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  1. there are a lot of relics
    3 points
  2. locating starting mines and quarries at a greater distance from the centre separating the metal mines from the stone quarries, so one could spawn e.g. to the east of the centre, the other to the north-west, instead of both directly adjacent to each other removing the hard-coded Iberian walls Are three great improvements I've been hoping for for quite some time. As for the farms, I think 2:1 rectancles are just as unnatural as 1:1 squares or any other arbitrary shape and size; if you want more realism, people should be able to designate areas as farmland, rather than having fixed field structures. Furthermore, I would recommend merging the market into the centre. In Antiquity the agora/forum/marketplace/central square was the centre simultaneously of politics and litigation, as well as of commercial and social life; besides, many towns grew out of trading posts. Making 0 A.D.'s centre function as a market would increase realism and improve gameplay: trade routes can only be from centre to centre, from centre to port, from port to centre, or from port to port, but no longer to structures at the edge of your territory or “in the middle of nowhere”. The AI would have to be adopted, though.
    2 points
  3. Have you ever been to a farm? Or have you ever been to the center of any town or city anywhere in the world? lol, sorry... I just really hope that 0AD can breath new life into the RTS genre by getting rid of those stale 90's conventions, instead of dogmatically adhering to them. It's time for some new and revamped formulas. Not the same old, same old logical fallacies. 0AD can and should be much more than just glorified nostalgia (I know it already is, but we can do better, even with minor changes here and there). Triggers me every time... Farms belong on the outskirts while markets belong in the center! How does this not upset you? lol...
    2 points
  4. I like the direction of this discussion Or discarded completely? It would be nice if factions are diversified by historical merit, instead of this arbitrary stuff like Iberian starting walls or free houses for Ptolemies, which is very unhistorical, weird and feels like a cheap attempt at "diversifying". Ptolemies could have all sorts of bonuses ranging from higher pop-cap, higher income from mines, higher agricultural output, higher income from trade, more specific mercenaries, etc, all historically based. But free houses that take longer to build? Nah.. Cheap houses that take less time to build, maybe... Same for Iberians... just give them cheaper walls if you must, but I don't even really see the logic in that. Iberians could have higher income from loot, and coral benefits, on account of the cattle rustling and raiding (hoping that cattle becomes a thing in the near future). Anyway, yes to moving mines further It has bugged me for years as it also messes with your town planning (who would allow mining in the town center anyway?). It's so claustrophobic.. Turtling should be viable, but it can also be simultaneously nerfed by placing resources further away, and preventing farming in the immediate vicinity of the CC. This would allow you to effectively wall a built up area, but if you're being sieged, you'd eventually "starve" because you don't have access to resources. Right now you can farm while under attack as if nothing's going on and the starting resources usually last long enough to have a mini-trade route set up within you're walled area. Which is silly. Stronger, more expensive walls seems to be the way to go. They become more useful (with gates being the weak spots), but become less viable to spamming because of increased cost. Another thing I've been meaning to bring up in regard to trade and how the current mechanics could be improved: Currently markets generate the highest revenue if you place them furthest appart. Ok, seems reasonable, right? Not really... It results in people placing markets on the edge of their territory, away from their settlement. So now we have a situation, were people are farming in the town center, and building markets in the middle of nowhere. It should be the other way around. How? Simple: 1) A hard exclusion zone around the CC, which forces farms towards the outskirts of your territory 2) Profitability of markets is determined by 2 factors: relative distance to each other (like now) AND, how many houses are within it's radius. 1 - 10 houses represent respectively 10 - 100% market profitability. So the amount of resources a trader caries is determined by the market they're coming from (how many people "live there" and how far away is it) Bonus side-effect: people actually build up relatively concentrated satellite settlements (for increased income) with natural looking farmlands on their outskirt, as opposed to the classically awkward low density RTS-sprawl all over the map.
    2 points
  5. For random maps. It could also be developed to a gamesetup option (no starting mines, small starting mines, regular starting mines, extra mines) (for random maps).
    2 points
  6. Change your combination of mods (eg back to vanilla 0AD) then enable back hyrule, or disable persist map setting in option, I think this problem happens when we try to set random map scripts (which i don't think are playable)
    2 points
  7. The official site of Government of that state(mexico are made by states like USA) . They have Wet jungle: Tapirs. the others are very tiny animals. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tapir In the Dry jungle they have: Armadillo Raccoon https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quiscalus_mexicanus Urraca (but not Eurasian) in my country is very common bird called Zanate. --- I'm not sure if you want include Aspid kind. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bothrops_asper https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chachalaca Lynx https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oncilla Tigrillo (Little tigre) Oncilla in English. Obviously the Jaguar.(two variants)
    2 points
  8. What do you think of this idea as a new game mode. A game mode called Diplomacy where there is no chat box but to communicate with other players you have to build diplomats and couriers to send messages to other players. It would function like sending each other notes. I think this would be a really cool addition the game. You would start the game neutral to all other players and teams would be unlocked of course. also make sure that it can be mixed with other modes like Nomad Regicide wonder and relic victories as well.
