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  1. Just a reminder that on both Linux and OSX putting a "." as the first character of files and folders makes them hidden so to get to them you need the "show hidden files" function of your file browser active. Enjoy the Choice
    2 points
  2. I restarted to make map last week, and struggled to find it : /home/user/.local/share/0ad/mods/user/maps/scenarios/. By the way, two years have gone since I used the editor, and it was difficult to remember the shortcuts. It would really be helpful for beginners if we had a "Help" pop-up with paths and shortcuts
    2 points
  3. Hello, why are you still use SVN for the development and not git? Trac does support Git: https://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracGit
    1 point
  4. I think seasons would work better in a freeform campaign mode. The seasons would change based on the number of turns on the campaign map and the skirmishes would reflect the current season when loaded, but the season would not change within a skirmish battle.
    1 point
  5. @balduin Thanks, understood, and done I have read several cursory mentions of horse archers in ancient Kush, but nothing detailed. It's logical that a people with such a fondness of horses and archery would employ horse archers, and the use of mounted archery units by their enemies, the Assyrians seems to lend credence to this idea in a broader ancient context of early horse archers (don't forget that horses and their handlers were an important export from Kush to Assyria in the peaceful years). I have several ideas about how they may have looked, but it will take some time to visualize properly.
    1 point
  6. @Sundiata Great work. The illustrations look very nice. What's about horse archers? As far as I know you mentioned previously that the Kushites had horse archers. However, the only images I can find are about Assyrian horse archer. Like this one: Furthermore, if you publish your art please license them under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and mention the license for each illustration or picture. CC-BY-SA 3.0 is the license used by 0 A.D. for artistic assets. For example: Meroitic Cavalry Lancer, performing maneuvers on the Butana Steppe, not long after the annual rains, by Malcolm Kwadwo Kwarte Quartey (a.k.a Sundiata). Licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. The licensing is important to avoid legal issues. You as creator/artist can specify the license of your work.
    1 point
  7. Nothing. In the future the rated games will hopefully be hosted by wildfire games and then we'll have more control about how won/lost. (And maybe limit the pause time per player)
    1 point
  8. Hi, yesterday I upgraded my Ubuntu distro from 16.04 to 17.04 and now the SVN client won't update nor run. I get this error whenever i try to run svn client: error while loading shared libraries: libboost_filesystem.so.1.58.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I even checked on my installed packages and it results that i have the liboost-all-dev.1.62.0 installed. Should I really disinstall it and get the older one? I don't want to make a mess.
    1 point
  9. Cleaning the workspace then updating SVN worked fine. Thanks for the help
    1 point
  10. No that won't be enough because the update to 17.04 seems to remove the libboost-filesystem-dev package (I had the same problem yesterday when switching to 17.04 and had to reinstall it with apt get). So check that you have libboost-dev and libboost-filesystem-dev packages installed and then proceed as Itms said.
    1 point
  11. The Kingdom of Kush: Unit: Meroitic Cavalry Lancer 0 A.D.-Dedicated art by Sundiata (Malcolm Kwadwo Kwarte Quartey, yes, that's my given name) This is the first of a series of illustrations I'm working on, depicting Kushite units from the late Napatan, through to the Meroitic period. There are only a small handful of historical illustrations by contemporary artists on this subject, so I decided to illustrate them as historically accurate as possible, specifically so that 3d artists can get to work on them. Another artist-friend is working hard doing the same. Horses were a loved and prized commodity in ancient Kush, attested by the ritual burial of horses in some royal graves. Horses have an ancient presence in Kush, and were primarily used to draw 2-span chariots in the earlier periods. By the time of Meroe's rise to importance, mounted cavalry became important, and remained important until the late 19th century. There are ample examples of graffiti of mounted warriors (regrettably with little detail), which, together with our accumulated knowledge on dress, attire and weapons, allow us to reconstruct several variations of Meroitic cavalry. Cavalry lancers were the most important (basic) type of mounted unit in Kush, recruited from the upper (-middle) classes, or as a dedicated retinue assembled by an important royal, noble or chief. It is also the earliest cavalry unit available to Kush. Equipped with an animal hide round shield (ox- elephant- or rhino-leather) and a bronze tipped spear (upgradable to iron). Apart from the modest layered cotton strips around his torso, which provide some basic protection, this unit barely used armor. This, combined with strong, fast, quality horses, creates a lightening fast unit, with a strong attack, and mediocre defense. A perfect unit to supplement the relatively poor Nubian Spearman and Bowmen you get at the beginning of the game. As the unit gains experience, quilted cotton armor and a skull cap become available. This will be a comparatively strong basic cavalry unit, perfect for hit and run tactics. Meroitic Cavalry Lancer, performing maneuvers on the Butana Steppe, not long after the annual rains, by Malcolm Kwadwo Kwarte Quartey (a.k.a Sundiata) [Licenced under CC BY-SA 3.0]
