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  1. Buenas ; Estoy trabajando con @Lopess (a quien le doy las gracias )para desarrollar los "Lusitanos" y aquí les traigo un boceto de las posibles unidades y estructuras para ellos; Estructuras ; Edificios comunes (15); (Español);-----------------------------------------------(original) 1.Centro cívico;------------------------------------------( Trebopala) 2.casas;--------------------------------------------------(Trebo ) 3.Almacén;-----------------------------------------------( ... ) 4.Alquería;-----------------------------------------------( Treb harase ) 5.Corral;-------------------------------------------------( ... ) 1.Oveja;---------------(Oilam ) 2.Cerdo;---------------(Porcom ) 3.Cabra;---------------( Comaiam ) 4.Gallo;----------------(Kulyakos) 5.Toro;----------------(Taurom ) 6.Vaca;----------------( Bandue ) 7. Cordero ;----------(Angom) 6.Torre de defensa ;----------------------------------------(... ) 7.Cuartel;---------------------------------------------------( Treb coriam ) 8.Herrería;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 9.Templo;---------------------------------------------------(Treb ailatio ) 10.Muralla;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 11.Huerto;--------------------------------------------------(Olca ) 12.Mercado;------------------------------------------------( ... ) 13.Puerto;--------------------------------------------------( ...) 14.Fortaleza;-----------------------------------------------(Briga ) 15.Torreta de defensa;--------------------------------------(...) Puerta;----------------------------------------------------(Gab) Edificios especiales (5) 1."Maravilla" ;/¿?/;-------------------------------------------(...) 2."Castro mercenario";-----------------------------------(Bria coria ) 3."Monumento reverencial";------------------------------(Crougia Deiwos ) 4."Sauna";------------------------------------------------(Bormano) Unidades ;(27) (Español);-----------------------------------------------(original) Infantería ;(4) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles") 1. Lancero raso ;---------------------------------------------( Gestikapoinan ) 2. Hondero ;-------------------------------------------------( Trokalobutiam ) 3. Espadachín ;-----------------------------------------------( Caetranan ) 4. Escaramuzador raso ;-------------------------------------( Iovaman ) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles "y "centro urbano") 1. Lancero ;--------------------------------------------------( Gestikapoinann ) 2. Hondero ;--------------------------------------------------(Trokalobutiamm ) Infantería de élite ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza" ) 1. Lancero de élite ;------------------------------------------(Scortamareva) 2. Escaramuzador ;-------------------------------------------(Clona tekonac ) Infantería Campeona;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza " ) 1. Campeón;---------------------------------------------------( Ambakaro ) Infantería (mercenaria); (3) (Reclutados en ;" castro mercenario " ) 1. Mercenario Conii ;------------------------------------------(... arimos ) 2. Mercenario Túrdulo ;----------------------------------------( ...arimos ) 3. Mercenario Vetón ;------------------------------------------( ... arimos) Caballería;(2) (Reclutados en ;"cuarteles " ) 1. Lancero ;----------------------------------------------------( Epones Pretre ) 2. Escaramuzador ;--------------------------------------------( Epones Aeiste ) (Reclutados en ;" Cuarteles"y "centro urbano") 1. Escaramuzador ;--------------------------------------------( Epones Aeiste ) Caballería de élite;(2) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza " ) 1. lancero ;----------------------------------------------------( Ambakaro Epones ) 2. Escaramuzador ;---------------------------------------------( Katuvaram ) Caballería mercenaria ;(2) (Reclutados en ;" castro mercenario " ) 1. Caballería Galaica ;---------------------------------------------(... arimos ) 2. Caballería Astures ;--------------------------------------------( ... arimos ) 3.Caballería Vetona ;----------------------------------------------(... arimos) Civiles;(3) (Reclutados en ;" centro urbano") 1. Mujer;------------------------------------------------------------(Petanim) (Reclutados en ;"Mercado ") 2. Comerciante;----------------------------------------------------(... ) (Reclutados en ;"Templo ") 3. Sacerdote;-------------------------------------------------------( Ampilua ) Armas de asedio;(1) (Reclutados en ;" fortaleza") 1.Ariete;--------------------------------------------------------------(... ) Navíos mercenarios ;(3) (Reclutados en ;" Puerto") 1.Balsa pesquera galaica;-------------------------------------------(...) 2.Navío mercante fenicio;------------------------------------------(... ) 3.Navío militar cartaginés ;-----------------------------------------( ...) Héroes ;(3-5) (Reclutados en ;"Fortaleza ") 1.Viriato ;----------------------------------------(Viriato ) 1.Púnico ;---------------------------------------(Apimano) 3.Cauceno;--------------------------------------(Kaikainos ) (invadió áfrica) (Para la "IA" no encontré suficientes jefes lusitanos importantes , por eso creo que sería mejor poner nombres de tribus) (Sigo buscando información y cualquier ayuda o corrección es bien recibida ) Disculpen las molestias*
