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  1. 0 A.D. Development Report: May - August 2019 Wildfire Games, the international group of volunteers developing 0 A.D. : Empires Ascendant, is happy to present its latest development report. If you want to find out more about the development of this open-source, cross-platform real-time strategy game or if you are interested in game development in general, it might provide an interesting read. If you want to be part of this project, feel free to visit our forums and join our active community, or just grab a task from our list of open tickets and get right to it. We are currently looking for Programmers, Animators and Artists. *names written in bold black are Wildfire Games staff and names written in bold grey are community members Programming wraitii has rewritten UnitMotion for better code and easier extensibility, with the goal in sight of introducing optimisations. He's optimised the Hierarchical Pathfinder, and is working on pathfinder threading. he has also worked on two patches, allowing triggers to give units modifiers, and making attack effects easily moddable so that, for example, a unit can both capture and damage in the same attack. Stan` Created a first version of the polycount guidelines and updated the art design document. He also added a glow material that also supports normal maps (basic_glow_norm). Stan` worked on many other fixes and improvements, such adding more animations to the atlas drop down list. vladislavbelov continues to work on the renderer among other things, improving the water's GLSL shader by increasing the reflection and refraction realism. He also added a tool to Atlas, which allows choosing water height by simply clicking on a part of the terrain with the desired height. Itms worked on our Continuous Integration system, and improved the developing environment for the programmers behind the scenes. He made the move from VS2013 to VS2015 as the default compiler on Windows, with help from Angen. He also upgraded SpiderMonkey to version 45. s0600204 increased the usage of pkg-config instead of hard-coding or library-specific programs, and added support for special characters (UTF8) in map names and descriptions. elexis rewrote source/gui/ to have a cleaner code structure and use C++11 features (most code still came from 2004), fixed a number of compiler warnings and some memory leaks. JoshuaJB fixed some memory leaks introduced by the implementation of STUN + XMPP ICE. historic_bruno has been working on MacOS build fixes. trompetin17 fixed an issue with atlasUI and added a "new" checkbox to the map settings tab. Imarok, FeXoR and bb_ have also been working on various smaller code fixes, improvements and reviews. Mate-86 has worked on a feature allowing entities to be affected by Status Effects, such as flaming projectiles igniting the target or poisoned arrows poisoning the target, which will cause the target to continue suffering damage for a while. Freagarach has replaced the gender-tag with phenotype, adding the ability to choose a random phenotype for a given template, allowing for different looks for the same template, as well as having male and female units from the same template with their correct respective voices. Freagarach, with assistance from wraitii, has also wrapped damage types in a Damage element in XML templates to make them generic. This places the damage types in a "Damage" container, just like the "Resources" are. Part of the effort towards having secondary attacks and a more easily moddable game. Angen made the AI aware of the existence of the new ranges and updated precompiled headers to improve build times. Krinkle fixed ESLint semicolon-related warnings and has been updating various wiki-pages on trac. minohaka helped testing and discovering regressions. Art Alexandermb‘s new fauna models and textures were committed by Stan`, including Marwari, Lusitano and Celtic horse breeds, new cattle textures, sanga variants, a new Maurya trader chariot with new animations and he animated the new Kushite hero chariot by Sundiata. He sorted his many new Celtic shields according to their specific civ, diffenrentiating the Gauls and Britons with the help of Genava55. Another big update were the many improvements to a variety of other shields, including the Greek aspis with new higher quality models and textures. And then there was the big Hellenic helmets update: Thracian, Phrygian, Boeotian, Chalcidean, Attic, Bryastovets, Corinthian and the Pilos helmet, with many variations. New meshes and textures for greaves were also committed. Many other smaller fixes and improvements were made, further enhancing the quality of his