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  1. I see that my latest exploit hit the news. It is true that it is a bit unfair, since I started using this strategy some players call "gg" upon me building a wonder/capturing the relics. @(-_-) it is true that I always try to keep myself up-to-date, leading the fashion in 0 A.D. bugs and abuse is what I do. Nevertheless, one could argue that this effective bug detection and its subsequent systematic abuse will drive people who play with me to campaign to get the bug fixed ( @elexis ). Numerous game weaknesses (not just game exploits) have been unearthed in such a fashion, leading to the overall improvement of the game!
    4 points
  2. @Sundiata @HMS-Surprise @iceblendedmocha @Wurri @Servo @Rolf Dew Can you make sure to test the following ? Launch a random game Launch a normal skirmish. Connect to the lobby Play on the lobby with someone Launch Atlas See if everything works there. Open Unit tests demo (To see if there any breakage in displaying entity's) Try mods If you need any help ping me sorry for the poke but I want to avoid another alpha 23 failure. Enable feedback and see if it works (Main menu) Make sure to report any errors please. Also report your MacOs version @feneur @Itms can we post on social media to say we need mac users to test the RC
    3 points
  3. Would be nice to have some in-game musicians with aura to play drums or flute to motivate troops in formation. Shouts and yells during battles and wave high some flags .This will creates some war ambiance during battles.
    2 points
  4. @stanislas69 I have tested each thing mentioned above and everything is running smoothly so far, will test further and keep you informed. The ingame mod downloader is working now too!
    2 points
  5. Definitely, could someone suggest what to write though? Especially since we haven't really told people that we are working on a re-release, so it might be good to begin with that
    1 point
  6. Boudica Valihrant borg Phyzic camelius chrstgtr Feldfeld RolandSC2 Emperior faction02 (And I didn't want to put myself on the list)
    1 point
  7. Diodorus Siculus XXV: The king of the Orissi/Oretani, however, came to the aid of the beleaguered city, and by a feigned offer of friendship and alliance succeeded in routing Hamilcar. In the course of his flight Hamilcar contrived to save the lives of his sons and his friends by turning aside on another road; overtaken by the king, he plunged on horseback into a large river and perished in the flood under his steed, but his sons Hannibal and Hasdrubal made their way safely to Acra Leucê. Strabo, geography 3.3.2: Of those who dwell above the aforesaid mountains, the Oretani are the most southern, extending in part as far as the sea-coast on this side the Pillars. Next these towards the north are the Carpetani, then the Vettones and Vaccæi, through whose [country] the Douro flows as it passes Acontia, a city of the Vaccæi. The Gallicians are the last, and inhabit for the most part a mountainous country: on this account they were the most difficult to subdue, and furnished his surname to the conqueror of the Lusitanians; in fact, at the present day the greater part of the Lusitanians are beginning to call themselves Gallicians. The finest cities of Oretania are Castulo and Oria. For the other infos, it should come maybe from Cornelius Nepos and Appian, Iberike. But they are hard to find in english online. Moreover the st*pid guy that wrote the wikipedia page didn't put the original references. Edit: like always, the Roman historiography is full of legends, moral judgments and distortions of the truth for political reasons. It is hard to know which version of the Oretani's king is true.
    1 point
  8. Looks like trompetin17, Itms and Tobbi are saving the day! To all macOS users: Please help us test this 0 A.D. Alpha 23 release candidate! Try to find and inform us of any bugs (in particular bugs that prevent you from actually playing the game)! macOS Alpha 23 re-release candidate: 0ad .dmg 840.3 MB https://mega.nz/#!Jcd2EaqB!uX5NiOYuaIzfdliy10nOZx9T2vsQK8AKltStDbE5IQs
    1 point
  9. I've sent you a PM. I'd like to talk further about this in a more direct way.
    1 point
  10. Teutonic Order Faction Update, Troops are almost finished, and moving on to structure development. Malbork Castle: Teutonic Civ Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbork_Castle
    1 point
  11. Slingers can have hard training, check Balearic slingers, they practice since kids. and can hit like a Scorpion(bolt) strength.
    1 point
  12. @user1 @Hannibal_Barca
    1 point
  13. But why you send your units into battle with rolling pins and frying pans? Asking the important questions here...
    1 point
  14. Nyeh heh heh, well I tried @wowgetoffyourcellphone
    1 point
  15. Finally a map i didn't make like a Crazy Train === Napata === Kingdom of Kush Expect a more detailed thread! Thank you @Sundiata @elexis
    1 point
  16. Ticked created! https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ticket/4942#ticket
    1 point
  17. Multiple layouts of water workaround. Testing so far If you wonder how: Using multiple rice_water## from TerraMagna mod.
    1 point
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