    2 points
  2. Position: 3D Environment and Props Do you understand that Wildfire Games is a non-commercial project, work for 0 A.D. is volunteer, and work is done for free? Yes Do you agree to distribute all your work for Wildfire Games under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license? Yes Are you sure you are not wanting to work on something programming related? (Then you don't need to send in an application form.) Yes Name: Daniel Pérez Email: daniel.perez.2992@gmail.com Location: México city, México Availability: 10 hrs per week Age: 28 Occupation: 3D art and motion graphics Skills and Experience: Multimedia Designer- Anáhuac University 4 years in my actual work making projects to Apps, motion graphics, web, video games with VR and AR that use 3D and 2D elements Motivation: I became a Multimedia Designer because since I had my first console my love to the video games was born...for that reason after I graduated from college I started to practice with videos tutorials to know all the possibilities that the world of 3D has to be able to collaborate on a video game Personality: Looking happily for learnings and experiences Short Essay: Some years ago I want to play strategy games but I have a Mac and has few options so I started looking for an alternative and finally I found 0AD and I loved it in all the aspects, then I visited the site and saw that I could participate in what I had always wanted by applying what I knew about 3D and at the same time learning and improving my skills Interests and Hobbies: I like to dance, video games, roll with my motorcycle, play pool, 3D Staff: no Community: Epicgames, artstation, unityfreaks etc Favorite Game: currently the witcher, all time def jam fight for ny Work Examples: I attach an image with 5 examples of different projects
    1 point
  3. I am not sure if mobile building mechanic for nomads will be kept. DE Scythians for example will have weak immobile buildings and no territory.
    1 point
  4. In another game I don't know what the host did in configuration but the game show you are win at the beginning game without playing.. my rank not affected but the win ratio add lost game to me. I was (Win 5/4Loose) it become (5/5). commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  5. tingeltangelbob, He was the host and he left the game without resigning. He did it just last Tuesday against PurpleMotion. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  6. It's hard to not agree. One initial idea was that even if they start with the same stats, the units from different types could be improved with specific civilization technologies. That remains a bit but it had progressively disappeared through the last releases.
    1 point
  7. metadata.jsonI played a rated game, opponent resigned did not get any points My Username: Derek O My Opponent: noamgot @user1 commands.txt
    1 point
  8. @user1 My user: PurpleMotion Offender: DerekO Tried to rush me at the start and failed, then ended up losing his main TC and dragged the game for no reason, just about when he was about to be wiped out, he decided to cheat and block me or what ever. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  9. Everything you need, the rest learn from watching replays and practicing on your own. For AI, learn to bait the AI into taking bad fights, just send few men there counter attack with better economy later.
    1 point
  10. For wonder you could use Tongwancheng city or burial mound (Like in Sundiata's suggestion):
    1 point
  11. Buenas , estuve trabajando en posibles edificios para Arsácidas ; ( SON BOCETOS , así que serán moldeados en breve ) ALMACÉN; BARRACAS; CENTRO CÍVICO; CASAS; (4 MODELOS) CORRAL; GRANJA (MOLINO DE AGUA); (también haré un molino de viento) MERCADO; PUERTO; HERRERÍA; INSPIRADOS EN; (TODAS SON DIFERENTES ALDEAS , AUNQUE PAREZCAN LA MISMA) Son casas y aldeas datadas en fechas del Imperio Arsácidas (con apenas cambios desde entonces) y por eso las tomé como ejemplo , ahora hace falta añadir elementos persas , arsácidas y alguno helenístico. Disculpen las molestias *
    1 point
  12. And now is merged and will be included in 3.5.0.
    1 point
  13. Obviously the iconic Scythians should be really appealing. It is just more difficult to render a nomadic culture in the game (because historical accuracy). But I think Han China is in the most advanced state currently for an upcoming faction. So... yeah maybe there is the time to include it for A24.
    1 point
  14. I feel like the game would be really enjoyable if you had objective or history based missions to play. Like say play as the spartans and defend against the Persians. or as the gualts against the romans, etc.
