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  1. my game against fellow 0AD youtuber Kate0AD!!! ———— yekaterina (1570) vs zxphxr (1223) ———— send me ur replays to make videos of: zephyramethyst1@gmail.com
    5 points
  2. my 9th 0AD youtube vid pls like and subscribe ———— zxphxr (1223) vs supriyadi (1280) ———— send me ur replays to make videos of: zephyramethyst1@gmail.com
    3 points
  3. Thanks. I see it now. I didn't see it before because I was trading 100 back and forth. That results in net 0 res creation. trading 200 back and forth also creates net 0 res creation. (Note, that while the total amount of res stays flat, the amount of individual res can increase or decrease--effectively allowing mace to trade any res for any other res. Maybe that needs to be revised, but that isn't what's at discussion) The problem begins to develop occur when you trade 300 res back and forth (and it seems to get worse as you trade higher amounts back and forth, at least for a little while). I don't think this is a problem with Mace as much as it is a problem with general trading functions. I suspect this means that players should always trade larger amounts of res because the "value" is greater with the larger amount that you trade. That doesn't seem right and seems to say "you'll get better value if you flood the market with unwanted res." This should be visited, and I suspect such a revisiting will fix the "Mace" problem.
    2 points
  4. So you should start at the EntityLimits.js file. First you'll need to adapt the schema (and all the templates that use the schema), next you'll need to modify the function that checks the limits, to look for the mentioned diplomatic relationship between players (Allied, Enemy, Global, perhaps?). To answer your topic title: 13. (And feel free to ask for more specific questions while you dive in. )
    2 points
  5. Sunday has rolled around again! Time for some cavalry charges!
    2 points
  6. 80:20 rule 80% of your players are single player 20% of your players are multiplayers It's insinuated that this apparently even holds for Starcraft 2. Fundamentals are super important, such as smooth pathfinding, logical group movement, and unit responsiveness. Players will give up on your game if they are frustrated by the controls. Spectacle is important. It's super fun to do cool things. Age of Mythology had monsters and god powers. Warcraft 3 had spells, heroes, elves, orcs. Starcraft 1&2 have flying units, LASERs, aliens, and mechas. Even the "mundane" Age of Empires series allows you to build cool cities and large armies that clash on the battlefield. A lot of "Spectacle" gets cut because it "imbalances" multiplayer. "When you design for multiplayer first, you inevitably cut the things that should be selling your game." A Great Map/Scenario Editor makes a Great RTS. Dev Tools important. A Great Editor helps Users/Players and Devs create great experiences. User Created content needs to be fostered and supported.
    1 point
  7. You must not have seen the video in this discussion. The res generated can be done by one player alone and in vast quantities. It is the most exploitable with mace. This is very different than simply observing that 100 wood gets you 164 stone (because of other players) and making the most of that trade/
    1 point
  8. You can't decay in allied territory.
    1 point
  9. -Unidades mayas protoclásicas actualizadas; (Llevan incluidas) -Armas. Texturas. -Escudos con símbolos, -Penachos de plumas y adornos. -Colores de facción.(azul) Unidades campeonas(4); 1)Aristocrata ;--------------------- ---- (Bahkab) (habilidad o tecnología que podría permitir a esta unidad cambiar de lanza a cerbatana) 2)Guerreiro de Elite ;---------------------- (Sajaloob) 3)Líder;---------------------------(Aj Payal) 4)Sumo Sacerdote ;---------------------(Noj Aj K 'uhun) Al completo; Unidades marítimas(3); 5)canoa de guerra maya;--------------(Tok' pakal Jukuub') 6)canoa de pesca;--------------(Kayom Jukuub') 7)canoa mercante;-------------(Konol Jukuub') Al completo; Unidades infantería pesada(3); (Equivalente a la caballería maya , por que serían ligeramente más rápidos) 8)Guardián ;---------------- (kokhom B'ate) 9)Guerreiro Montaña guacamayo;------------(Aj witz mo B'ate) 10)Guerrero jaguar; -----------(Aj Balam B'ate) (faltan las máscaras del guerrero jaguar) -Al completo; Infantería leve(6); 11)Guerrero con garrote;-------------(Xet'el Che' B'ate) 12)Guerrero con cerbatana;-----------(Puw B'ate) 13)Guerrero com hacha;-------------------( B'aat B'ate) 14)Guerrero con venablos; ----------------- -------(Hul'che Bat) 15)Hondero; ------------- ----( Yum'Tun B'ate) 16)Guerrero con lanza; ----------------- --(Taj Lom B'ate) Al completo ; Unidades civiles(2); 17)mercader maya;------------(Aj Kon) 18)Sacerdote; -------------(Aj K'in) Al completo; Unidades de héroes(2); 19)Soberano Divino ;------------------------- (K'uhul Ajaw) 20)Soberano militar ; ------------------(Chak Ajaw) Al completo; (ME faltan las 6 unidades de , mujer maya, soberana femenina o héroe 3 , y , los 4 ,mercenarios Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  10. Since A25, territory root can be changed via tech.
    1 point
  11. In A26 I've noticed that certain maps like Gaudalquivir River with shallow water, the dead bodies are showing up in the water with a light square background. It disappears when the bodies do.
    1 point
  12. I would like to share and discuss this way of booming with other players:
    1 point
  13. Also, Sophist - +100% research time, -90% pierce resistance. Jokes aside, I really like your idea for the Athenian bonus.
    1 point
  14. Let's guide this back to modeling and texturing some Roman cataphract armor.
    1 point
  15. -Lo mismo pasaría con escudos y cascos metálicos /gorras de cuero; Escudos; La mayoría usaban escudos(caetras) de madera, sencillos , con alguna decoración.(clases bajas y medias). Solo las clases altas usaban escudos(caetras) de madera con revestimientos metálicos y un "Umbo" en el medio ,en el juego serían las unidades campeonas y de los Héroes. Cascos metálicos; La mayoría de quienes podían permitirse un casco de metal (hierro , bronce , latón etc...) eran de las clases altas y por eso , aconsejo que solo las unidades campeonas lusitanas del juego llevaran cascos metálicos. Hice diferentes modelos para acentuar y diferenciar lo más posible unas unidades de otras para hacer las únicas y no aconsejo mezclarlas todas , porque harían que se perdiera la individualidad de cada unidad y al final parecerían todas las unidades campeonas la misma y no parecerían originales.(No mezclar los modelos de cascos metálicos es solo una proposición mía). Gorras de cuero; Era lo más común que usaban los lusitanos (de clases bajas y medias) para protegerse la cabeza , pero hay tantas referencias que las mencionan como otras referencias que no lo hacen tanto ,que por eso propongo que no todas las unidades lusitanas no campeonas lleven gorras de cuero. En fase 1 , que no lo lleven ninguno, en fase 2 (40%sí lo lleven pero sin el penacho que indica color de facción ) y en Fase 3 ( 80%sí lo lleven y con el penacho que indica color de facción). Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  16. I agree. Looks very much like the Samnites. The design here looks more unique: Though the background color is too bright and orange.
    1 point
  17. fixed I made a SVG file. lusitani.svg lusitani.eps
    1 point
  18. *Some important observations: I don't know which headless statues he refers to in the description, but I have never read anything about the Lusitanians wearing metal cuirasses, the same goes for the greaves in figure 114. If we remove those details, perhaps these images can be of some use to us. In the case of the leather helmet in figure 113, it is taken from the reliefs of Osuna, which are from the Iberian zone, but since we don't know what these helmets looked like, we cannot say that this is an error.
    1 point
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