current Expected Inputs Siege type Attack Speed Attack Speed (current*x/pop utlized) Currently pop utilized Unit Garrisioned Crush Pierce Interval Crush Pierce Interval Battering Ram 150 1.5 7.2 50 0 4.5 2.4 3 1 Siege Tower 2.5 12 1 6.3 NA NA NA 2.1 3 1 Bolt shooter 160 4 8.1 0 80 8 4.05 2 1 Catapult 210 7 7.2 0 105 14 3.6 2 1 *Siege tower has impact only on speed and not other stats, as attacks depends on indivudual unit and not on siege iteself. Lets take an exmple of battering ram. With 0 unit garriosned ram will not move or attack. With 1 unit garriosed, its attack damage, speed and interval will be 1/3rd of what is currently there. With 2 unit garriosed, its attack damage, speed and interval will be 2/3rd of what is currently there. With 3 unit garriosned, it will behave as it behave currently. More than 3 will not have attack on stats but you can garriosn in it as per current state. Gameplay cases You can train as many siege as you want but in order to use them, you will need units inside. Depends on your requirement you can garrsion 1/2/3 or more. You are not pop constrained here but at same time you are, but tactically. You can park the siege out of fight and after fight when you wants to kill buildings garrsion units and start. This will also insure to use garriosing units in siege. There are many use cases I can go about. But i hope you got the idea. @borg-, @Stan`, @ValihrAnt, @Lion.Kanzen, what do you guys think? Open for suggestion if you find it interesting.!!
    1 point
  6. sometimes others flare and add a comment like: - 5 to you - help and sometimes i got flares without any comment. then last games i ask "whats up?" and often i get no answer. then if i have cavs i take a look to this position. if i have most pike-man and rest most female workers i not run to this position, it was sometimes happens i run with all military to this position and there is no help needed. was a miss-click he said. i sometimes confused about my own behavior. so it happens that i flare and don't add a comment. sometimes the other players are very very angry if they feel not understood correct. many enable the card update very late, and some others very early. the often think then flare is enough without comment. but if you update this card update, to see your aliens, short time behind p3 your often don't understand what a flare is. i recommend. please add a little comment, like "help". or "help to many" or something. or "help, maybe i could do it" .... anything. if you have other ideas. an audio talk within a team could also be very helpful. those were a few thoughts.
    1 point
  7. A few more useful flare message (based on experience in other games): Form up on me! Help! Danger here! Let's go here! Vulnerable targets here! Enemy army spotted! Enemy is building, deny it! Build this for me! Protect this location! Cover me!
    1 point
  8. I must say I actually appreciate trying to support your point with a video. That shows you don't intend to spread misinformation. I briefly tested what you initially claimed, even though I was pretty sure I know what the game does. Well, alre already explains what is happening there. Perhaps the walking animation is a bit confusing specifically with these Iberian soldiers, but this really seems to be the walking speed. I also tried to test if there is a speed difference between units with and without resources, and I noticed no difference. So like alre said, the animation with a sword belongs to the attack move (when the unit pauses it's movement to first attack any nearby units or structures). And the carried resources are still seen in the bottom pannel and they even reappear when you order a normal move. The only time the resources get dropped is when you start gathering a resource of a different type.
    1 point
  9. can't you see they move at the same speed, and also they don't actually drop the res, they just "hide" them, and take them out again when they stop. ranged infantry units always move faster than melee, irrespective of resources carried. edit: by the way that hotkey works for everyone (I hope) as it's very important for high level play. it's called attack-move.
    1 point
  10. yes these are all very helpful and OP. XD
    1 point
  11. Actually I noticed different behavior the other day. Four women were building a storehouse when attacked by a couple of lions. They did not run or fought the lions but continued building. When I finally saw what was going on I ordered them to attack and they did. This was due to the passive stance I figured but it still seemed strange. Running would be the logical action because of the stance but why not fighting because they were attacked by Gaia, not a soldier? Citizen soldiers like cavalry fight animals when they are hunting. Don't know if this classifies as a bug but could be adjusted imo.
    1 point
  12. The next step is to redesign the areas around the base. The topographic cells are to compressed, i want more space. So i put up in the map-description language an character (exclamation point), that connect cells to the cell of the base. I put this char exactly at the location of the default-hill. I could also overwrite the hill with some char and put the cell somewhere close. But there should always be some distance between the topographic features. The description of the map now looks like this: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!"]); And the result now looks like this: Again, up to now, for all players the topography is the same. Next, i want to reduce the amounts of cell before me, at the moment there are three cells, i just want two, and i want them not to be aligned to my base. For the description i added the dot to erase any topographic feature, that was set by default, and a "X" to set a new cell. The description now looks like that: setMap(["", "", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", ".....X.....X......."] and the map looks like that: Now i make a little alteration, i will only put one hill in front of my base. The small "x" is like the big "X", but it will not get randomly displaced. setMap(["", "x", "", "", "", "", "!....A....!", "", "", "", "", "...........x......."] ); The result looks like that: Now i apply the random displacement to the cells: The cells now are lowered or raised plateaus, except the cells, that belong to the base - they are always lowered. For the accessibility there is no difference, if the plateau is raised or lowered, the ramps to the plateaus are either go up or down. Also, while the default cells are randomly displaced, the cells set by the discription-array are not. Of course you can create cells, that are displaced. But for this example i wanted to be the cells in the immediate surrounding of the base all to be fixed. The last step for now is texture and trees. And this is, what the "normal"-sized map for three players look like: Just for the observation, i have limited the trees to the proximity of the base - i have an old computer, and i utilize everything to reduce lag. But there is also a character for Cells with a forest. And this is what a map of the "medium" size looks like. Parts of the element described in the array are missing. So this map is already to small. Still you get a nice map, and still it is fair to all players.
    1 point
  13. You're right about the women because those are units with a default passive stance. A passive stance unit only starts running once it is actually attacked and hit, but the exact behavior also depends on the command it is following at that time. The attacking unit also starts running when hitting and following a passive unit. Other than women, healers are also passive by default. If you actually set soldiers to passive, they will act the same too. Anyway, you can still order a passive unit to attack an enemy unit (if it is capable of attacking), and the attack will take precedence over running away. When a unit is working on an economic task, it will try to run away when attacked but then return to that task.
    1 point
  14. Can you help me read this data? What does the 18,593 number represent? Weekly unique user reports for 6/10/22? The other report you linked shows that there are 22K unique reports for 1/1/22 to 5/24/22. And over that same period there have been like 100K downloads. Does that mean that there were just 3.5K unique reports for all the other weeks of the year? That implies that 90% of YTD downloads translate into active weekly users, which implies there are more than 90K active users out there who downloaded the game this year. That would make its active player base as large as 1/4 of all AOEIV sales. Given the lack of observable users elsewhere (social media, forums, MP lobby, etc.), that simply doesn't seem possible. Does the game send reports even if the player is not actively playing the game? In other words, are there phantom reports coming from non-users who still have it installed on their computers?
    1 point
  15. Don't forget to add props to the models later, I believe the Gallic props would match well, just edit the positions a bit.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Whoa! Being the highest rated active German player cant be that bad then, right? xD
    1 point
  18. It's rather recent that Ubuntu force snap down their users throat and that there was an issue with wfg ppa, so that conclusion can't be made from the above graphs at all even if it might be true. Also making some assumptions and doing some math it's not unlikely that the active (playing weekly) player base is between 300k and 500k.
    1 point
  19. Nice, I managed to make it work and buildable in game but I am having min and max distance errors, lmao.
    1 point
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