    1 point
  15. @Lopess @Duileoga Sadly I don't have the time to give advices on a new mini-faction, I just got a new job and I am really busy for the following months. Furthermore I am already helping Europa Barbarorum's team, which is time-consuming. In addition, Spanish is not my mother tongue and I am still learning it. Finally, I don't know enough the Iberian peninsula to rely on memory. So basically I could help mostly by relying on reading, for which I am not in the best position in this context. In the future, I can ask Trarco if he wants to participate here. I can simply remember you that the Iberian peninsula during the iron age is a quite diverse place. - There are non-indo-european cultures, three groups can be schematized: the Iberians, the Palaeo-Basques/Aquitanians, the Turdetani. The latter being heavily influenced by Punic civilization. - A growing Celtic presence, mostly driven by the Celtiberians. Their material culture is heavily spreading among the Vaccaei, the Vettones and the Gallaeci. - Another indo-european remaining presence, associated to the Lusitanians and probably also to the Gallaeci and the Vettones. Either it is an older Celtic culture from the Bronze Age, or a sister branch of the Celtic languages and cultures. They share heavy similarities with the Celts (notably with the worship of Epona, Endovelicus, Lugus) but their language suggests some important differences. The massive difference in the material culture is related to the culture of the castros or castreña: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultura_castreña https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castro_culture You can find a lot of resources on the FB page of Celtiberia I already gave above, but also here in English: https://dc.uwm.edu/ekeltoi/ There is an audio podcast at the end of this table of contents: https://www.despertaferro-ediciones.com/revistas/numero/arqueologia-historia-25-celtiberos/ There are a bunch of books you can find on library genesis: Los pueblos prerromanos de la península Ibérica Los celtiberos Prehistoria y protohistoria de la Península Ibérica There are some academic publication on the Western people of the peninsula: LAS COMUNIDADES DE LA EDAD DEL HIERRO EN EL OCCIDENTE DE LA MESETA “¿Guerreros o bandoleros? Las formas de combate de los pueblos de la Meseta Occidental a partir del armamento de los yacimientos abulenses (ss. V-I a.C.) Finding resources on the Vettones is quite easy: https://www.academia.edu/2981562/Nuestros_ancestros_los_vettones https://www.academia.edu/2053713/Los_Vettones_Arqueología_de_un_pueblo_protohistórico Edit: https://www.facebook.com/TANITdivulgacion/posts/1755140541304108 https://www.facebook.com/TANITdivulgacion
    1 point
  16. Buenas , estuve investigando ; Encontré el aspecto de esas saunas , ubicadas entre las culturas Lusitanas y Galaica (celta) , son unas reconstrucciones de fuentes similares a las que usted mencionó . *Disculpen las molestias.
    1 point
  17. StarAtt vs borg-.tar.gz Will To Fight badosu asked
    1 point
  18. For those reading Spanish fluently, it seems I found a detailed article about sauna in NW Hispano-Celtic cultures: https://revistas.unav.edu/index.php/cuadernos-de-arqueologia/article/download/27839/23445 Bonus:
    1 point
  19. This text, Kingdom of Magadha: Wars and Warfare, mentions the use of something like a catapult by King Ajatashatru of the Haryanka Dynasty of the Kingdom of Magadha, against the Vajii, a confederacy ruled by the Licchavi Kingdom, in the early 5th century BC (484 BC – 468 BC), more than one and a half centuries before the rise of the Maurya Dynasty. Wikipedia corroborates this. This Indian catapult was called mahashilakantaga, though I can find only very few mentions of the name, which all seem to point to the linked ancient.eu article. In the book, From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire, By Pierre Briant, p763, it's claimed that the Achaemenid Persians might have actually invented the catapult. this isn't exactly hard evidence though... Buuuuuuut.... There's this verse from the Bible, 2 Chronicles 26:15, which talks about King Uzziah of Judah, who built what sounds like catapults way back in the 8th century BC! That's definitely a possible source for the later hypothesized Persian catapults... It's also the reason why I'm not so quick to ignore the apparent mention of catapults (a thing casting stones at the enemy walls) in Piye's Great Triumphal Stela from the Amun temple at Napata, c. 727 BC: The Kingdom of Judah entered into a sort of protectorate relationship with the Kushites after Piye (they paid tribute to Taharqa), and they probably had relations before that. So if King Uzziah had developed catapults a generation earlier, the idea the Kushites employed them isn't totally unbelievable. The book Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity even states that there is a possibility that siege weapons including catapults came to Carthage from Mesopotamia via the Phoenicians. I know that the invention of the catapult is generally ascribed to the Greeks, but It's almost as if some of the Greek and Roman history writers and some of the people interpreting the texts today are full of manure... Greek scholars travelled all over, including Mesopotamia and Egypt, studying the local knowledge, then brought it back to Greece, adapted it and made it their own. The Pythagorean Theorem is good example. A lot of people think it's Greek, even though Pythagoras travelled to Egypt and studied there with the priests, where "Pythagoras' Theorem" was already known for about one and a half millennia before Pythagoras was even born...
    1 point
  20. Okay guys, I have idea. Let's put 0 A,D, onto The Steam.
    1 point
  21. Due to the lack of activity in the sound department and unless someones submits a patch on code.wildfiregames.com it is unlikely
    0 points
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