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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-08-29 in all areas

  1. Some recent work on the flora and geology area by @Bigtiger @Sundiata testing_new_flora_ao.7z
    7 points
  2. In case someday we will end having turret component and directional attacking animations. Moar Directional: Will leave this 3 animations only so any modder/dev can have them for test directional attack and sub-unit component.
    4 points
  3. Hello all. last week I was away and I was aiming to make the most of the break and use atlas, but it wasn't working. I took the time to think of an idea and hay presto the day I get back home is the day I work out how I can use atlas again. Yesterday I got to work and started to create. So here it is V1 of bog (working title) A resource rich map, with a swamp in the middle and a high ground ridge between the swamp and the up hill defensive start point witch is split Into 4 areas sheltered by mountains on each side and a pass through the mountains from the flanks. I'm happy with most of the texture paint around the swamp but not complete in base areas, I just got impatient and wanted to play. But could really do with some tips on texturing if anyone has any! I would love to know what you think of my map so far, and any tips or advice you have on it or map making using atlas. Is there a atlas hotkey manual I've just realised you can use shift and it will copy the texture you have already layed down.
    3 points
  4. African done by just editing the mesh of the asian, Having the 3 of them use the same armature with just different scale make its easier.
    3 points
  5. Something like these? Different? Do you want different colors?
    2 points
  6. Ok, I'll see what I can come up with... By the way, that artwork of the Persian cataphract with the face mask, is sooooo beautiful, but I don't think face masks were adopted by Persians proper until the Parthian period.
    2 points
  7. Te vas al disco C y creas una carpeta llamada 0ADSVN. @Obskiuras Sección 2: Haciendo tu primer “Checkout” Ahora necesitamos verificar la URL y hacer un “checkout” de la actual SVN en el directorio principal de tu disco duro. El acceso para anónimos es: http://svn.wildfiregames.com/public/ps/trunk Pero ahora la nueva versión SVN es llamada nighly build, que se actualiza en la madrugada europea. https://svn.wildfiregames.com/nightly-build/trunk Usa el directorio que prefieras. Aunque sugiero usar la carpeta C:ADsvn Trata de no usar carpetas con espacios tales como:, C:Mis DocumentosAD puede causar problemas. Ahora, sigue estos pasos. Haz “checkout” en el directorio del SVN. 1 en Windows Explorer, navega al directorio que has elegido para usar como Directorio raíz SVN. 2 Click derecho. Selecciona 'Checkout...' en la parte del SVN: 3 pon la 'Url del repositorio'. Y deja lo demas igual:
    1 point
  8. Hello 0.A.D. Community is time to give some love to persians due the recent changes to other civ assets, even when they have the most detailed cavalry assets, their infantry assets like helmets and shields are pretty much outdated. Its time for some persian love... Starting with the recent changes to chamfrons: And this new helmet (Missing Plume): Texture of the helmet is 1024 for have a cleaner bake due the amount of detail: Plus the new neckguard, Thought the iron bake went a lil bit darker than supposed to be. If any1 find references for the conical helmets, feel free to post'em here it would help me to properly find their conical helmets.
    1 point
  9. Seria como instalarla en la que viene compartida, la del user. La de los mods. El juego esta en diferentes directorios. Ahora las carpetas de mods siempre y cuando no replaces la anterior... A las carpetas pones ponerle el nombre que quieres. No es el nombre de la carpeta lo que te define el mod. Es el archivo js que viene en la carpeta raíz.
    1 point
  10. Dude, no way you could bother me. But, I'm not sure what I'm looking at here?
    1 point
  11. Nah that's for the report
    1 point
  12. Today i upload new concept art, phase 1 buildings, stay tuned.
    1 point
  13. @Stan` just noticed that thats not the horse with rider file, thats the old one before fix. Will upload it to my drive soon.
    1 point
  14. @Stan` improved the armature a lil bit by adding constraits and deleting tons of bones. Kinda finished but need to make the size differentiation between infant and African. for start adding the turrets and riders. We can have now the elephant armature in blender for repository finally.
    1 point
  15. Another potentially breaking change: rP22797 moved `wallset_palisade.xml` from `other/` to `structures/`.
    1 point
  16. As a modders I welcome any update that add depths to the gameplay, especially this one. This could potentially solve the problem of ranged unit OPness without nerfing.
    1 point
  17. I posted this on May 1st. The reports were all investigated, luckily, but he's still at large it seems :p People like him are one of the reasons I don't play anymore, I can fight hard to get a good rank and see the same people cheat time after time with no consequences. I appreciate the awesome mods but they aren't going to ban him, @ryuga. As someone who's reported a lot in the past, I think currently it's better to just not report and move on, honestly. EDIT: maybe I was too pessimistic, I'm going to make a separate post about Mativen though
    1 point
  18. @Stan` horse blendfile with the latest armors and animations.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Im all up for directional damage, and usage of shields. Even if its possible break chance.
    1 point
  21. Haven't finished yet with helmets , (Neither with animations but i want to clear my mind a lil bit before continuing if stan manages to export elehpants animations back to blender). I've got this from the art repo units/concep_Art: The name of the file says "Bactrian_lancer_ult_Fin" plus the reference itself: @Sundiata would it be possible to have another hair like texture like the one you did for the horses, but this time i 512x128 for long hair whitout alpha space ? would work for have at least a better hair like shader for the plumes of every civ (and mabye crest) (For end with the reference):
    1 point
  22. I have found this post by google. I am visually impaired and I only see 10% with both eyes. I would like to share with you my experience and how the game could be improved for visually impaired players. Over all it is not very difficult to play the game and compete with other players (rank something with 1400). However, there are some improvements that I could benefit. The biggest handicap for me is the UI (the bar with the ressources and total units. I think someone in this forum has already asked for that. It would be a great benefit for me if I can enlarge the UI somehow. Furthermore I have some troubles with the minimap. When getting attacked it is sometimes difficutl to see the red dot wehre I got attacked. It would be better to enlarge the red dot on the minimap or toogle the minimap to full screen with a hotkey.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. I gotta make proper syracuse mirror towers
    1 point
  25. Wilder, bluer mediterranean cypresses that mix well with Enrique's, and adds a bit more variety to Mediterranean forests. I'd like to add some even crazier windswept versions to top mountaintops and seaside cliffs with
    1 point
  26. Prickly juniper, or cade trees and ground brush 3 new grasses with graded transparency on the bottom so they'll blend with any terrain without a seam
    1 point
  27. Really loving the new flora from Lordgood and Bigtiger.
    1 point
  28. visuals would benefit greatly if we had more birds
    1 point
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