already Herculean art contributions, as wel as working on “the great animations re-export” together with Stan` (cleaning and committing) and assisted by fatherbushido and Enrique, in order to solve a flaw in many older meshes, while also taking the opportunity to improve on some of those animations and adding some new ones. Alexandermb has also been working on a number of formations like the testudo, phalanx and syntagma. wackyserious created many new Macedonian, Persian and Roman unit textures, a new Ptolemy IV hero texture and updated the Thracian Peltast, Naked Fanatic, Scythian Archer, Judean Slinger and Seleucid Pikeman and Cataphract. Stan` Made a new blacksmith for the Britons, improved the walls for the Gauls and added some detailing to their barracks. He unified foundation sizes and construction dust, added new scaffolds and updated structure templates accordingly. LordGood is continuing his prolific work in the flora department. Teak, dragon bamboo, strangler figs, bananas, areca palm, doum palm, Atlas cedar, holly oak, juniper tree and some new grasses are his latest additions. He has also been working on the Hellenization of the Ptolemies with a new tower and temple. Bigtiger has worked on some beautiful new flora as well, adding holm oaks, Euro birch, fir tree and a new fern to the collection. He also made new cliffs, new particle actors for snow and clouds and new temperate terrain textures. These new assets can be admired in three new excellent looking maps by Bigtiger himself: Farmland, Oceanside and Roadway. wowgetoffyourcellphone made new icons for the deer, boar, camel, horse, walrus and wildebeest. The Uffington White Horse he made back in 2016 will replace Stonehenge as the new wonder for the Britons. Other Gallaecio has been improving and correcting the English descriptions in-game. Stan` gave a presentation on 0 A.D. and it’s develoment process in Rennes for GrafikLabor 2019. user1 continues his work moderating smurf accounts in the multiplayer lobby. After discussions on the transliteration of Ancient Greek into English, the decission has been made to use the standards of the American Library Association and Library of Congress proposed by Anaxandridas ho Skandiates, who is, in discussion with Nescio, working to update all the Greek specific names, making them more accurate and consitent. Nescio has also been updating the English style guide, cleaned up the technology data files and applied some corrections to the new horse and cattle fauna templates (among others), added skirmishing templates to some structures and cleaned some obstruction and footprint sizes for others, improved a number of tool tips and improved and corrected some of the Roman and Persian specific names. Tom 0ad Has created five new informative videos, including “0AD Faction Overview 04 – Persians”, “0AD Faction Overview 05 – Kushites”, “The Ultimate Guide to Siege Weaopons”, “Top Three Tips to Improve. FAST” and “Essential Team Game Guide”. Likewise, ValihrAnt has made a number of enlightening videos, including “Unit Ranks & Promotions Explained”, “Top 5 Most Underrated Techs” and “Strategy Guide, Cavalry Rush Build Order”. HMS-Surprise, Unknown_Player, Feldfeld and psypherium organized the commentated Sunday Pro Games between April and June. This was a competetive community event, with Boudica ranking number 1! elexis, Stan` and wraitii have been updating an extensive list presenting all noticable changes to the end user in Alpha 24, since development started on December 26th, 2018. Changes include new 3D and 2D art, sound, maps, gameplay, user interface, renderer, pathfinder and more. Check it out at: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha24 Art Features A small selection of Alexandermb's new helmets with many variants: One of many new sets of shields. The Greek aspis for the Athenian faction. From top to bottom: basic, advanced, elite and champion. By Alexandermb: Macedonian, Carthaginian and Spartan units showing off their new equipment, by Alexandermb: New Macedonian unit textures by wackyserious: New unit textures for the Romans, Judean Slingers and Seleucid Cataphracts, by wackyserious: Some of the new temperate flora assets by Bigtiger: A lush display of some of LordGood's new tropical flora assets and cliffs: The new Oceanside map by Bigtiger. It's by the ocean... Mediterranean Islets, by LordGood: Hellenized Ptolemaic walls and temples on the banks of the Nile. Take note of the new palms and baobab trees. By LordGood:
    16 points
  2. LIVE 1V1 Stockfish (1889) Vs Unknown Player (1652) I Created my own You Tube channel to share games! Why don't you see them? There will be spanish and english videos!
