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3 points
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3 points
I'm creating this thread to discuss how to make the mod stella artis : https://github.com/0ADMods/stella_artis/ Ground Rules: It must play like StarCraft Three factions only Must be set in a futuristic (sci-fi) timeframe Two resources TODO: Find the names for all three civs Create the 3 civs.json Create the templates for all units and buildings Create the techs, auras and whatnot Define the building footprints for all civs (ex 4x4 5x5 2x2.. etc) so placeholder buildings can be used @Lion.Kanzen2 points
Question: Since im making operators for the bolt/stone artillery should i scale up Rams at least to have 6 men inside?2 points
2 points
True, but there was quite some time between the wars in which those engines were obtained and the wars in which they were used. It's similar to the example of Scipio (a few posts above), who seized a large number of artillery when capturing Carthago Nova and used those a few years later when about to besiege Carthago itself. However, artillery being captured, turned around in the heat of battle, and starting firing on the troops of its previous owners? Unlikely. In some earlier alpha, rams were capturable, but that was later reverted. I think it makes sense to have capturable structures but uncapturable units. Gameplay changes should probably be discussed somewhere else, though.1 point
1 point
We currently have an issue with Ryzen CPUs. You can fix it by recompiling the game. Would you like me to guide you through that?1 point
One important to keep in mind is that popular references tend to focus on Alexander the Great for the Greeks and for the Romans on Trajan. When you compare a late 4th C BC Greek engine with an early 2nd C AD Roman engine, then yes, you'll undoubtedly see differences, not because one is Greek and the other Roman, but because there is a time difference of about 500 years. 0 A.D. covers the 500-1 BC timeframe. Whenever possible, the point of reference ought to be c. 250 BC. For Carthage and Rome, the focus is on the Punic Wars, especially the Second (218-201 BC). Scipio captured Carthago Nova (in Spain) in 209 BC and with it its arsenal containing hundreds of pieces of artillery, which were shipped to Rome as spoils of war. When Scipio was about to besiege Carthago (in Tunisia) a few years later, he amassed a huge number of bolt-shooters and stone-throwers from three sources: he requested the captured engines from Rome; he ordered the Greek cities in Sicily (Roman vassals) to send him artillery; and he set up a new workshop at Utica (Carthage's sister and neighbour) to produce new ones. Thus the Roman managed to field a high number of artillery, despite the fact that none of those was actually manufactured by the Romans. This is actually typical. BC (our timeframe), Rome did not have an arsenal, unlike many Punic and Greek cities, and Rome relied on allies and vassals to supply artillery. AD (beyond our timeframe), the entire Mediterranean was Roman, there were no longer any non-Roman Greek or Punic cities, and Rome itself had a large arsenal founded by Augustus, and every legion had its own specialists to construct, repair, and operate artillery. Well, I like what you do, my graphical skills are basically non-existent, and I'm not looking for accurate reconstructions; something that seems to give an authentic feel is more than good enough for me. The point I'm making, though, is that, for 0 A.D.'s timeframe, creating same type but different looking artillery for different civilizations is not only a lot of unnecessary extra work, it is also misleading. Creating different calibres is great, but creating different engines of the same calibre ought to be avoided.1 point
I submitted a patch to improve flying behavior to allow for flying units without them circling in the sky.1 point
Max bones reached on big artillery are 37 bones wich 10 arent used because of constraits and 6 Props bones.1 point
Nope, i attach with a constrait the bolt from the body armature to the oxybeles armature. A Tag for hide the props in a certain amount of time woudl really help sometimes but in this case works as it should being attached to the oxybeles.1 point
1 point
I am in favor of non-covered rams. If this is too much unbalanced for the factions using those (too weak), let's give them the possibility to upgrade it to covered battering rams through a research. And the Mediterranean factions could have the covered ones directly from the start without any research. I hope sapping will be added in the game one day in the future but that is a more complex thing to add.1 point
Version from 6.12.2019: fgod23experimental.pyromod (Player statistics overlay fix work for me)1 point