    1 point
  12. Hello, you should clean your development environment up, as a lot of library packages have been updated (notably boost in your case). Just go to your SVN copy and run cd build/workspaces/gcc make clean cd ../ ./clean-workspaces.sh And then you can update your workspaces again, then build, it will use the correct libraries and produce a working version of the game for your machine
    1 point
  13. Upon request from Boudica, I will upload the game Tiber7 (Iberians) vs 9025201729 (Mauryans). Map = Rhineland marshlands, size = medium. Civs: Chosen by both players. Popcap = 200. metadata.jsonmetadata.json metadata.json commands.txt
    1 point
  14. Formations? I'll just go soft for now. Citizen Soldiers - Historical but Broken. The fact that you don't recognize them as "Villagers that can fight" should already tell you that it's broken. Please don't remove, just improve. Overall Gameplay Design? Moving away from AoE2 and closer to Battle Realms. I mean.... Resource Outpost > Civic Center Soft Capping - I happen to like this because "Don't ADD a resource, just REPLACE population" Peasants (Slaves) transforming into Military Non-upgrade Phase Transitions
    1 point
  15. We already have a ball court, no entity, just the actor
    1 point
  16. Hello to all. @fcxSanya, about "Another possible Slavic temple design"- place with idols on open air. I'm sure, that only it can be used for Slavs. Christianity appeared only near in 900 year under the influence of Byzantine friends of Russian ruler, especially, him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_the_Great And vice versa, for Muscovite Russian as temples can be used only Christian Churches, because it was the official religion of heads of the country (initially, Russia appeared as union of Slavic tribes under the head of overseas persons from Vikings-Rus tribe (as told in chronicle, but near half historians refute it)). About Slavs. We must understand, that what we're calling Slavs - were different tribes, which have separate namings, but had one general name - Slavs (because of same origin, language). There are not many mentions of Slavs in historical documents, so we need to look at them on history line (1 - Rybakov B.A.: Paganism of ancient Slavs; 2 - Rybakov B.A. - The Origin of Rus): V millenuim BC. There are Indo-Europian agricultural tribes. They started to settle in Europe in northern direction. Because of this settlements, culture of linear-band ceramics (линейно-ленточной керамики) appears. (1 - page 147) In the middle of IV millenium BC (while Indo-European language community is still present) from linear-band ceramics culture appears: in the middle of previous region - stroke-ornamented pottery culture (накольчатой керамики), лендельская culture (cannot translate); in the east of previous region - Trypillian (трипольская) culture (which is partially on the place of motherland of Praslavs). (1 - page 147) IV - first part of III millenium: to the west of Wisla - there are stroke-ornamented and лендельская agricultures, to the east of Wisla - Trypillian. This situation remained near 1000 years. Also here came some tribes from funnel beaker culture (TRB, known for its megalithic structures (in South England, Jutland). From this time linguists talk about Language Ancestors of Slavs. (1 - p. 148) Proto-Slavs. End of Neolithic age (end of III, beginning of II millenium BC). This age is known for creation of the culture of the globular amphorae. To the ancient agriculture added: animal farming, wheel transport (a team of oxen), riding on horses. Increasing amounts of herds of cattle contributed in appearing of merchants, warriors, unions and diplomatic relations between tribes. The approximate region of this culture - from Leipzig to Kiev, from Baltic sea to mountain barrier. Gornung reckons, that culture of the globular amphorae is time, when Proto-Germans, Proto-Slavs, Proto-Balts lived together. (1 - p. 150) Pra-Slavs. Bronze age (starting from the middle of II millenium BC). Remained near 2000 years, at that time was present single Pra-Slavic language. Linguists tell, that Tshinecky (тшинецкая) culture (XV - XIII centuries BC) satisfies all their requirements to be the bearers of Pra-Slavic language, it remained near 450 years. (1 - p. 154) Polish researches Nosik, Gendel also thought, that Tshinecky culture also was Pra-Slavic place from river of Dnepr to Oder. (1 - p. 218) Doings: agriculture, animal farming, fishing, hunting (in some places gathered salt). Tools: stone axes, knifes, sickle; bronze decorations, chisel. Buildings: eath-houses, little houses; unfortified settlements. Social order: generic. After Tshinecky culture was: opening the Iron, appearing of tillage farming, creating of military squads, significant increase of trade, communication with the Mediterranean peoples. East part of Pra-Slavs region was influenced with Scythians (VII - III century BC), west - with Lusatian culture (XII - IV century BC). (1 - p. 226) Greek historian Gerodot called Pra-Slavs, who lived near Dnepr - the Scythians-farmers. (after dying of Lusatian culture and fall of Scythian country, east and west Pra-Slavs became more uniform. (1 - p. 227)) In VI-V centuries BC there was systematic export of bread from middle of Dnepr into Greece through Black Sea port - Olbia. This matches Black-Forest culture. Slavs of middle Dnepr also traded with Scythians, was present cultural exchange with them. (2 - p. 44 / 609 - e-book). Near starting AD came Sarmatians, Slavs retreated to north forests. The decline in culture. (2 - p. 46 / 609) After a conquest of Dacia by Roman Empire (98-117 AD), they came to the borders of Slavs, that lived on the center of Dnepr (north forest-steppe) (north part of multi-ethnic Chernyakhov (черняховская) culture). (2 - p. 49 / 609) Cities of Rome bought bread from Slavs, which made them good welfare. (1 - p. 220) Again appeared export agriculture in larger size. Appeared potter's wheel, millstone, blast furnace. Opened ways to the Black Sea. End of V - beginning VI century AD. Large moving of Slavs to and below Danube to the south, won and settle large part of Byzantium Empire on/near Balkan Peninsula. (2 - p. 53 / 609) Creating Kiev (large trade place) on Field Slavs (поляне) lands. Now are known different Slavonic tribes: Field-Slavs (поляне), North-Slavs (северяне), Tree-Slavs (древляне), вятичи, радимичи, южные уличи, хорваты, кривичи and many many other. VIII - IX centuries AD. Slavic tribes are grouping into unions, unions are grouped with other unions. All of them were grouped by the power of Kiev prince. (2 - p. 70 / 609) Was spread trade with Byzantium, Caliphate (goods included gathered from people animal skins). So we can see, that on all periods, Slavs had: agriculture, ceramic culture. Military forces appeared when they were needed with protection purpose. Was populated merchanting. In general, some artificial reconstruction of Slavonic things you can see in film: "The Primordial Rus" (about near 6-th century): film on YouTube 8:49 - 9:48 (village buildings, hence); 21:02 - 22:42 (house of healer, some idols) 22:42 (clothes of woman) 27:31, 36:07 (shields) 37:33 - 38:50 (buildings, fighters) 47:25 - 48:20 (bulldings, many people (standard clothes)) As we can see, houses are made from wood, common clothes is white with red elements, shields are made from wood with metal elements. But in film were used very primitive houses. They have a lack of ritual decorations, to which every owner treated with respect - from it came peace and good luck in his family; this reveal them as modern buildings.
    1 point
  17. If there are separate Slaves and Citizens from the soldiers, then it's easy to have an econ cap without negatively affecting combat strategy. Age of Mythology already do this by capping citizens. Can be a hard cap or soft cap. Benefit of a hard cap is that it is very simple and easy to understand and be aware of. Benefit of a soft cap is that there's more flexibility and still benefits from expansion. Bad thing about a hard cap is that it feels artificial and arbitrary and ideally should be scaled by match pop cap setting (not difficult to do). Bad thing about soft cap is that it's variable and is just another thing that has to be managed by the player. There are pros and cons. Another way to soft cap the economy a bit is to make things more expensive as the game progresses. Ideally, this should be a quantity vs. quality decision by the player. As units are teched up, they can become more expensive, soaking up some of that excess economic output.
    1 point
  18. DarcReaver said that resources increases exponentially with more gatherers. This is one very good point. It's almost analogous to spamming unlimited numbers of one combat unit type a players prefer. If there's a sort of commerce cap there will be no over production of resources, it would be very nice. Same as combat/or any units(including women, priests, merchants, etc) if there is a cap on the number of any unit type it could avoid spamming too much that could IMO have better gameplay.
    1 point
  19. I see dead people, I'm mean problems. ------ the dude exaggerate with some things. But this not mean the game haven't problem , but his solutions are non flexible, too much radical.
    1 point
  20. Hello there! Okey, I understand. I´m starting in 3D desing, I have not idea xD, but I´m learning with video tutorials and all information there are in 0 AD forums. I think that I have learn too much using the programs (blender and gimp). I´m going slowly but I like it. So, I thank you all helps and opinions. The details are complicated for me, but I´ll try to get better desing. Soon, I will keep working soon on these models. Thank you for you help.
    1 point
  21. re: git GUI: for Mac and Windows there is a fairly non-programmer client available: https://desktop.github.com/
    1 point
  22. Good point about GitHub ... a friend recently moved a rather large project from Trac to GitLab (which is like a self hosted GitHub, probably even better) but his only reason was that pull requests were easier to manage than manual patches. Will leave the links here (but this sounds like a case of - the process is not broken, so don't fix it ;-) It seems like SVN/Trac has been used here for so long. https://about.gitlab.com/ https://github.com/moimael/trac-to-gitlab
    1 point
  23. https://github.com/0ad/0ad https://github.com/0ADMods Curious, was there ever a discussion about moving everything to Github @ any point? I tend to find Trac under large histories to be extremely slow while doing queries (even w/ small teams). Something that Github developed which might help w/ large blobs ... https://git-lfs.github.com/ I don't do enough game development to give opinion but just curious where previous discussions might have ended up.
    1 point
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