    3 points
  3. I've did some attacking sword animations with more "usage" of shields (mostly is keep most of the time the shield facing front reducing the open flank of the chest) and i want the opinions on them if they are good enough since there was a discussion about sword attacking IIRC. Doing attacking animations isn't easy as it looks like. Points to Consider: Starting Frame: The first attacking animations have a little space o pen between the starting frame for each attacking animation. (Old: Left / New: Right) High Slash: High Stab: Lower Stab: body movement along Y axis (front of actor) is reduced so the animation is more centered to the root of the template. The idle is done following roman hastatus reference: And this is how it looks actually ingame the "idle_ready" we have: Now the adjusted "idle_ready": To test the animations together with the improved relaxed spearman and walking relaxed animations, unzip the animations in their respective folder: swordsman.7zspearman.7z
    3 points
  4. Hello all. last week I was away and I was aiming to make the most of the break and use atlas, but it wasn't working. I took the time to think of an idea and hay presto the day I get back home is the day I work out how I can use atlas again. Yesterday I got to work and started to create. So here it is V1 of bog (working title) A resource rich map, with a swamp in the middle and a high ground ridge between the swamp and the up hill defensive start point witch is split Into 4 areas sheltered by mountains on each side and a pass through the mountains from the flanks. I'm happy with most of the texture paint around the swamp but not complete in base areas, I just got impatient and wanted to play. But could really do with some tips on texturing if anyone has any! I would love to know what you think of my map so far, and any tips or advice you have on it or map making using atlas. Is there a atlas hotkey manual I've just realised you can use shift and it will copy the texture you have already layed down.
    2 points
  5. Thank you Sundiata. I've been waiting to upload these for a while wanted to get everyones opinion it will be when its complete unless anyone is any good with texturing then I can finish up asap and upload. Quick question for anyone interested currently the elevation points are the orange markers on the map the lines being smooth and a terrain wall with the thicker bits. Ive found that is not very inspiring for me to want to build a great city. The way I currently have it I feel is the best because all players have roughly the same base and one of the main ideas of the map was for it to be fair. But what if I was to have the starting locations like the blue or red in these pictures? the red is smooth and the blues have walls of terrain. There isn't any levels that I can think of off the top of my head that has you starting in an area that's prime for defending, but I feel this may hinder the gameplay. I just wanted to have some inspiration for forming the grand empire but it feels very much death-match style.
    2 points
  6. pls notice that stockfish is using my fooking mod and everybody loves it. pls apply to maingame
    2 points
  7. These concerns have been addressed, thank you for your feedback. Just notifying the community about the decision taken, and linking to the work done towards implementing it. I didn't think that would be a problem and don't mean to mislead anyone (it's listed as a being worked on, as opposed to being committed).
    2 points
  8. Thanks for trying out 0 A.D. and coming here to report your problem. As the game is still in alpha releases there are still many things we need to do. Many of these we know already, so when you provide feedback we would ask you to focus on some of the other points that could be improved. PLEASE READ THE FAQ BEFORE YOU POST HERE. THANK YOU. There is a neat table of planned features at http://trac.wildfire...ayFeatureStatus so you can tell what we are planning to add. Lag This is a common complaint, and with good reason. The game does not run as fast as we would like. Late in the game you will probably experience some lag, this is caused by a mixture of things, AI and pathfinding are big ones. The problem is worse on island maps and with multiple AI players. One thing that can be helpful is giving us the profiler information. This automatically generated information is useful for working out where the lag is coming from. If you hit Shift-F11 this will be dumped into a file (location given at the top of the screen). Please upload these data to our forums to help us solve the problem. Thanks! Missing Animations Some units glide around or don't drop to the ground when killed. We have an animator who is working away at making pretty animations. More animators are invited to help with this task. Units Can't Attack When Chasing There is a problem in the code where units decide to attack, then the chased enemy gets out of range before the attack hits so it is aborted, so in effect any units chasing each other won't be able to deal damage. Greyed out/disabled menu items Some menu items can't be clicked on, this is because those features aren't yet implemented. Units don't fight in formation Can't run two instances of the game simultaneously on Windows Multiplayer Lobby No one can join my game! Currently, only routers with UPnP support or routers that have been properly port fowarded are able to host. I was disconnected from the lobby... This is usually caused by a moderator kicking you for abusive behavior or inappropriate/vulgar chats. AI Problems AI tries to gather from resources near your base AI Doesn't Know how to Fight using Ships There may be errors loading a saved game with AIs. Rejoining a multiplayer game with AIs is not supported yet. Common Suggestions "You should use multiple threads/cores" 0 A.D. does have multiple threads for e.g. texture conversion, pathfinding, sound/music playback and user data reporting, but the game simulation and renderer currently run in the main thread to simplify development. "You should use Kickstarter, Indiegogo, etc." We did try to do an Indiegogo campaign, but while we did raise some money which will go towards improving the game, we did not raise as much as we had hoped. The goal was to raise enough to hire two developers full time for two years, but we did not reach it so we have not been able to hire them. We might consider doing it again in the future but we currently do not have the resources for it.
