I briefly played it in my launch break... The game looks nice, there is a lot of original and nice content that should be especially welcomed by who already know the Zelda theme (I don't). I like some of the building animations, projectile effects, and the ability to see garrisoned soldiers inside most structures. I also like the rupee mine and the animals you found around. Also the music and sound effects are pleasing.
The hero you can build from the start is maybe too over powered, it is quite easy to win sending him against the enemy (can easily kill all their females and also many soldiers).
You may want to fix the errors that appear, not only because they are a bit annoying, but also to have a clean development environment and avoiding eventually propagating them. You may also want to replace metal mouse icon with the rupee one.
I just played it a few minutes, but it is really promising, good work!
EDIT: your youtube videos have bad quality, you should possibly consider grabbing them with a higher bitrate, so to be able to show all the nice details in the game.