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  1. If you don't need full control: Just assign a variable to the result of the placer function, usually that's `playerPlacementCircle` for typical maps e.g. nobland, get the playerPositions which is the second return argument, add some randomization to the positions and give it back on `placePlayerBases`, e.g.: let playerPlacements = playerPlacementCircle( // ... or whatever is being used as the player placer function let [playerIDs, playerPositions] = playerPlacements; // iterate and modify playerPositions e.g. playerPlacements = [playerIds, playerPositions.map((pos) => _modify_pos_)]; placePlayerBases({ "PlayerPlacement": playerPlacements, // give it back to 0ad The root of the territory is the cc location itself, so you can't do much better than this. That's what will be positioned on what you specify there, you can only change the distribution of entities around it via heavy patching or some other clever way of the functions I mentioned on the previous post.
    2 points
  2. Gallic Highlands. Attempting to make a nice open Temperate map with some heights you can claim, using the newer tree assets and DE's new terrain textures.
    1 point
  3. It's the grass I guess
    1 point
  4. I found a bug. When I chose the tutorial to learn how to play, I found that the lake displayed on the map disappeared. There was this lake on this map before. When the water surface effects option is selected, the lake surface disappears.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Fuentes; -Fauna; Anexo:Mamíferos de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Anexo:Aves de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Anexo:Reptiles de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Anexo:Anfibios de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Anexo:Peces continentales de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre -Flora; Anexo:Árboles de la península ibérica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre Flora Iberica - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre En estos enlaces se encuentran solo algunos de los muchos animales que existen hoy día o los que se extinguieron en los últimos tiempos , ya que en la época de lusitanos , íberos , celtas... había mucha más diversidad de fauna y flora que hoy . En la antigüedad había mucha más flora y fauna autóctona además de que la Península hacía de unión de especies de África y Europa junto a ser un sitio de paso para la migración de animales tanto terrestres , marinos o aves. Disculpen las molestias ocasionadas*
    1 point
  7. Buenas tardes/días/noches; Para acabar el tema de la naturaleza por ahora; -Fauna terrestre; 1-Asno salvaje; 2-Puercoespín ; 3-"uro" (antiguos toros y vacas salvajes); (aspecto parecido a los actuales toros ibéricos , pero mucho más grande , de colores negros y marrones y mixtos) 4-Bisonte europeo; Hay que diferenciar al "bisonte europeo" del "Uro" , por eso subí esta última información ya que ese error lo cometí y quería aclararlo Los puercoespines han sobrevivido a nuestra época en esta zona , pero burros salvajes y "uros" se han extinguido y los bisontes europeos ya solo quedan algunos en Polonia , Bielorrusia y Georgia. -Fauna marina; 1-Calamar -Flora ; 1-pino piñonero Disculpen me las molestias *
    1 point
  8. Correct. Root represents the base of the main object. Placing your props in Blender as you want to have them and then using it as attach point will do the trick.
    1 point
  9. I totally forgot this thread, but since r24162 entities can fully block status effects.
    1 point
  10. Logging gives very little information that is useful: the ip ranges won't be from the attacker, instead - for ddos at least - it's just a list of infected people. The attacker never really connects to you, they'll be sitting high and dry and let infected hosts attack you.
    1 point
  11. Grapjas, that's possible but not too straightforward to implement. You'll basically need to redefine one of:`placePlayerBase`, `placeCivDefaultStartingEntities` functions or any other function that starts with `placePlayerBase*`.
    1 point
  12. Hello everyone! I hope you all are fine Today, im making this post to inform you that i made a YouTube channel in the one i'll be uploading matches, strats and tips to improve in this game In first videos i'll be speaking spanish (i think that could be nice that someone makes videos in spanish) but i don't discard to make videos in english too. I'll try to puut subtittles in videos to make it understable to everyone With no more to say, i send you huge greetings The name's channel is: Stockfish0ad Link:
    1 point
  13. This is a formal apology to the community. I'm very new to this and I exited a game without resigning because i thought it didn't matter. I now know that it does. Karma got me back though when I beat a 1300 rated player and he exited without resigning. My score stays 1090. Just wanted to say my exit wasn't intentional and would recommend that the game be updated to include someone exiting as a win condition. Thank you to the developers!!! All the best, djembiejosh
    1 point
  14. First of all, which version of 0 A.D. are you using, the latest stable (A23) or the svn development version (A24)? If you take files from a A24 mod and apply them on A23, or vice versa, you're very likely to encounter errors. It's best to disable all other mods and take files directly from the default (public) game. You can browse the latest stable files at https://github.com/0ad/0ad/tree/eb2fc5c53d0c55de308be6dc5bb7f952cfbc210d/binaries/data/mods/public and files of the svn development version at https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/ps/trunk/binaries/data/mods/public . To introduce a new civilization, you need to add a simulation/data/civs/{civ}.json file, yes. You can copy one from elsewhere and edit it, or write a new one from scratch. Open the file in a text editor. The crucial thing is the civ code (line 2), e.g. "Code": "athen", This should match the file name (hence athen.json), is used for civ-bonuses and technologies (under simulation/data/technologies), and entity templates (under simulation/templates). Now if view the rest of your {civ}.json file, you'll see many fields (e.g. "Emblem", "Music", "WallSets", "StartEntities", "Formations", SkirmishReplacements") include file names. Make sure those files actually exist, and verify they're correct! Otherwise you will get errors. You also might want to have a look at https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/21083-how-to-modify-0-ad/ , a thread containing a lot of questions and answers about modifying the game.
    1 point
  15. I have installed 0AD on a Raspberry Pi 4 today (from Raspbian repo) and it worked out of the box like a charm at full screen with a 21:9 (2560x1080) monitor. No lags. Great graphics.
    1 point
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