    1 point
  9. Since this is my first post here: 1st, awesome game. full stop. 2nd, awesome FOSS game. Question: How can I share control of allied teams? What I tried: I tried selecting the AI's characters on a joint team with even the same civilization, but was unable to. Is there an option to turn this on somewhere? Why: This is something AoE2 had iirc, and it allowed for you to walk away temporarily in a online multiplayer game because your teammates could take over briefly. It also allowed one person to focus on gathering resources and the other to manage the war front, for example.
    1 point
  10. Currently in the process of turning a hight map from the Richat structure into the lost city of Atlantis. I think I have rushed putting units in there as I was abit bored today and decided to assemble the royal guard. it spoils the pics abit but I'm not the best at getting great looking screen shots. In the completed area I have huge temples, a few military guard points and the royal quarters witch is behind the walls along the right hand side of the picture. Screenshot 2019-09-12 at 23.03.22.jp2
    1 point
  11. Putting it out there before Alpha 24 makes it completely obsolete.
    1 point
  12. Both computers compute the moving units and determine which one got to the crate first
    1 point
  13. Good lord, I don't know why I keep getting names wrong... Thanks! Depending on the amount of development, we could write one every month, or every 2 months. I'll send you a copy for proofreading if you're interested.
    1 point
  14. I'm currently trying to understand how synchronization is done in 0ad. When two players try to pick up a crate (ship-wreck), how is it negotiated who gets it?
    1 point
  15. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/culture/2019/03/lasers-reveal-maya-war-ruins/ Mayans fortress, defesive walls and watchtowers 45/5000
    1 point
  16. This tutorial have some good techniques for modeling for those blender users:
    1 point
  17. That's quite a long list! A few minor points: Personally I dislike the grey. How about blue and black instead? Please check and double-check all user names; e.g. wackyserious and wowgetoffyourcellphone shouldn't be capitalized, Stan` should have a backtick, not an apostrophe, Genava55 is missing the 55, etc. If something isn't committed (e.g. D2228), then don't mention it; work-in-progress is misleading, since sometimes the review process can take years. Wouldn't it be better to highlight only the important things? If one wants to know everything that's changed, they could check the logs, right?
    1 point
  18. A little mod diary. As I've mentioned before, Phase II is kind of stuck because of my limited technical knowledge. I decided to postpone the Economy phase update until I gain sufficient coding experience and start researching and developing Phase III. So Phase III is about Citizens. The focus here is the citizens and units in 0 A.D.. What I intend to achieve in this mod is to inject more historical details beyond military functions and visuals. These are the breakdown of the plan: More fleshed out social hierarchy. I'd like to depict the social life of each civs to be as close as historical reality at the time, e.g. Greco-Roman factions didn't have women as workers, Mauryan Kshatriyas didn't do manual labor (similar to Spartiates), cavalry were a luxury reserved for nobility, prevalence of slavery, etc.. Social caste should be apparent not only in their military functions but also in their civilian functions i.e. different social caste should have different gathering and building abilities and rate. Delenda Est has attempted this More realistic units and buildings functions. Priest did not heal in 0 A.D. time period, and Temples are not hospitals (this is the age where medical science were born). Civic centers in different phase should serve different functions, and not all civilization use barracks to train soldiers, especially civs that use citizen-soldier concept (barracks are for professional soldiers and citizen-soldiers were trained military skills at home/gymnasium). A simple lore for contextualization. While waiting for campaign mode, I think it's not bad if we make up a little story about why skirmish map start the way it is. It is also useful as a guide to any new modification to the game to keep them thematically connected with the base game. So I haven't implement all of these, but I'll show the example of new Athenian design. Last week I had a low intensity period at work so I used the opportunity to do some amateur research on ancient Athenian life, but I'm still no historian so feel free to criticize my draft. Forgive me for butchering ancient Greek but hopefully my points can come across. LORE: You are a magistrate, sent by your faction leader to build an Athenian colony in a new land, and to conquer any who oppose you. CHANGED BUILDINGS Civic Center: can train all Citizen units. Will be divided into three different buildings based on phase. Village Center: +10 population bonus, can be used as dropsite, can be upgraded to Town Center. Use Hellenic Stoa model. Town Center: +15 population bonus, can be used as dropsite, can be upgraded to City