Hello everybody, I'm a long time follower, first time poster. First of all I have to thanks the developers for the continued amazing work! The game is not perfect yet, but it actually may be the one of its genre that gives most importance to real strategy in a multiplayer setting, which is an impressive achievement.
I've been told that a new alpha is going to be relaesed and that rams are being reworked a little, but does this mean that they will only be unable to attack troops? Is there any other planned change? Honestly, the way rams work at now perplexes me a lot, and this is a feeling I share with my friends (we play team games together), so I wanted to ask if anybody else agrees with me here: at present stage, if one or more rams are attacking my place, and I only have spearmen and ranged units, I can do almost nothing to stop them. I can use slingers and women more or less effectively, but really, it makes no sense that spearmen are powerless. Is this a byproduct of hack/pierce/dunno mechanich, or is it a wanted feature?
To me, it would make a lot more sense if any melee unit would be able to destroy or convert a ram easy, I also have in mind a reworking proposal that wouldn't need too much work, would make rams a lot more realistic, and would solve the problem without sacrificing gameplay balance, but first I wanted to know if you too see the problem.