Anyway, back to artillery. Let's start with a bit of history: And now let's summarize some key points: Artillery requires skilled people to design, construct, and repair (engineers) and use (artillerymen). Torsion engines were more powerful than non-torsion engines, but also more complex. Artillery had to be kept dry, especially the strings, which were made from horse tails and manes (the most common and cheapest), women's hair (in emergencies), or sinew (the best and most valuable, but also the hardest to produce, therefore reserved for only the most important/prestious/powerful engines). There is a trade-off between range and impact: smaller engines fired lighter projectiles and outranged larger engines, which fired much heavier projeciles. Bolt-shooters operated at angles between 0° (maximum impact) and 30° (maximum range). Stone-throwers operated at angles between 0° (maximum impact) and 45° (maximum range). Bolt-shooter and stone-throwers (at least the smaller ones) could rotate on their bases. Bolt-shooters were far more common than stone-throwers (at most perhaps 1 in 6). For calibres, the numbers refer to the length (bolt-shooters) or weight (stone-throwers) of their projectiles. The most popular were one-cubit (0.46 m), three-span (0.69 m), and two-cubit (0.92 m) bolt-shooters; three-cubit (1.39 m) and larger did exist but were not as common. I guess 0 A.D.'s scorpio is a one-cubit and the oxybeles is two-cubit, so we might want one size in between, the three-span; they should all have a crew of two operators visible, though. For stone-throwers, Vetruvius (X.11.3) lists various calibres, from two-mina (c. 0.9 kg) to six-talent (c. 150 kg). However, these are just theoretical sizes. Based on actual finds, we can conclude the most popular sizes were (E. W. Marsden (1969) 78-83) 20-mina (9 kg), 30-mina (13 kg), 40-mina (18 kg), 60-mina (26 kg) at Pergamon and 25-mina (11 kg), 30-mina (13 kg) at Rhodes. At Carthage, however, 90-mina (39 kg) was also present, but the vast majority were of light calibres (between 10-mina (4 kg) and 20-mina (9 kg)). It's safe to say lighter stone-throwers were most effective for defensive purposes (higher range) and the heavier types for offensive purposes (high impact on shorter range). We already have three different stone-thrower sizes in 0 A.D. I don't think it's necessary to create larger ones. There were no real differences between different arsenals (Carthage, Syracuse, Alexandria, Rhodes, etc.) Engineers travelled around and could find employment abroad; all engines belong to the same tradition. This also means that any engine could be used for multiple civs in 0 A.D. Could you make the projectile thicker? Artillery bolts were much heavier than arrows shot by archers. Again, Carthaginian or Roman engines are no different from Greek ones.1 point
Well that's a good question. Actually there are four. mod.cfg, user.cfg, local.cfg. default.cfg is as its name suggest the default config file. (It should contain all the variables so an empty user.cfg works) The other three well, "it's historical"1 point
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1 point
@Angen I tried to get the soldiers in the plane, and this error occurred. This error occurred when the plane took off and bombed the enemy Municipal Center. I've tested the patch. ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested ERROR: Error calling component script function IsMoveRequested1 point
he was losing so he left a rated 1v1 and didn't return. Attatched is the replay of the game. My name is Rustl3SS on 0ad. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca commands.txt metadata.json replayCache.json1 point
1 point
Problem with this map is that it is generated by script, so it is a bit hard to reproduce same conditions but I managed to get something similar. As you can see at next picture, there is not enough deep water for big ship like warships are to spawn from the dock. And making ships to just skip that place and spawn more far away from dock may result ship spawning to look just odd. Also that are pretty shallow waters for such big ships1 point
Hello @tuk0z, that message you see means that around building is not enough space to create given unit. War ships generally have larger footprits so that is probably why you can train smaller ships. also units are placed around given building that is training them, if they cannot fit that place and given area is not blocked by other units, they are not trying to spawn further from building (but even the range to spawn further from building has limits too, so one cannot spawn units from one building and never move initial ones) Try to place dock somewhere where has a lot of space around at water. If problem persist, please upload a replay. Here you can find correct path to replays based on your operating system in this page https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Have a nice day and enjoy the game1 point
I'm planning a spaced themed fast RPS like StarCraft called Stella Artis, but if you really want Star Wars I guess what one could do is import the spring star wars mod into the engine and make an RTS out of it.1 point
Fixed for A24. There isnt a worry with this, you can take down with spearman, swordman or any melee units included cavalry. To take down you will need at last 6 units per ram.1 point
MAYONNAISE (1265) was losing a rated 1v1 on the 4th of november so he left the game without resigning. (I tried to take a screenshot of him being offline but it didn't show up in the replays)1 point
RE: @user1, @Hannibal_Barca here is the commands.txt. of this event yesterday...sorry for delay. Just read the "HowTo" above this morning. Thanks Stan commands.txt1 point