Center. Use Hellenic Royal Stoa model. City Center: +20 population bonus, cannot be used as dropsite, can only have one in a game. Use Civic Center model. Market: will be available in Village phase but cannot train traders until Town phase. Barrack: will be renamed as Gymnasium, cannot train military unit, but all training upgrades from Blacksmith will be relocated here. Every added building increases all unit movement speed. Temple: Can no longer heal or train healer. Can still research religious technologies. Every added building increases all unit attack. Blacksmith: Can only research weapon & armor upgrades. Every added building increases all unit armor. Gymnasium: will be renamed as Strategeion (replaces barrack), can train champion unit only (Epilektoi). ADDED AND REMOVED BUILDINGS Academy: imported from Macedonian Library. Can train healers. Embassy: Can train allied and mercenary units. Not sure about any existing building that can be used for this. Fortress: Removed because it looks like medieval castle. Siege weapons will be buildable by units like in Delenda Est. Stoa and Royal Stoa: Removed because used as civic center. Special units will be moved to Embassy. ADDED UNITS Magistrate: Replaces starting cavalry. Your in-game avatar. Hero-like unit with building & gathering rate increasing aura. Can plot Village Center building, but cannot build by himself. Good for early scouting and rush. Armored Hoplite: Replace females. Basically Elite Hoplite but trainable in Village Phase. Slow but thick armor. Milita Hoplite: Basically default hoplite, but with rank Advanced permanently. Slave: Worker units trainable in market at City phase. Good at all building and gathering. Capturable. CHANGED UNITS Units and their rank will be categorized into their social class based on Solonian Constitution. This means units don't get promoted, they get assigned rank in training. Pentacosiomedimnoi: Aristocrats, founder of the city. Citizens can only build Civic and Military buildings, good at gathering food, mediocre at lumbering, bad at mining. Soldiers, move slower but stronger armor. Rank elite/champion. Units included: Armored Hoplite, Magistrate (Village), Priest (Town), Epilektoi (City). Hippeis: Similar to Aristocrats, but cavalry, so cannot build, only hunt. Trainable in Town Phase. Rank Advanced. Units included: Hippeus/Cavalry swordsman. Zeugitai: Commoner, middle class. Citizens can only build Economic and Defense buildings. Mediocre at gathering food and lumbering, bad at mining. As soldiers, has the same stats as vanilla Basic Hoplites. Trainable in Village Phase. Rank Advanced. Units included: Militia Hoplite (Village), Trader (Town), Healer (City). Thetes: Commoner, lower class. Same citizen stat as Zeugites, but poorer so no armor. Rank Basic.Units included: Slinger (Village), Podromoi (City). Outside of the constitution, there are other social classes: Metics: Outsiders. Non Citizens soldiers. Trainable in City Phase. Units included: All mercenary and allied units Slave: Workers only. Mechanical and Ship: Haven't found any research on what social class handle these machines. Support also have expanded roles, like Trader can also be Supply Wagon that heals, Priest doesn't heal but have aura that increase attack, etc. Let me know what you guys think!
    1 point
  19. Perhaps the file sizes are too large. Your screenshots are in PNG format which is really heavy (1.8 mb for one of the previous ones you shared). For the purpose of a forum post, I'd suggest simply opening the images in Photoshop and saving them in JPEG format with quality setting 8. It will reduce the file size by a factor of 3 to 10, with minimal artifacting which is only noticeable when you're a graphics person that zooms in to look at the pixels. On my end, uploading images bigger than 5mb to the forum is really difficult. I try to keep every image under about 1mb in size. Then I never have problems. Good luck on the map by the way, it looks promising.
    1 point
  20. Anyone got any idea why when I try to upload a screen shot to the forum a box with -200 comes up?, when I have selected the file to upload the file size at the bottom on the browser is always slightly smaller than the actually file size?. Map update. I have tested and it makes for a fun game I lowered the amount of trees from initial photos in spawn areas as it was bit of an over kill but as they all had the same amount it was fair I guess. I started re texturing the areas around swamp and to be honest its a ball ache but ill get around to it. ill have to check out how to upload the map and if anyone is interested or even enjoys texturing they are more than welcome to finish it, as some will be able to do a much better job. Ive also just embarked on the what seems like a never ending task of making the lost city of Atlantis. Recently I stumbled on some videos theorising that the Richat Structure could be a possible location and it sparked my interest. Not knowing anything about Atlantis or the rich I looked around bit and listened to a lot whilst building atlas so I know only few things about the accounts plato gave about the city. But is there anything you know about the city that would be cool to add in?
