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  1. It could easily be a scenario or campaign or something in EA. Or the destruction of the colossus leaves a permanent rubble that can be mined for metal. Rhodians and Pergamenes definitely probable for DE eventually.
    2 points
  2. As to how the Colossus would have looked, any interpretation is speculative, of course. What can be safely deduced: The statue was made of bronze, hollow with rocks inside, and 70 cubits tall, i.e. 32.4 m (a Greek cubit (πῆχυς) was 24 × 19.3 mm = 0.4623 m). It stood on a pedestal, covered in shiny, polished, white marble, overlooking the harbour. Work started in 292 BC, finished in 280 BC, broken in 226 BC, and finally dismantled in AD 653. It was technically impossible to reerect it (hence the convenient oracle). The fact it broke of at the knees implies the statue stood on two legs, i.e. there was not a third support point (e.g. a tree trunk, clothes touching the ground, a spear). If it had fallen forward, it would have blocked the harbour; that didn't happen, it lay on land, therefore it must have fallen backwards, thus Helios (the sun) was facing the sky (and the sun). Furthermore: There is no need to shout “censorship”; whether it was fully clothed, scantly clad, or heroically naked is unknown; each is a plausible possibility. The association of Apollo with the sun is Roman; Sol Invictus became a popular deity later during the principate. The Colossus of Rhodes would not have looked like a statue of Apollo, the Colossus of Nero (which gave its name to the nearby Colosseum), or Roman depictions of the sun god. Coinage from Rhodes usually features a rose (because of the name), though the head of Helios is also a common motive (see these examples on Wikimedia Commons), but never a full statue. The one thing we know is that it most likely had a crown of sun rays around his temple, like the Statue of Liberty (not a coincidence). Furthermore, Helios did not have a beard, as confirmed by this Hellenistic head of Helios, now in the archaeological museum of Rhodes: A relief found nearby shows an Helios (the sun) gazing in the distance with his head above his eyes (shielding them against sun rays). Such a pose would make sense, given that it was positioned at the entrance of the harbour, on the lookout for incoming ships in the distance. So maybe Dali was on to something. However, the Colossus stood upright for only about half a century and was a tourist attraction while lying on the ground for eight centuries, so that would actually be the more appropiate representation.
    2 points
  3. Let's have a look at what the ancients wrote about it, starting with Pliny Naturalis Historia 34.18: Then there is Strabo 14.2.5 on Rhodes: And Polybius 5.88–90 on the international response to the earthquake: Texts and translations taken from Perseus.
    2 points
  4. As you can see in the graph 0ad owns approximately 35k USD. There was 865,.28 euro in a Flattr account, but that got absorbed in the bigger SPI account we have.
    2 points
  5. @wowgetoffyourcellphone I have tried that appealing map (I like those skirmishes map) with current DE on WFG 0AD Empire Ascendant alpha XXIV 0.0.03 and I have an issue. I don't know if that's due to my graphic settings or a map settings.
    1 point
  6. For DE i think the planned Theban wonder is the Cadmeia. What do you think of the sanctuary at Dodona as a future Epirote wonder ? Map of the sanctuary as it developed until roman times: Bouleterion: The Oracle:
    1 point
  7. The arch fix is just the ryzen L3 cache fix, that I commited. right? This patch is not really correct, but the incorrectness shouldn't matter for the 0ad usecase. I think in the future we should just remove this part of the UserReporter.
    1 point
  8. Maybe. But the fix in the binary above is for windows only code, as the linux one does something different. I don't have enough data about problems on arch to know if they need something extra there. We're still investigating with @OptimusShepard
    1 point
  9. Hi @user1, In the game I am Lord_Jack. I was playing against Adamastor and he resigned, but the victory did not go to my history and rating (second time today), do you know why?; because I do not understand. I attach the commands.txt for your review. It was a rated match again. Thanks, Lord_Jack commands.txt
    1 point
  10. Hi @user1, In the game I am Lord_Jack. I was playing against duckh34d and he resigned but the victory did not go to my history, do you know why?; because I do not understand. I attach the commands.txt for your review. Thanks, commands.txtLord_Jack
    1 point
  11. sed should work in a Git Bash. Of course, file separators will still be a pain in the butt.
    1 point
  12. If you would publicly share your code changes, then perhaps 0 A.D. could have the same performance increase.
    1 point
  13. That was done here https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1730 But it would only be for singleplayer. EDIT: Which seems to be what you want.
    1 point
  14. You mean single-player games start paused? That would be a nice addition, it's something I've wished for numerous times.
    1 point
  15. Quick news: https://fork-ad.gitlab.io/random-map-generation-benchmarks.html
    1 point
  16. As @tuk0z reported, there seem to be a memory leak in A23 which is supposedly fixed in the development version. One thing you could try is use the replay and see if the lag is still there when replaying.
    1 point
  17. By the way, the latest release of balanced-maps (0.18.0) includes the vanilla version and is available to install via 0ad.
    1 point
  18. The problem is allready known. FXAA and CAS currently doesn't work on all maps. There is also an bug with AMD GPUs on Linux. I didn't find a solution. Hopefully @vladislavbelov come back soon. https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23484
    1 point
  19. For champions, think really archaic. Maybe something like "Temple Guard" or "Palace Guard", and then maybe "Chariot Champion." Really give these Greek an old school feel. Bell cuirasses, Illyrian helms, barefeet, penis swag, dipylon and boeotian shields.
    1 point
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