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5 points
The Council is both happy and proud to announce a special new release!!! What is it? Millennium A.D. is a total conversion mod for 0 A.D. focusing on the Middle Ages. It is divided into two parts, this first one is focusing on the first half of the Middle Ages; the timeframe of Charlemagne and the Viking Age. The name of this release is Xýlo. This is a byzantine word for wood, in recognition of vanilla 0AD’s founder (Play0ad.com ). That is respectful for the new release. What is new? Thanks to Alexandermb talented modder is responsible for the majority of the new models, Wackyserious our versatile texture artist, Stanislas69 our artist and Lion.Kanzen icon and texture artist, we are happy to introduce you to two new civilizations Byzantines and Carolingians as well as Anglo-Saxons and Norse faction are updated this release. Byzantines The mighty civilization which has its roots in Eastern Roman Empire dawns this release. This release Byzantines got a new market, variation of houses, corral, blacksmith, civ centre and many other buildings. Also, Byzantines use new units and ships including fire ships. Carolingians The time of Charlemagne has come and you will witness the might of his Franks. Last release Carolingians were hidden and worked on by Stanislas69 and this release thanks to fully redone building set and remodeled units are available. You can look forward to Cathedral of Aachen and Carolingian church or docks. From units, we can mention the Catholic priest. Anglo-Saxons This release Anglo-Saxons got Bixworth church(wonder) enabled and Offa of Mercia as their hero that together with his axeman will break through the lines of defense. The Norse Prepare for the new naval battles with the Norse. Since last release the Norse got new longboats and ships are fully animated. Many smaller changes were made in this release too, but it would be too elaborate to list them all. Who are we? The Council of Modders was formed up of two small modding teams and a few newcomers: Aristeia (about the bronze age), Millennium A.D. (about medieval times), Rise of the East (East civilizations, Current Terra Magna) and Ponies Ascendant (Pony factions) CoM aims to create an umbrella for all wannabee modders and help everyone needed and of course create their own projects. How to: Unzip the download but leave the inner archive intact. Place the unzipped folder into /binaries/data/mods. You'll see another folder there called 'public'. Launch the game and enable the mod in Options>Mod Selection. Press 'Start Mods'. Enjoy the mod! Download: ModIO installation: Main menu -> Configuration -> Mods -> Download -> doubleclick Pyromod installation: Download pyromod file, open with pyrogenesis.exe Zip installation: Download the zip file from here, drag and drop on pyrogenesis.exe In the last few years, some members retired leaving us shorthanded. We are currently especially in the need of artists. So if you're a talented artist with a passion for history and you would like to help us out, please contact us using a PM or (preferably) in this thread: Wildfiregames...showtopic=18412 Thanks in advance! Our thanks go to everyone that helped us to achieve this mod through contributing, playtesting or in another way! If you have tips / suggestions, feel free to let us know. Also if you find bugs, let them know too. Support 0 A.D. if you like us: Play0ad.com The main menu background is made by Alexlinde from Deviantart. You can find him here: Alexlinde.deviantart.com The soundtracks are created by Antti Martikainen. You can find more of his work here: Anttimartikainen.bandcamp.com and Youtube.com2 points
Hello everyone! I was just wondering, why elephants were used as a replacement for seige machines in 0ad? Historically they were used to scare away enemy troops, break formation, trample and kill enemy soldiers quickly at the start of the battle etc.., Elephants are, more like Iberian fire ship, vulnerable unless used in the very beginning. Or they were made to damage buildings because of lack of replacement for seige? I'd suggest the following, (1) Aura - War elephants scare away enemy military, especially cavalry. All enemy cavalry has -20% attack and enemy infantry has -5% attack within X meters. (2) Elephant madness - War elephants, once it comes under attack, should be used within Y seconds. Else, elephant becomes mad and tramples nearby troops (even friendly troops) (3) Elephant Charge - War elephants can charge towards enemy troops.to kill them within a particular radius, then die. Charging speed should be at least 15 or so. If the enemy formation is tightly packed, then the elephant will kill more and if not, elephant will kill fewer troops. Civilizations like Mayurya, Carthage needs some seige machines like catapult or rams. I don't know specifically about those two civilizations, but other Indian civilizations had used catapults and bolts (bolts were sometimes placed above elephants too), so it won't be historically inaccurate to give bolts and catapults to those civs.2 points
I have no other personal mods, I'm afraid. I'm glad you like PA! My efforts on 0 AD nowadays are focused on the main project, with the occasional helping hand in Terra Magna.2 points
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2 points
Hello, After playing as the Roman Republic and then the Greek cultures, the Successors, and Persians I felt there was a lack in troop variety for the Romans. To start I think the Roman Republic should have a slinger unit. Use of slings was fairly common across the Mediterranean including Italy. Right now I feel they are lacking a good longer ranged defensive missile unit and the Velite really doesn't cut it for me in static defensive situations. Javelin armed skirmishers are meant to be more aggressive and annoying to tempt enemies to break formation and pursue them to their peril. Also, I think it would be neat if the Roman Republic had an alae system. Perhaps this can be reflected with an alae barracks or camp that allows them to select one of an allies elite units to train at a greater cost. The ability to train these elite units should go away if the alliance is broken or gained when an alliance is made. Or maybe just expand the types of non-Roman Italic troops they can train. Maybe Lucanian hoplites, Campanian cavalry, Etruscan axe men to list a few. Anyways, I love the game so far and look forward to its continued growth. Silly Cat1 point
