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Hey guys. This is an update of my current Athena statue project. As you can see, this is not a highly detailed model yet. I've been trying to set proportions and posing right first. Additionally, I'd like to know your opinion on having the goddess using her right hand to hold a spear instead of a nike. I personally find it more appealing with the spear. A nike would probably need an additional column to support her hand as in the Athena Varvakeion statue. As I mentioned in previous post, there's no way to know how exactly how this statue looked like. One of the few things we know is that the tip of the spear and the crest of the helmet were seen from far away. I think the concept presented in the pictures bellow would fit with this description . In any case, It's up to you. I just want to make sure I'm in sync with what you all want.4 points
commands.txtmetadata.json JustinIstSchwarz left on me as soon as I started winning. @user1 thx for helping2 points
gaul-zigzag.svg Some more of the linear geometric ones from the vases, with identical periods so you can mix & match. @Stan` @Lion.Kanzen2 points
@user1 Hellocommands.txt In the game : "berain993_s (1087)" Vs "SuperSpartacus (1168)" berain993_s left without resigning. Thanks2 points
2 points
Hello to 0 A.D. fans and community members As you may have noticed, there have been few recent developer posts on game progress. With that in mind, I will be taking some time to fill in the community with the first April update. A lot of artwork has been done to incorporate more historically informed, hellenistic architecture into the Ptolemy faction. This in turn compelled our resident art workaholic Lord Good to introduce a couple new factions into the 0 A.D. roster that have been sorely missed. Many of you might be thinking that the Chinese might be making their debut, but recent posts have shown that there is practically zero, if you’ll pardon the pun, interest in that faction being in the game. Instead, he has painstakingly created an entirely unique faction to the fray which gives me the pleasure of announcing the first additional faction that will come out this coming alpha: The Thebans. The Thebans are an infantry and cavalry civilisation, famous for their sacred band hoplites and their hegemony of Boeotia. As this highly demanded faction sounded good to a variety of people, the team has taken the adage that more is more, and as a result, there are a few more civilisations to introduce, each more unique than the next. (Here we see Thebes, once proud, under the three year long occupation of Sparta after their attempts to maintain Boetian hegemony.) Next we have Syracuse, a prominent naval power that made use of some of the most extraordinary inventions of Archimedes. (This image depicts the famous Syracusan port, which served as the stage for a decisive naval victory for the the Peloponnesian League during Athens' disastrous Sicilian campaign.) Additionally there is Epirus, employing war elephants and led by the tactical mastermind Pyrrhus. (See a recreation of the battle of Heraclea, victory so great it has been called 'Pyrrhic.') As a rival to Athens in trade and on the seas, Corinth comes into play as credited as the source of triremes and some of the most popular pottery prior to introduction of Athenian black figure ware. (This image shows the cosmopolitan architecture of this city-state.) The Achaean League also makes a showing as the nemesis of Macedonian attempts at conquest. Philopoemen, often called the “Last of the Greeks,” is one of the iconic heroes that leads this federation. (Philopoemen, pictured below, was more famous for his cavalry experience, but since he could walk, is represented as an infantry unit instead.) On the other side is the Aetolian League. This collection of city-states was infamous for its actions of piracy and raiding and functioned as a key rival to the above faction. (This screenshot shows the new and completely unique architectural set that will be used for them.) Joining the roster from Asia minor as well is the Attalid successor state. This nation was centred around the highly defensive metropolis of Pergamum and was a staunch ally of Rome, with its economic and commercial capabilities making it a highly influential regional power. (Pergamum, shown below, was praised as one of the most beautiful cities, housing landmarks such as the Altar of Zeus, which has yet to be implemented into the game.) And coming once again from Peloponnesus is the rival of Sparta, Argos. The Argives fielded a formidable army with an elite contingent that may have even rivalled the best Spartans and were home to a their own unique form of democracy. (See the Argive hoplites nonchalantly drive away a group of Celtic raiders.) I hope that these announcements have made you as excited as me as we embark on a new chapter in 0 A.D.’s history. Much of this might seem worrying to people as the workload to incorporate this many factions into the game may increase substantially, but the team was able to arrive at a unanimous decision regarding this by removing all non-Hellenic/Hellenistic factions from the game since people have been complaining almost constantly about the overly diverse representation of various people groups. Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for 0 A.D.’s forthcoming Alpha 24: Xenophobia. Tune in next month as 0 A.D. begins introducing the ever popular mechanic of micro-transactions in the form of loot boxes.1 point
I knew about this game for years but never played it. I finally got my hands on it and it's such a fresh take on the AOE genre, for the little time I have spent with it, I love it. Only problem, and it's a big one, and a technical one: performance is downright horrible. Right from the start, my framerate is at a mere 40fps. Past around 40 minutes of play with armies of 100+ soldiers building up, the game becomes a slug hell. If I look at an empty area, the framerate goes up 20+fps, but If someone attacks me and I need to look at the action to move my troops, I have 2-3 fps, the interface is unresponsive, and I lose because I can't control my units properly. I think I have a solution. When searching about this subject, I found a post by someone from intel that looked at the game to give a practice run of the intel optmizer tool. He pointed out that a major bottleneck in the game was caused by a function called BlendBoneMatrices. I don't know how major is this bottleneck, but I know for sure that it has something to do with what is happening on screen because framerate goes up quite a bit if I look at an empty area. tldr: If animations are indeed such a major bottleneck, would you please add a setting to disable animations entirely. It could be in an advanced performance options submenu, anywhere really. Just put it somewhere1 point
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There's a button/hotkey to select idle workers, so you can push that regularly to catch anyone taking a nap.1 point
The bottom of the snout is blending into the background - maybe lighten the darks up a bit on the front layer?1 point
omiris vs ayx. ayx closed the rated game (he host) because he was losing. 2020-03-25_0004.rar1 point
For food, use your women to gather berries first. They are free and they gather quickly. Women are especially bonuses at gathering berries.1 point
Remember that infantry soldiers can gather resources too. So, you probably need a ratio of 10 women to every 50 soldiers. Yes, start out with about 5 more women, putting them on food and wood, then transition toward soldiers as gatherers, especially for the non food resources. Another important thing to do on maps with animals on them is to use your cavalry to hunt. Cavalry hunters are way faster than foot hunters. Way faster. And the more food you get, the more cavalry and soldiers you can train. Always keep tour civic center producing units and researching upgrades. The time your civic center is idle is dead time, especially at the beginning. Once you start building barracks after the 5 minute mark you can shift soldier production to the barracks and train women at the civic center.1 point
hunn (1033) exit the rated match without resignation, so i destroyed all structures and population and i did not received any points. game Omiris vs hunn. @user1: Take actions about this. Thx. 2020-04-12_0002.rar1 point
One of the patterns is really easy, so I made an SVG from scratch that you can crop a tile from gaul-zigzag.svg1 point
I would like to report the player 'samhdhill' for abandonment. We had a delightful little war and he quit the game as soon as i conquered his colony and marched my armies to his metropole. My username is 'Kaligula1'. @user1 Thank you for your service. commands.txt1 point
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My mother was a French speaker but we where living in an English speaking province(Ontario) so we were confined to the backyard of our house Mum didn't know/trust the neighbours who where all people she could not speak to as she did not talk de English so my younger bother and I observed all the kids in the neighbourhood playing and we just wanted friends so we broke out and had lots of fun and started teaching Mum English about three months later she got to know the neighbours Enjoy the Choice1 point