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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2018-01-11 in all areas

  1. The Total War team made the announcement on Twitter, revealing that the historical strategy game will launch in Fall 2018, and will be the first game in the series to explore ancient China. Accompanying the announcement is the game's first trailer. The game will be set in 190CE, and will focus on the heroes of the period as they fight to unite China under a single banner. The game will be developed by Creative Assembly, and published by Sega. While other potential platforms have not been announced, the game will be released on Steam and is available to be added to wishlists now. In the game, the child-emperor is being manipulated by a tyrant, Dong Zhuo, who exerts an oppressive rule over China. Three heroes will swear allegiance to one another and rise up with the support of warlords from great families, banding together to challenge him. If some of that sounds familiar, perhaps you've played a Dynasty Warriors game before - this period makes up a part of that series' narrative.
    2 points
  2. Hey guys, These sound really nice to me, maybe a little too much reverb though - might sound weird since it's out in the open, and there aren't too many close surfaces to create so much echo. That said, I'm not the person in charge of sound design in the game, I just deal with the music... I'm sure @WhiteTreePaladin would know who to talk to.
    2 points
  3. I think using a class-based system works better than before, which was template-based IIRC. Thanks for troubleshooting.
    2 points
  4. What happened? Just curious. I never had issues myself, besides seeing massive amounts of spam on the forum in the past week.
    2 points
  5. No. That document is the ideal, unattained yet.
    2 points
  6. Yay the Gerudo guide is ready: Download the PDF here: https://orig00.deviantart.net/7539/f/2018/010/3/f/hyrule_conquest_guide___gerudo_by_undyingnephalim-dbzlvdb.pdf
    2 points
  7. Hello, I am a translator for Bulgarian. (100% translation, always kept at that) This issue is not really related to the game itself but more with its integration with Transifex. There seems to be some problem with the translation file "Tutorials". I have enabled "watching" the project on Transifex, so that I receive e-mail notifications whenever there is some change in the translation files and they need to be taken care of (as I have done for many projects). This helps me know when I have to look at the project and bring it to 100% Bulgarian translation again after every change. However, there seems to be some problem with this particular file, and the problem is that I get a notification about changes in it EVERY SINGLE DAY, sometimes even more than once in a day. When I open the file in Transifex, though, the file is always fully translated to Bulgarian. And no, there are no other active translators that could be somehow faster than me. And I don't believe the file actually changes several times in a day. So this is some kind of false alarm that happens too often. This doesn't happen for other files in the project, that is, whenever there is an e-mail notification for changes in another file, there really ARE changes in that file. But not in "Tutorials". This has led me to ignore the e-mails for "Tutorials", which is a problem, as sometimes, very rarely, there really ARE changes in that file, and then because I ignore the e-mails, I lag behind the changes. I participate in many projects on Transifex and I've seen the same problem in only one another project. I have also tried "unwatching" and then "watching" again 0AD. So I believe this has to be a problem with the integration of 0AD with Transifex. Maybe some metadata in the file "Tutorials" changes or something else, that makes Transifex think there is a real change, or maybe there is something else. If it is easy and you have time, please fix it as it is very annoying. Lyubo
    1 point
  8. It would depend on whether the support libraries(dll's on Windows) have the needed functions for Host Migration if not then the needed functions have to bundled in a way that would be of use on all our platforms. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  9. We still have our "Report post" link though clicking it during the slow down was a bit painful as to the cause of the slow down it's self my guess is that the data base that manages the whole forum needed a new index generated. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  10. You have the class SeigeWorkshop in the template. https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/delenda_est/blob/master/simulation/templates/template_structure_military_workshop.xml.The AI in the SVN now looks for Workshop: headquarters.js if (this.canBuild(gameState, "structures/{civ}_workshop") && !gameState.getOwnEntitiesByClass("Workshop", true).hasEntities()) { queues.militaryBuilding.addPlan(new m.ConstructionPlan(gameState, "structures/{civ}_workshop", { "militaryBase": true })); return; } It's not finding any workshops, so it's building more. Classes mean everything and it's frustratingly annoying. It can also make it ignore certain buildings. Example: If you add Workshop to a house, the actual workshop won't be built as it thinks that it has already built one.
    1 point
  11. Dodging and Critical Hits no. I am under the impression Stealth in some form is in the engine, though I've not gone out of my way to find out how it works yet.
    1 point
  12. Give less armor ; few minutes ago I was boring to destroy each SW.
    1 point
  13. This will be great, if they bring back some of the mechanics from MTW2 and RTW1.
    1 point
  14. Also the ground at the CC usually has some stone or road texture.
    1 point
  15. Of course the game would be imbalanced when a player leaves, but that's a different topic.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. The speed issues, as well as the unread content not loading issue, should all be resolved now. :-)
    1 point
  18. I don't think you need to worry about (de)serialization at all. I think that is used to save deltas to replay. Have a look inside "gamestate" in CustomInit = function(gameState) from simulation/ai/petra/_petrabot.js. That's scary to me.
    1 point
  19. The link in question points to a post containing an image that can also be found here on the @play0ad twitter feed, and here on Facebook. These two posts on LordGood's twitter feed are also relevant and may be of interest. And to answer your question: yes - at least in Atlas. They might not be made part of a civ's build order in-game (discussion is ongoing as to that), but they should be available for map creators to place in Atlas.
    1 point
  20. You have to alt+select them
    1 point
  21. here is the file. is skirmish map. Battle of the Dirt.rar I dont remember how installing in normal version of the game. in Windows. C:\Users\#YOU#\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\skirmishes
    1 point
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