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The spartan screenie was only built for the screenshot, but i have the Skalitz map skalitz.zip uuuh but it uses the new decals so I'm not sure it's going to look as nice. also probably going to throw lotsa errors1 point
Entities on random maps are most commonly placed as a SimpleGroup consisting of a specified minCount, maxCount, minAngle, maxAngle. So the result is random angles, but we need specific angles. The fences and walls seen on your screenshot are always parallel to the tangent of the encompassing area, so it needs an algorithm computing exactly that. (The dock placement ingame and on the Hellas random map computes the tangent angle by computing the angle to the geometric average of the encompassed area. That in turn is really slow resulting in 10s of seconds of loading screen time. It's faster to determine angles and then place with more hardcoded offsets.). (Besides angles, locations also need to be perfect, just being off by 0.5 leaves very ugly artifacts.) Visual actors, especially the eyecandy/ ones are often combined into a new visual actor that can be placed as a sole actor entity. For example the fields players can build, or check "campaign_city_test" in the atlas editor. But there everything is fixed, so it always looks the same / repetitive, which is the same downside to atlas maps. One could create multiple visual actors that are compositions of fields, paths and fences and then just place these composites. It's a tradeoff between the disadvantage of repetition and the disadvantage of placement coding. But your palisades are also much nicer than the one on the oppidum map, because they aren't perfectly circular and there are some random offsets between the palisade and the bordering path. Another aspect is that you have two levels of elevation, while I had to work with a plane because there was supposed to be water. Basically everything is a bag of possible but timeconsuming TODOs.1 point
uuuuuuuuuuuuh can i elaborate instead of the random map algorithm placing individual actors and entities, assign the actors and entities to a separate variable by some strange programmy magic the so algorithm can place clusters instead of individual things and not have to think so hard about it? so the actors in relation to eachother in the above screenshot can be assigned as a 'spartan village' and the algorithm can place these 'spartan villages' instead of each actor in the village1 point
Player built cities won't look like that as long as they can't place trees, fences and paths, have only square fields and rarely rotate buildings beautifully (there'd have to be some auto align or prebuilt paths to be aligned with). It is also tough for procedural maps since these paths are smaller than one tile and algorithms have a really hard time to not waste space between entities. (Just look at how crappy in comparison that oppidum map looks that also wanted to have paths and fences near things) But that composition looks exactly how maps with prebuilt settlements should be.1 point
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Good players get eliminated too and pushed down Basically loser's bracket gives you 2 chances Go as far as you can on the winners', then try some more in the loser bracket But if you wish to squander your chances then sure1 point
Since this game is about killing people born in the neighbour country ; the name is obvious : 0AD Xenophobic1 point
And because I'm already involved in this conversation, another minor detail: nowadays we fence in animals and allow fields to be accessed freely. Historically it was the other way around: animals would roam freely when grazing (under the loose supervision of herdsmen or boys) and farm fields had fences (to keep the animals out).1 point
Fixed a bit the image ratio though a reupload might have been better.1 point
If someone feel inspired the games could be replayed on Twitch with live comments1 point
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In spanish "X" has two sounds, one is the same as english (eks, as in exactly) and other derived from ancient french which is seemed as the [ch] sound on german or [c]h on gaelic scotish, as it could be find on México or Texas (méjico, tejas) for example Xerxes is written in spanish as Jerjes , and Xenophon as Jenofonte. There is a few names with X and, as it happens in english, the many are derived from greek1 point
Hi @LordGood, OMG.... I've just played this mod briefly, and it's fricken amazing... BRILLIANT WORK my friend !!! 0AD in itself, a brilliant game... But I love the graphical mod, nice touches throughout and very very funny... Do you have any other projects in the pipe line, such as maybe a Star Wars themed one?? That would be cool... Cheers, Lister1 point
@24 Beats, thank you for making a sample for 0 A.D.! As a rule, our soundtrack uses absolutely no electronic sounds. We strive to use authentic, organic sounding instruments, so the style of this track doesn't really fit into the soundtrack. If you can adapt it to fit with the rest of the soundtrack, that'd be great. Please take a listen on our official bandcamp, and be in touch with me if you have any questions. Also, please read the Music Contribution Guidelines post! Thanks again, Omri1 point
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