    2 points
  9. Some training with blender in laptop: Byza Stable WIP:
    1 point
  10. There can be a no-build zone right on the edge of the map, just wide enough to let units and siege pass. Then building a wall (or a wall of houses) won't be able to hug the edge. You'd have to build all the way around. Secondly, houses should be really weak, so house-walling isn't effective, and raiding can more effectively include destroying enemy houses to suppress their pop-cap. Thirdly, building a marketplace close to farmlands and a bunch of houses is still far more logical than building markets in the middle of nowhere...
    1 point
  11. You're reading my tickets, admit #5147
    1 point
  12. Will end up in players building fields at the edge of the map and building house walls around them to protect women during raids. And because the fields will have most of the houses around them players will also make their market there, meaning that the market ends up in the middle of farmlands which are far away from the CC and have only one entrance as far away from the enemy as possible. I think the best way to do it is to still let players build their fields around the CC, but have farmlands (like in Delenda Est) that increase farming rate by 2-4x (depends how much you don't want players farming around the CC) scattered around the edge of their territory. Would be a nice compromise for now. Also what about corrals? I'm sure having a huge slaughtering grounds in the middle of a city isn't more realistic than farming in the middle of it.
    1 point
  13. Because the same corpse is not supposed to be in two places simultaneously. -> max relics = max relic templates A logged error most likely occured at that moment then. Not so fast. What matters if the first error, which may not be on the screenshot. Not unlikely a template error.
    1 point
  14. In theory yes. But in practice we don't have any proof... There are some burials with Celtic and Roman weapons mixed but they are from the post-Gallic Wars period and probably represent auxiliaries. The Coolus-Mannheim origin is unknown and specialist like Michel Feugère thinks it is a helmet from Roman tradition. We don't know if this helmet is used by both Celtic and Roman warriors as an usual helmet. The Coolus-Mannheim could really be an evolution of the previous Montefortino. My point of view is that I disagree with Feugère's position. Firstly because he is a "Roman Supremacist" and can be excessive on his positions. For example he said that the helmets type Port aren't from a Gallic tradition but from a Gallo-Roman tradition, criticizing the idea that Gallic helmets were the sources of inspiration for the imperial helmets. Gladly, new findings in Gergovia prove him wrong by showing the existence of the type Port during the Gallic Wars in native burials. In my opinion, the Coolus-Mannheim comes from Gallia Narbonensis and is a helmet used by the early Gallo-Roman auxiliaries. The basic design is clearly similar with the Late montefortino helmet and with its successor the Buggenum, both without paragnathids, but the absence of the top tip is probably from a local tradition (there is a celtic relief depicting a similar helmet but with paragnathids). Julius Caesar is the proconsul of Gallia Narbonensis and he got a lot of issues with Rome during his campaign. It should have been much easier for him to produce these helmets to supply his legionaries and his auxiliaries.
    1 point
  15. As @(-_-) said shared code (thanks to @elexis) for most maps. Only few use their own starting resource distributions.
    1 point
  16. Yucatan Peninsula biomes . Uxmal Palenque Flora https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangrove http://www.backyardnature.net/yucatan/vegetatn.htm Most important tree is ceiba, is very prominent and sacred for Mayans Is important because you can found on all north of central America. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiba https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceiba_pentandra Guanacaste or Ear of Elephant Tree. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enterolobium_cyclocarpum No less important. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manilkara_zapota Chaya. or Tree Spinach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnidoscolus_aconitifolius Benuco de Agua You can drink water from this one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vitis_tiliifolia Fauna http://cuentame.inegi.org.mx/monografias/informacion/yuc/territorio/recursos_naturales.aspx?tema=me&e=31 Source is government of Mexico page. not extended info. basic. Ocellated Turkey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocellated_turkey Guara, Guacamaya Roja. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scarlet_macaw American Flamingo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_flamingo Coati https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasua https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-nosed_coati This guy is very big, its called Zariguella o Guazalo https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opossum https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Didelphimorphia Spider monkey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spider_monkey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howler_monkey https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_dolphin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whale_shark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nurse_shark https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawksbill_sea_turtle
    1 point
  17. thats a stenocerus with lots of branches lol
    1 point
  18. Yes that is what I mean my new game mode a setting in the match setup screen like Nomad, Regicide, and the wonder and capture the relic options Yeah getting rid of shared vision tech would be an awesome idea i really like that!
    1 point
  19. This fits better for Oaxaca. Oaxaca is less Jungle-kind.
    1 point
  20. The Macaw of Central America is this. I tell before pacific have more arid kind of land. Don't forget this deer is in the all regions of American continent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-tailed_ This most important for Mayans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resplendent_quetzal
    1 point
  21. Formation first has to turn towards point is going to move. Link: turnsBeforeMove
    1 point
  22. This free online/proprietary system promises wonders and is based in glicko just like trueskill
    1 point
  23. Soldiers are Gatherers I won't be getting much into the heart of the anti-Citizen Soldier arguments because I already got traumatized by that. You might be working the assumption that you're losing resources because you're using ALL of your soldiers to fight, instead of leaving some to gather resources. Harassers actually hold the initiative because he forces his opponent's units to abandon their work and thereby lose resource-gathering time while he has some leftover gatherers buying that time at home. If playing against the AI, I can see why towers are effective. But from what I understand, building Towers early on sacrifices an amount of resources and is generally not advisable... especially because they are only static defenses. They're easily taken down by the aggressive players. Only the Mineral placement is what I can agree to... so do the devs. They're just placing them in there for now.
    1 point
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