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I might have an idea about how to make a net, something like an spider web, and a 6 or 12 bones armature making an star so when the net is trowed the star is expanded.2 points
Most games i see use a fishnet have a scale modifier animation, that is not possible in ours, throwing a net will take some creative thinking if we want it to look right.2 points
Here is the trot walking animations (didn't make another variant as this is for testing purposes i'll wait for a new name schema if its decided to make a new variants). Horse_Trot_walk_animations.7z (Specially look for Alexander cavalry actor, it look goods on him)2 points
2 points
Sounds good in theory, I was thinking something similar myself. Sounds like a time-consuming rig though. Nothing you can't handle I'm sure1 point
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the driver ready update and no work, I fix the problem is change default monitor, I use une laptop with external monitor, I resolved the problem tranks1 point
I don't know, maybe the same as horses, to do things like this (TW : ROME II)1 point
He apparently did, his card is a 8400M which supports Complete DirectX support, including Microsoft DirectX 10 Shader Model 4.0 Full OpenGL® support, including OpenGL 2.1 So maybe the drivers are outdated @delvin https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/500071 point
Most likely your graphics card (and possibly the rest of your computer) is too old to run the game. To help with making sure this is the case please go to the 0 A.D. alpha entry in the Start menu, then click on Open logs folder. In the folder that is opened please find systeminfo.txt file, and attach it to a reply in this topic.1 point
I believe that, if there already isn't one, a Discord server should be created to allow easier, quick discussion. It also provides easily accessed voice channels either for casual discussion or for easier communication while in a match. In my opinion, it would be a nice asset to have.1 point
here is the topic on the top of the topic u see a complete list of discord servers1 point
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1 point
I don't think this works right. The horse mesh was already committed as horse.dae, not the work in progress name horse01.dae. Same for any possible animation renames. EDIT: I fixed it locally and wow, the trot looks awesome. Great job.1 point
> pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgramARB::Uniform(CShaderProgram::Binding id, unsigned int count, const CMatrix3D * v) Ligne 234 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CShaderProgram::Uniform(CStrIntern id, unsigned int count, const CMatrix3D * v) Ligne 765 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!InstancingModelRenderer::RenderModel(const std::shared_ptr<CShaderProgram> & shader, int __formal, CModel * model, CModelRData * __formal) Ligne 370 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!ShaderModelRenderer::Render(const std::shared_ptr<RenderModifier> & modifier, const CShaderDefines & context, int cullGroup, int flags) Ligne 765 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRendererInternals::CallModelRenderers(const CShaderDefines & context, int cullGroup, int flags) Ligne 379 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderShadowMap(const CShaderDefines & context) Ligne 921 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderSubmissions(const CBoundingBoxAligned & waterScissor) Ligne 1515 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CRenderer::RenderScene(Scene & scene) Ligne 1899 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CGameView::Render() Ligne 489 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!Render() Ligne 221 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!CGame::ReallyStartGame() Ligne 322 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!ProgressiveLoad() Ligne 239 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!Frame() Ligne 328 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!RunGameOrAtlas(int argc, const char * * argv) Ligne 590 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!SDL_main(int argc, char * * argv) Ligne 632 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!main_utf8(int argc, char * * argv) Ligne 126 C Les symboles ont été chargés. pyrogenesis.exe!wmain(int argc, unsigned short * * wargv, unsigned short * wenvp) Ligne 151 C Les symboles ont été chargés. [Code externe] Frame annoté pyrogenesis.exe!CallStartupWithinTryBlock() Ligne 364 C++ Les symboles ont été chargés. [Code externe] Frame annoté [Les frames ci-dessous sont peut-être incorrects et/ou manquants, aucun symbole chargé pour kernel32.dll] Frame annoté virtual void Uniform(Binding id, size_t count, const CMatrix3D* v) { ENSURE(count == 1); Uniform(id, v[0]); }1 point
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1 point
Isn't task, we are here in mod forum. is if time permits or if some wants to contribute. We need examine many hypothetical scenarios. that is similar when the main team said we can't have new buildings or we can't have more factions, like Chinese. You see @The Undying Nephalim or th guys from The mod of Colonial theme, they create their own stuff. we need stay the open to possibilities.1 point
I'll work on them after the camel units or maybe even before as this is less work than camels. Edit: references on how they fished could also be usefull for better historical accuracy.1 point
Roman, Seleucid are missing... not all. icon archery range is the only missing. cavalry exist with Persians and Siege workshop for Macedonian. @LordGood at last I didn't notice of them. last time I was playing vanilla and Delenda Est , some are missing.1 point
I agree with that since the value is too hard to handle and has high snowball effect, perhaps something more linear would suit good aswell. Totally agree with this, not taking into account civilizations with military colonies counting as civic center which would have bigger advantage. thats really true, you'd need all wood technologies and there are better ways to invest wood into like armor techonologies ( at this point number differences would be less relevant ). Also, as said, a big territory is not easy to defend since a smart opponent could simply stick around and capture your barracks.1 point
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