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  1. It's ready: Download it here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/hyrule-conquest/downloads/hyrule-conquest-first-demo
    5 points
  2. It's done like that in Planetary Annihilation. It's easy to do with an implementation from scratch. I will have a quick look if it's easily doable with the current implementation (I guess it is).
    4 points
  3. I think it's possible, at least it shouldn't be hard. Because we just need to change the projection matrix. There are few corner cases with culling, but I hope they're easy to solve. I'll try to do some stuff.
    3 points
  4. Any chance to get the pure mod zip file (you did build one, didn't you)? Since it seems so far nobody bothered to publish any extractor source for clickteam installers (and the few things I can find indicate that they change the format a lot between versions), and I guess asking for a usable file is easier than reversing some win32 code.
    3 points
  5. @elexis I suggest you revert this: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/changeset/19904 And commit this instead: +++ binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\templates\template_unit_infantry_melee.xml line 22 - formations/phalanx Then just make sure all the hoplite unit templates have formations/phalanx. Fixes the original problem and gives back the hoplites their phalanx animation.
    2 points
  6. Only corral foundation is missing, i finished the rest today. Temple done (Still missing the faction priests inside)
    2 points
  7. Here's a zipped version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xao2mq5mx4ih1l4/HyruleConquest.zip?dl=0
    2 points
  8. Practicing my 30 minute paints have a palace guard with a tiny labrys
    2 points
  9. Currently, all mods are showed in the same multiplayer room, right? Don't know if there should be different rooms, or it could be a label like the numbers of players or the rating, showing the mod. This should be relevant, now that Hyrule have been released, and have 950 download only the first 15 hours.
    1 point
  10. Too late to discover this thread. My name is servo, I was born in the Philippines but currently residing in NY. This is one of my steam names in RoN. My nick comes from the specialized field I loved so much “hydraulics” (hydrostatic). I first came across servomechanism in college when I was studying EE which is about feedback and control system. But this nick is about the fastest and most precise valve ever invented and used in the fields of hydraulics. I was into hydraulics (work/study) for 15 years until pc gaming mess it up. Probably I’m the oldest player here in 0AD but used to play RoN with retirees so I think I’m not the oldest pc gamer.
    1 point
  11. The following should work for any mod:
    1 point
  12. I briefly played it in my launch break... The game looks nice, there is a lot of original and nice content that should be especially welcomed by who already know the Zelda theme (I don't). I like some of the building animations, projectile effects, and the ability to see garrisoned soldiers inside most structures. I also like the rupee mine and the animals you found around. Also the music and sound effects are pleasing. The hero you can build from the start is maybe too over powered, it is quite easy to win sending him against the enemy (can easily kill all their females and also many soldiers). You may want to fix the errors that appear, not only because they are a bit annoying, but also to have a clean development environment and avoiding eventually propagating them. You may also want to replace metal mouse icon with the rupee one. I just played it a few minutes, but it is really promising, good work! EDIT: your youtube videos have bad quality, you should possibly consider grabbing them with a higher bitrate, so to be able to show all the nice details in the game.
    1 point
  13. Would be nice to add that feature in for the regicide mode.
    1 point
  14. The game itself uses more resources than the menu, so the framerate drops. It's normal. You may want to try disabling some graphics features from the options menu, it may increase the in game frame rate.
    1 point
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