@FeXoR @Imarok @Angen @Nescio @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Lion.Kanzen @Trinketos
mountain out of a molehill
player bartered 500 Food for 409 Stone.
player bartered 409 Stone for 500 Food.
x for y
y for x
no difference
works perfectly fine
watch replay. at one point he is under the impression that his opponent is 'getting rid of stone' for food when it is in fact the exact opposite that is occurring. It is his own confusion.
********** problem isn't with ambiguity nor the flexibility of english language nor substituting barter for exchange or gained, received, anything else **********
BoredRusher bartered 409 Stone for 500 Food.
BoredRusher bartered 340 Stone for 500 Food.
says - "boredrusher getting some stone"
BoredRusher bartered 287 Stone for 500 Food.
BoredRusher bartered 330 Stone for 500 Wood.
says - "i think that's how that works"
says - "look, for some reason i feel like that should be the other way around"
says - "if they're getting rid of food and getting stone it should be bartered food for stone, but it does it the other way around i think, im really not sure"
says - "thats weird, like why would you be "buying" ( he pauses talking and the moment of confusion has set in for whatever reasons...) "getting rid of" your stone to get food, there is no reason he would be doing that"
Notice BoredRusher never "gets rid of" stone in those 4 exchanges? same...
goes from saying "gets some" (stone) to later saying "gets rid of" (stone)
^^ this is the moment where he gets wrong what ACTUALLY occurred by BoredRushers 4 "bartering" choices.
says - "no, there is no way"
says - "he got stone so that he could get more barracks (stone for barracks as maury???) and such and another civic center"
says - "thats weird, thats weird... am i the only person that thinks thats weird?"
says - "yea that should be the other way around, he bartered the food for the stone, no he "got" the stone, by bartering away the food"
says - "or... or... (again questions himself as to what ACTUALLY occured) did BuredRusher actually give away stone to get food?"
Your honor, I rest my case.
@psypherium, no hard feelings <3 ... am a condescending @#$% sometimes