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  1. Metal mines for the India biome. I think I will use these meshes and textures to improve the metal mines for all biomes.
    3 points
  2. Whilst that may be worth exploring, it probably would require partially overhauling the gui session code, which is rather complicated, realistically it's something for the distant future, thus not an option right now. The choice is between D2806 and D2875 because these are the patches available and ready to be reviewed and committed, i.e. a simple and ready solution for right now.
    2 points
  3. It's Sunday, so that must mean...
    2 points
  4. I have already been experimenting with giving the game a much needed update to the terrain textures. I have been exclusively using assets from this website here, licensed as cc0: CC0 Textures - Public Domain PBR Materials We could contact this gentleman and ask for his assistance in creating new assets if his site currently does not have them and WFG could even become a Patron (his highest Patreon level is $5/month). Even if we don't try to partner with him, we can still utilize his excellent CC0 assets and ask him to check out how we're using his stuff. cough I am very keen now on using CC0 or CC-BY-SA materials. eh hem. And so far the results have been better than I'd hoped. EXAMPLES India: Desert (using assets from the India biome) Alpine-Polar (I think these 2 should be combined) Pros for updating the terrains: The game's current terrains are inconsistent in quality and scattershot in style. A new set of terrains can unify the quality and style. Terrains take up a massive amount of screen space, or what the player sees, so improving them gives a large boost in visual quality. The current terrains don't fully take advantage of the graphics engine's capabilities. A new set of terrains can do that. Improving the terrains can bring the look of the game closer to modern expectations. We can reduce the sheer number of terrains by half, which comes with the benefit of visual consistency and ease of use for mappers. Cons for updating the terrains: It will take considerable effort and take attention away from other possible tasks. The new textures will be on average 4x larger than the existing textures and will add normal maps and spec maps where previously there were few. Will increase the graphics memory load and possibly push out those with low-spec computer rigs. ?
    1 point
  5. Well I guess we should start with that spreadsheet. I can also make a script that gives you used texture per PMP.
    1 point
  6. To barter means exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money. The correct word order would thus be A → Β, i.e.: <Player> bartered <A> for <B>. English is a flexible language, often the meaning of words depends on the context, replacing “barter” in the string with bought/obtained/purchased does not remove the ambiguity, compare: I bought/obtained/purchased petrol for €50. I bought/obtained/purchased petrol for my car. A better option is to reconsider the word “for”, e.g.: <Player> converted <A> into <B>. The concern I have is that everywhere else the game refers to bartering as barter.
    1 point
  7. I was playing with CHESTERXXX 1v1 rated game and when he was about to lose he quit without resigning and I couldn't get my points @user1 I goes by the name of methhead in the game commands.txt
    1 point
  8. Maybe "Player obtained x for y" or possibly "Player bought x for y".
    1 point
  9. You can make pull requests to the Han China, Thracians, and other mods. Just don't waste your time on the Terra Magna mod directly.
    1 point
  10. Thank you for the head's up. I've seen the issue you posted on github today, but haven't had the opportunity yet to investigate. Since the chariots in the public mod are fine, this is evidently a problem of the Han China mod; the error is present in Terra Magna and Delenda Est because those got their files from the Han. If you happen to know how to fix it, feel free to make a pull request. If not, no problem, I'll try myself later this week.
    1 point
  11. Cusndo pueda te mejoro esas texturas.
    1 point
  12. Could a, not exactly great, solution be to increase the carry capacity for slower units? e.g. spearmen can carry 12 res instead of 10, etc... I feel like the combat implications of having melee units walking as fast as ranged not to be good for gameplay.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Here are some Old Japanese terms for those who are willing to add voices for the faction. Verbs are in conclusive/imperative forms unless someone else has a better suggestion. Yes? Wo What is it? Nani? My lord? Wa ga (opo)kimi? Walk Ayu-mu/-me, Töpo-ru/-re (literally "travel"), I-ku/ke or Yu-ku/-ke (both literally "go" or "move") Build Ta-tu/-teyö Repair Tukurö-pu/-pe Attack Osö-pu/-pe or Se-mu/-mëyö Strike/Hit Tata-ku/-ke Shoot I-ru/-yö Capture Tö-ru/-re Heal Napo-su/-se Gather Ka-ru/-re or Atu-mu/-mëyö (literally "collect") Hunt Asa-ru/-re Fish Iza-ru/-re Farm Tuku-ru/-re Garrison Papi-ru/Papi-re (literally "go inside") or Mö-ru/Mö-re (literally "protect") Row Kö-gu/-ge or Kögii-du/-deyö (literally "row out") Will edit this post for Ainu units.
    1 point
  15. Hey @user1 My username is gandolf_deluxe. I was playing a rated 1v1 game with Shalom7 and he disconnected without resigning. This is the second time he has done so. I am attaching the commands file from our last game. commands.txt
    1 point
  16. @user1 rated game hosted by berhudar playing me jhamlett was abruptly ended 12 minutes in. commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  17. I can't write exactly in english, what i mean, so here i say this in german: Ich bewundere euch alle. Ich habe grossen Respekt vor eurem Einsatz, eurer Motivation, eurem Können. Jeder von Euch ist in meinen Augen ein grosser Künstler, jeder auf seine Art. Mir gefällt die Art eurer Kommunikation untereinander, wie Ihr miteinander umgeht. Ich finde es großartig, dass Menschen aus verschiedenen Ländern sich zusammengetan haben und ein derartig fantastisches Projekt wie 0ad erschaffen haben und es der ganzen Welt zur Verfügung stellen. Erhard Lipinski aus Deutschland (bald) 62 Jahre alt alleinerziehender Vater von 2 großartigen Töchter, die mir mittlererweile 3 ebenso großartige Enkel geschenkt haben. Mit einem von ihnen (Leon) spiele ich oft 0ad, auch ihm gefällt es riesig. Ich hoffe, Ihr alle bleibt gesund. Viele Grüße
    1 point
  18. It's also not just about adding some good looking new terrain textures to vanilla, we have to get rid of the textures that are no longer acceptable. We will also have to redesign a lot of maps to use the new terrains, because a real revamp won't be a one for one replacement of the old terrains. New biomes will need to be designed and the maps adjusted to them. Lots of work. Doable in a year though and completely worth it. It'll make 0 ad look like a real AAA game.
    1 point
  19. Latest stuff for DE. Trying some "alpine"/"arctic"/"winter" textures and maps. This one I may title: Cisalpine Winter (2 players) PLEASE COMMIT THE MAP RESIZING PATCH FOR ATLAS. THANK YOU. lol That way I can start making 2, 4, and 6 player versions of skirmish maps.
    1 point
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