    1 point
  21. Let me conceptualize some changes.,, Si no los improvisamos (improvisation phrase) We can simulate an Still life artistic technique in Spanish called bodegon. Your composition is just fine but light can be more dramatic You try to simulate a dwrk room in spanish bodega with single light and very shadowy
    1 point
  22. one of our symbols ideas from @Genava55 his concept and my drawing, needs improved to be digitalized. Mixed the form of an Auruch and a deer.
    1 point
  23. In case this can be used for any icon:
    1 point
  24. NDA... But always await the reviews before purchasing. Campaigns ought to be good, as they recruited bassi. His campaigns on the steam workshop are pure quality.
    1 point
  25. Autumn winter and dead variants and blue and purple berries.
    1 point
  26. This text, Kingdom of Magadha: Wars and Warfare, mentions the use of something like a catapult by King Ajatashatru of the Haryanka Dynasty of the Kingdom of Magadha, against the Vajii, a confederacy ruled by the Licchavi Kingdom, in the early 5th century BC (484 BC – 468 BC), more than one and a half centuries before the rise of the Maurya Dynasty. Wikipedia corroborates this. This Indian catapult was called mahashilakantaga, though I can find only very few mentions of the name, which all seem to point to the linked ancient.eu article. In the book, From Cyrus to Alexander: A History of the Persian Empire, By Pierre Briant, p763, it's claimed that the Achaemenid Persians might have actually invented the catapult. this isn't exactly hard evidence though... Buuuuuuut.... There's this verse from the Bible, 2 Chronicles 26:15, which talks about King Uzziah of Judah, who built what sounds like catapults way back in the 8th century BC! That's definitely a possible source for the later hypothesized Persian catapults... It's also the reason why I'm not so quick to ignore the apparent mention of catapults (a thing casting stones at the enemy walls) in Piye's Great Triumphal Stela from the Amun temple at Napata, c. 727 BC: The Kingdom of Judah entered into a sort of protectorate relationship with the Kushites after Piye (they paid tribute to Taharqa), and they probably had relations before that. So if King Uzziah had developed catapults a generation earlier, the idea the Kushites employed them isn't totally unbelievable. The book Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity even states that there is a possibility that siege weapons including catapults came to Carthage from Mesopotamia via the Phoenicians. I know that the invention of the catapult is generally ascribed to the Greeks, but It's almost as if some of the Greek and Roman history writers and some of the people interpreting the texts today are full of manure... Greek scholars travelled all over, including Mesopotamia and Egypt, studying the local knowledge, then brought it back to Greece, adapted it and made it their own. The Pythagorean Theorem is good example. A lot of people think it's Greek, even though Pythagoras travelled to Egypt and studied there with the priests, where "Pythagoras' Theorem" was already known for about one and a half millennia before Pythagoras was even born...
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. A belated update. City Building Mod has been updated with Coin resources from Phase II. Not all of Phase II plans are completed, hopefully can be finished soon. Coin resource and how it works might sound familiar for those who played great mods like Delenda Est or especially 0abc where this mod takes a lot of inspirations from. I promised I would give it a different spin so here they are, Update 0.2.0: Coin resource added. It is meant to be a measure of prosperity of your city. All buildings consume Coin (negative trickle), except houses and markets/tavern. This is to simulate salary. Houses and markets generate Coin instead, to simulate taxation. Houses pay different amount of taxes depending on location desirability. House beside a barrack pay less tax than house beside a wonder. Units consume Food. Cavalry consume twice as much, and Elephants consume five times human food portions. Stable and kennels consume food as well Building consume Wood to simulate maintenance, as wood is degradable. Bigger building consume more wood. Some technologies also cost Coins where it makes sense. Phasing up always use coins. Mercenaries, Champions, and Heroes cost significant amount of coins, and mercenaries also consume Coins periodically. All resources can only be reduced to zero, but Coins can go negative to simulate government debts. etc. As usual, if you're interested to try the mod it is available on Mod.io and GitHub. Challenges faced on Phase II are these: Resource Cap: It's still a mystery to me. I thought I could just mimic Population Cap behaviour, but turns out it's very difficult. Not only Cost.js and Player.js has to be modified, it seems GuiInterface.js should also be changed, and I still don't understand this file. Victory Condition: Still figuring out how to trigger based on amount resources collected. My dream would be an option in Game Type before battle that says "Economic Victory" and the goal is to be the first to reach 50,000 Coins. Secondary resources: This should be implemented alongside resource cap. Also my concern is that this is going to make unnecessary microes. Therefore I shall postpone this until later. I'd probably dabble around Phase III meanwhile. Phase III is overhaul for Citizens to make it more interesting. Some of the main ideas I'd like to explore in this phase is to introduce a unit called Leader. A hero type unit that will be available since the beginning, replacing current cavalry. Leader is meant to be player avatar thus bestowed with advanced capabilities and aura which could be upgraded like in RPG games. I also would like to explore the possibilities of militia as starting units, which can be promoted to regular soldiers later. Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  29. A little update about Phase II As I have finished patching the Phase I for both Alpha 23 and Alpha 24 (available on Mod.io) it's time for me to continue to Phase II: Economy. In this phase I attempt to make extensive change to the way economy is handled in 0 A.D. to make it more resemble city builder games, namely Impression city builders like Caesar, Pharaoh, and Zeus, and also taking some inspiration from castle builder games like Stronghold. I'm still in the research part of the process, and really overwhelmed by the code, as I'm not too familiar with Javascript. So any programmer who wishes to help is very much appreciated. So here's a list of things I want to accomplish in this mod, and the status of their progression: Money resource: A new resource that cannot be gathered, but instead trickled. House and Markets will trickle money over time, which can be used to train units and construct buildings. There are many mod projects that are already implemented this modification, some of my favorites are 0abc and also Delenda Est, so I plan to add some of my own twist to it. Trickle rate is based on location desirability of each house, with ruleset already established in Phase I to make city planning has a more tangible reward. Status: Largely finished, still tweaking the trickle rate. Also have to merge with Phase I completely before adding other changes. Adding features from other mods like tax adjustment etc (if permitted). Secondary Resources: New secondary resources that can be produced using primary resources. Like Weapon made from wood and metal, Horses from food, etc. In city building games they usually have different building for making different weapon and there will be automated NPCs bringing wood to the fletcher and another to bring the finished bows to armory. The way to do it is probably by trickling Weapon periodically while also negative trickle on wood and metal. And also having citizens tasked to 'gather' weapon from blacksmith and drop it at barracks. Status: Not sure if it's going to be enjoyable. Perhaps a refinement of the idea could help. I'm also not sure how to stop trickling if the primary resources goes to zero. Victory Condition: As with city-building tradition, several new victory conditions are planned to be added as options. Population Victory (first faction to reach 500 population), Economic Victory (reach 10000 money), etc. Status: Still an idea, but peeking through code seems like it could be done. Resource Cap: Just like population, I'd like to make resources have limit too. Every dropsite will increase the resource cap just like house to population. For example a Farmstead could only accept 500 food, so if it reaches 500 then all available food dropsite will stop functioning until a new one is built. Status: Learning the code. It seems very complex as there seems to be many files that have to be changed. Hopefully I can do it. Any programmer out there that have experience in handling resource and population Javascript, I need your help. So the most realistic part of this plan is probably the money resource and victory condition. I hope I have enough time to learn while my day job is not too hectic recently (it might change soon though). Thanks for reading!
    1 point
  30. I think this game should simplify the formations or player will never use them. I don't think the game will allow the player time to form up in nice battle formations like in Rome: Total War because there is current no benefit to the player for doing it, only downside (player that attacks first and harder gets the upper hand). But... there are ways to simplify the process and team should look to Battle for Middle Earth II for an easy way to do it. In that game when you have battalions selected and player want to task them together to go somewhere, left+right button drag-click quickly draws out a battle line preview for those battalions at the tasked point. Those battalions then march to that point and form up into the previwed line. The lineup is alwayys the same (melee infantry in the main line/front, range infantry in the back, cavalry on the sides).
    1 point
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